Jojo Thread
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Gappy makes me happy
I wish I was having sex
Gappy is crappy
I'm sorry I didn't mean it
Thank you user.
But words don't taste as lewd as dick
I can't live like that, I am sorry Father
happy gappy happy make me happy i love lappy up gappy pee hap[py to be around gappy ahaha
are there any stands that can implant fast drying concrete into your womb?
Aqua Necklace
I want it so baddd
Goodnight /jojo/
I hope our stands awaken tomorrow
Have you picked up music because of Jojo? I am listening to a lot of King Crimson lately
>Have you picked up music because of Jojo?
Yep, I'm now hooked on Pet Shop Boys, Oingo Boingo and KISS.
I started listing to other stuff that's not OST shit and meme music because of JoJo
Scooby wearing punk rock boots
I've been listening to Mike Oldfield a lot lately.
Damnit annasui is fucking based
Annasui a shit, he is litterly the worst comic relief in all of JoJo
Just finished part 5 and about to start part 6
Heard it was considered the worst part both in Japan and in the West, is it really that bad?
No, Part 5 is considered the worst in the west
part 6 is my favorite tbqh senpai baka
7 > 8 so far > 4 > 6 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 1
It's about mid-high tier and definitely high-tier for its time.
It gets absolutely crazy towards the last third/quarter of the manga
Was Kira developing a concern for her?
I personally think it's the weakest part in terms of artistic style, characterization, fights, story even. Some people love it. I don't think it's anyone favorite as it has a LOT of glaring flaws.
It has a good villain though. Just read it and see how you like it, user. Don't listen to any of us fags here. We all have shit taste and shit opinions.
Yes. He was starting to like her, it's during Stray Cat where he ends up protecting her.
However due to his autism the thought of caring about something that wasn't a dead hand scared him and he did some 10/10 mental gymnastics to convince himself that he was only saving her to protect himself.
I'm looking for a good manga reader on Android.
I've got a big ass PDF of DIU to read and I do a lot of commuting, so I might as well combine them.
Any decent reader or should I just use built-in PDF tools to get through it?
There's nothing wrong with it but it's pretty divisive. It's the least popular Part in Japan but it's not hated, you've probably just heard that it is from retards regurgitating shit. And it's actually fairly well liked by Western fans, though like all Parts there are people who hate it for various reasons. If you enjoyed 5 with it's shit translations then you'll enjoy 6 at least as much (only 5 has shit translations, everything after is really well done besides grammar fuck ups). Try not to speed through it though, people who rush Part 6 on their first read usually end up disliking it. It has some weaknesses like the main group never really getting time to bond and some of the Stands reaching the point where they're just too fucking weird but it's not bad by any means. People also don't like the ending which is understandable but a lot of them don't actually get the ending. Part 6 is kind of like Evangelion and it ends the series (Part 7 is a reboot completely unconnected to the first 6 and 8 is it's sequel) in a very bittersweet way. It also has practically no downtime, and even if it doesn't seem that way at first every fight has plot progression and it gets a bit full on with the plot always moving ahead at full pace.
You'll enjoy it I'm sure, it's not bad at all and both Jolyne and Pucci are excellent characters and Pucci is the most active and constant main villain in the series, he's practically a main character himself.
I want to say you have 10/10 taste but
>Favorite part 5 stand
>Favorite part 7 stand
>Favorite stand ability
>least favorite part
But your love for part 6 and part 6's crew and Johnny, as well as Blackmore's fight being your favorite are too good to pass up. 9/10.
What did you like about part 6 so much that made it your favorite?
Naranciafags are not welcome!
I love you too, you disgusting gorefag.
>2 and 3 above 5
why do you do this to me senpai
Thanks senpai
when araki draw Douglas MacArthur
>Posting that weak shit
Ironically the setting is one of my favorite things about it, which I know is one of the things a lot of people bitch about. Character interactions were great, Jolyne's fights were all incredible and Pucci is a great villain. It didn't exactly have a lot of the best things in the series, but everything that it did have I really liked in some way, shape or form.
i also liked the art and Yo-Yo Ma
What kind of person do you have to be to sit down and decide this is what you wanted to draw for the next 20-30 minutes?
Why did Araki have such a small main crew for SBR? Like, it was Johnny and Gyro and that was it. I wish Wekapipo and Mountain Tim and maybe Mountain Tim were part of the crew for much much longer than they really were.
A person who wants money or is aroused by that
>I wish Wekapipo and Mountain Tim and maybe Mountain Tim
fuck, I meant maybe Hot Pants
A person like me, D I O!!!
>Wanting Mountain Tim AND Mountain Tim
Come on user that's asking too much, you either have one or the other.
I do too, good taste. It's not top-tier for me but it's tied with part 4 as my 2nd favorite part.
They also drew him sans his limbs, and impaled with sticks.
I want to see pre-vampire kid dio in the next JoJo fighter
I just really want to fucking pound his face in and throw him off a fucked-up gravity bridge-station thing
I want to be him and fuck up the rest of the characters and their bullshit stands with dirty boxing.
