You get all kinds. Oppai loli's, idols, short skirts, tomboys, actual loli's, older women, nerdy girls, its staggering.
The Pokemon anime has some great waifu's
Other urls found in this thread:
People who still watch or play the games need to kill themselves
May >>>>>>>>> everything else
>the only redeemable quality of a particular anime is the waifus
People actually only pick things up for this reason, unironically? Embarrassing.
Go drink cyanide, buddy.
> Sup Forums not in it for the waifus
>using the word to mean anime girl
Fuck off
I feel like this thread was just made to shitpost.
I even remember seeing the same file name from the OP in other Pokegirl threads on /vp/.
Pokegirls are an important part of the show, they are usually more appealing than girls from other anime.
>no bonnie at the top
>no bonnie at all
Normalshit taste
This user knows. By Battle Frontier May became best girl. Serena is good, too.
Why are Pokemon girls so fappable?
Th Pokemon anime has cute lolis
do you even know what the top selling anime are?
woah blast from the past
Bonnie is not of waifu age yet, she is also too childish to be considered a waifu.
I have no idea where you came from but please go back.
>this fucking nigga
That guy's art is great
This shot almost looks like its from some idol shoujo anime rather than Pokemon.
That contest shit is trash but damn did it bring in some A+ girls
They should just make a spinoff show just about Pokemon girls doing cute things. .
Why do other girls look fappable in Phoebe's outfit?
They look fappable no matter what they wear or do.
This picture gives me a raging stiffy. Yes I'm from Clapistan
>KitaEri tomboy
The best
Has Sup Forums read the best Pokemon doujin yet?
Only the first Tripokalon has an S rank girl, after that no A+ rank girl participated.
Will do.
Serena, Bianca, and Shauna are great.
The rest are just ok though.
This is why literal translations are fucking shit
Good fucking god, this artist is a gift from above.
>misusing waifu
lurk for 2 years before posting
SS/HG>BW2>platinum>emerald>BW1>FR/LG>everything else
post your favoritte traineer
Too little glasses girls for my tastes.
I would watch this.
Anything notable happened with Serena and her journey to Ash's dick? Last time I heard anything was that she literally got into his pants and battled in his clothes.
>Bianca in E
I thought such disgusting taste was contained in Oreimo threads.
She's still chasing him and she still spills spaghetti every now and then. Her dressing up as Ash was the most recent highlight, though.
>You are 12 and are still playing pokemon? Hah! All the cool kids have already forsaken that
Go play your mature games for mature people
Any potential shit from scans or episode previews? I still remember the time the anime general went apeshit when the dating epsiode scans released.
Look like.
Gen IV is agreed among the most knowleable people to be the worst gen, and that includes HGSS because of how fucking horrible the music of those games are
The other general consensus is that gen V, and specifically BW2 are undoubtedly the best games in the series.
Believe, I've lost count of how many times I've had this discussion on /vp/ and how always we all reach the same conclusion
That board's opinion is irrelevant. Might as well be Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Due to terrible moderation and autism anyone worth a damn left years ago.
Not that I disagree that main gen IV are a disappointing.
I didn't say /vp/'s opinion was worth jack shit, just that I've had this discussion there countless times
Who is your favorite pokegirls porn ?
Hilda and Mei
Do you even know where we are?
Do you even know what Sup Forums is?
pic related is still the best one
What do you watch or play, friendo?
>Phoebe at the bottom
"She" looks like Brock so F rank seems right.
Why is Serena so indecent?
Good bait. Almost hooked me.
There was this bit less than a month ago.
At least someone's trying
Cute as fuck. How can anyone dislike this pairing?
Is it wrong to like Bonnie?
>using waifu to mean a girl you want to fap to
This is you.
That's called good taste. It's incurable but luckily not contagious.
Is Bonnie a loli or a toddler?
This tier list gave me cancer.
Loli, obviously.
Also saved.
No-glasses Bianca deserves to be in E. Megane Bianca is a double S for sure.
It's an old "instant replies" bait image that's been posted pretty much every single Pokemon thread the last few years and still gets tons of angry replies.
>that one Bonnie doujin
This is a 10 year old.
The only ones getting butthurt at that are SJW shorthairfags.
>Worst Girl Ever Misty not F Minus Infinity Tier.
Would Dawn and Serena give themselves to Ash at the same time?