Really makes you think
I wonder what the rape rate is in these countries
Get at our level eurofags
Wow those bars are misleading.
Hey, guess what country also has the most niggers, Lithuanian NIGGER.
I wonder how many are committed by niggers.
Well well well
>zooms out
Ah, much better
>mad yuropoor butthurt because USA #1 again
Most are niggers killing niggers
but the murder rate of the WHITE population in the USA is the same as canada
Get on our level americucks
Many are significantly lower than the U.S. as a whole, but of course that's more of a "cultural" problem, if you get my drift.
where's mexico
Drop in the bucket, we have ~330 million people. Stop placing so much value on human life, half the people you meet are worthless.
Are liberals pro-assisted suicide?
Asking for a friend.
I wonder if anybody has ever subtracted gang-related shootings from this number. I wonder what the rate would be then.
If one eliminates the murder rates for the seven US cities controlled by Democrats the US crime rates drops to 37th
like many things, white people do things better than niggers, like committing mass murder.
lefties are such pussies they cant handle 3.6 ppl in 100,000 dying. Sometimes ppl die, get over it nerds.
> Not per capita
Fucking great, near the bottom of the list. We need to up our game.
What does it look like for just murders?
Well well well
That's because we are better at everything.
>worse than us
What went wrong?
60.000 get killed in Brazil,really makes me think
Where is Russia on list..it's right up there with usa
The cold does things to people
Since I know you mean White American when you say American
Slide thread
if you remove the black population from those numbers, the number of murders drops tremendously
these statistics are due to niggerville "inner cities"
It's not so much the cold as it is the long winters. That'll fuck anyone up.
Only ultra high IQ city people who voted for Hillary don't rape.
Where is Switzerland?
>30 times less population than the usa
>strict gun laws (average joe can only buy a 6.35mm pistol or a shotgun)
hey ,ope'; can you add Brazil & break down the US numbers by race? kthx
>Portugal that high
Based homogeneous Japan
Its the indians you idiots. Indians rape the shit out of each other. It is just like in Greenland, those inuits have 2 pastimes; drinking and kid diddling.
Serbs are the second most armed people in the world, why dont you hear about mass killings here (not to mention the rediculous number of "illegaly" owned guns that the population took from the army (JNA) and never returned).
Finding out that your rape victim has a dick 2 times bigger than yours will make you become a saint
>gun murders per 100,000
What is the MURDER rate, regardless of implement?
>Picks only nation on earth with similar Gun Laws to US.
Guns cause Rape kiddo.
Crackers still kill 50 times more than UK you moron.
>gun murders
Now show non-gun murders.
Don't worry its just counting the ones reported to the police, the real values could be a lot higher, you can only hope to be beating usa in that statistic...
Can I get murder per 100.000?
Now remove niggers from those numbers and see what happens.
the rate of gun murder by whites in USA is on par with europe (2.8/100k)
america's stats are from hispanics and blacks
where is switzerland?
United states will benefit in the long run, its a form of eugenics.
homicide rate not gun murder
>countries with few guns have few gun murders
woah my dude
now count up the murders for each country and see if it's possible to still kill someone without a gun
No shit. Gun murders are irrelevant in countries where guns are more difficult to get, so the number being compared should be the overall murder rate. I mean, if people simply substitute guns for knives or trucks, then it makes no sense to compare guns to guns.
Second, guns don't kill people, niggers do. I think only about 1/4 of the murders in the US are committed by whites, so by comparing the number of murders committed by whites in the US to the ones committed by whites in Europe, you would get a more accurate representation of how guns affect murder rates.
because we have niggers killing niggers
It would be interesting to see a graph about the numbers of guns per 100k residents as well...
Now let's break that down into per capital races
everyday you hear some fool that shot his wife and himself. so thats like 2 kills each day at least. that and the sniper crocodiles
If you just get rid of blacks from the number, we're actually the safest country on earth. Even with all the spics it is still safer.
>White guy mass murders a group of white people
> still blames blacks
This is why I don't feel sorry for you people when shit happens to you.
>Still using Swedens ""rape"" statistics
Ask Assange about it, you ignorant pol fag.
Blacks kills between 20-25 people per day, depending on the year, so it'll take roughly three average days for blacks to murder as many people as this guy did.
Mass shootings are a statistical anomaly. Daily nigger/spic gang shootings are what lead to these numbers.
Everyone loves a high kill count though and that's what gets the attention. Chicago niggers alone kill at least 3x that many over a summer.
Wow the one who allows the least immigration, Japan, has lowest rates. Clearly your graph proves this.
40 million niggers live in the US
Provided by (((The Trace)))
3.6 - 0.5 = 3.1 difference
This should be the real chart. OP's chart ignores fact that those other countries don't have that many guns
"Therefore it doesnt matter" fuck off cuck. All you faggots do all day is point fingers. I have never heard any realistic solutions from you people.
The problem with rape statistics is that "rape" does not have the same definition in every country and more important, the amount reported to authorities is very different from one country to another. A cross-country comparison would be misleading. In european countries, the rise of reported rape and sexual abuse cases can be explained by the increase of women actually reporting offences.
Anyway, 90% of rapes committed by the victim's relatives, often close family.
>Comparing a few crazy white/asian guys killing 100 people a year to niggers/spics killing 100 people every weekend
please kindly fuck off
So, you want the US to have the same gun control that Norway has? It didn't really stop Breivik, who purchased all his weapons legally.
>3.6 vs .5 per 100,000.
Ok. That's such an incredibly large number of people. Really fires up my almonds.
>Canada is way higher than us
What's going on, leaves?
OP don't be retarded. These other countries have strict gun laws. They like to kill each other in different ways without guns.
you much remove the .3% of blacks into it's own column and you will see why we don't care...
USA : 0,32 when you adjust for White only
Banning niggers will cause murder rates drop more than banning guns
You subhuman libtard
irrelevant percents
i would rather be raped than killed u fucking moron
>because its homicides
leafs, europoors, and abbos usually have to hide behind ((gun)) murders and blacks/hispanc death toll for their little fairy tale utopia to work
So the countries with the most shitskins have the highest gun murder rates? Shocking
Why is australia so much higher than uk?
fixed that graph for you.
not nearly as bad as leftist scum
Imagine if this chart was to scale, with 100,000 being the actual top of the Y axis.
This is like saying "Bike thefts in Holland per 100,000 residents"...
>comparing a nigger country with non nigger countries
>0.5 to 3.6
Absolute state of Hitler's Youth education
No you wouldn't. Many rape victims kill themselves for a reason
One-line one-posts are spam regardless of ideology. There can be no legitimate content that is an argumentless unsourced catchphrase.
stats for ants
Unsourced, round numbers...really makes you think.