He wanted to focus more on their character development rather than give a bunch of people smaller character arcs. He wanted to try something bigger with each individual character. Some side characters still got shafted though since he didn't want SBR to be as long as it ended up being. It seems like he wanted to hurry up the Damo fight with the last chapter as well, given it's abruptness and the fact that putting your severed organs back in place after leaving Vitamin C's effect range magically reattaches them and that Araki didn't even bother showing us Josuke putting his liver back in or even picking it up or looking at it, just left us to guess what the fuck happened between panels.
Ah boy this reminds me of that one comic guy on danbooru who was harping on and on about how they wanted more versions of Caesar to be DLC in ASB.
Why do the nips have such an obsession with Caesar? He's not even a good character, are they literally blind to any part that isn't parts 1-3?
Coming right up, boss
After this I'm all out, thankfully.
in a fist fight.
The Lovers would Win.
without going into dios brain.
tequila joseph and friendly nazi are all I need from part 2
It's mostly bandwagoners and attention whores like we have here. Japan was pretty meh on Part 2 until the anime brought in a surge of Part 2 dickriders like it did here.
They ship him with Joseph, their darling. That's literally it.
It goes 6>4>1>7>3>2>5 for me.
You have done well.
Lord D I O is pleased.
Your taste is unorthodox but not bad, outside of Part 5 being that low. Was it the translations?
I only like light guro/fancy guro, like this.
Do you have any good Diavolo? I like guro of him for some reason
It's very simple lads.
Part 1 is best part because it has Speedwagon in it.
post memes
Cool, you can pay me in going the fuck away dollars
Yeah, I read one of the first english translations for it and it wasn't pretty. I'm sure it wouldn't be bad if I went back, but my experience was so bad originally I just can't bring myself to do it.
>1 higher than 7
>1 higher than anything
Oh come on user.
I don't know why it irks me so much but all you ever see is fanart for parts 1-3, it really brings to light how shit the nip's taste is.
You're in luck, there's a lot of artsy good Diavolo shit out there. Him and Buccellati probably have the most and highest quality, I've found.
I do have some, but not a lot, so I want more.
7 is for sure more well written, but I really fucking despises manga and such before I read part 1. Reading it for the first time was such a weird experience, it's definitely not the best part but my personal enjoyment with it is crazy high.
You are making me crazy, anons.
>Eating intestines
Literal shit taste
God damn it
They've retranslated the first half and it's great so far. Once it's done you should definitely go back to it. I've read the Japanese version and I can tell you that not only was every character butchered but the ending and all the Rome stuff became fucking unintelligible. GER feels like way less of an asspull and while not the best final battle in the series, it's not as bad as English makes it seem and the epilogue with Rolling Stones actually has a point to it. Not my favourite Part but the English translations really did it an injustice.
Oh, well I suppose that reasoning works. Only thing that's bothersome is part 5 being that low, it's much better written and has a lot more enjoyment factors to it than parts 3 and 2 did, but you must've read the shitty translations.
Wait for the part 5 anime, it'll probably change your views.
Aside from that, not the greatest taste I've seen but pretty good taste. Seeing another part 6 lover in these threads gives me hope
for me is
Not him but I like Part 6 a lot. I go something like 8 > 7 > 4 = 6 > 5 >2 > 3 >1
And Pucci is my favourite main antagonist and Jolyne is a competitor for my favourite main character.
>2 that high
I mean, part 2 was great, but in comparison to pretty much all the parts that came after it it's pretty damn weak. It feels more like a generic shounen, and has the worst writing in the series.
Aside from that, good taste.
7 = 8 > 4 > 6 = 5 > 3 > 2 > 1
>young Giorno with blonde hair
Brilliant taste user, literally can't find think of a fault in it. Pucci doesn't get enough love, I really liked Valentine but after re-reading Pucci it's hard not to admire just how great of a villain he was. Definitely a god-tier villain for me.
Remove Narancia
This is my personal opinion lads.
1>2>every other part
Without Speedwagon, there is no JoJo
t-thank you user
Well I can't argue with that reasoning. I suppose you're alright.
I really liked Speedwagon in part 1. He felt like what would happen if I was in that situation, basically just jobbing and having over the top reactions while everyone else was a brickwall.
He took another bullet for her
Even if you're memeing that's pretty shit taste.
But memes aside, Speedwagon was a fucking brilliant character. He didn't fight, but he's arguably the most supportive character in the whole series.
>Changes his ways from seeing how noble Jonathan was
>Instantly sides with him and helps him out as soon as he can
>Comes to Jonathan's aid to get him to hospital after the fight with Dio
>A fucking small-time London thug decides to go on a life-threatening journey with a man he just met and supports him all the way because of his morals
>Years after Jonathan dies, he takes care of Jonathan's grandson and refuses to marry Erina out of respect for him
>After he dies, sets up a foundation that helps the Joestar family the way through
Speedwagon's the kind of friend that you'd keep for life, what a fucking bro.
Pics of Jotaro being overprotective over Jolyne from Anasui always crack me up
Why jotaro gets more acttractive in each part?
You don't like DILFs?
Anasui's a sociopath double-murderer who didn't give half a rats ass about anyone until he randomly became obsessed with her without even knowing her, to be fair. Jotaro's just being sensible.
>Jonathan doesn't kick Speedwagon in the face as hard as he can
>Speedwagon dedicates his fucking life to him
That a great coloring of joubin even if i don't know who in the blue hell is joubin.