Revelations bitches!
Am I crazy or does is feel like the endings lately?
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The rapture still needs to happen. Then the 7 year tribulation. That is when things will get real bad.
Make sure you have trusted in Jesus Christ's death burial and resurrection as full payment for your sins.
Millions of people are burning in hell at this very moment with no escape, don't be one of them.
>protestant theology
>with no escape
Isn't the purgatory supposed to be just temporary as you cleanse your soul? I don't think that's quite right.
I'm not a protestant. I believe and follow what the bible teaches. Many protestants do not.
>the rapture
Purgatory is not taught in the bible anywhere. It is a false teaching that a person can "work off their sins" after death.
When a person dies without Christ, they go to hell. If they die with Christ they go to heaven.
Salvation is of the Lord.
No one will burn until the final judgment
Hell is empty.
Lucifer waits patiently
Compared to living during the Black Death which wiped out as much as 60% of Europeans this is nothing. Life today is hardly apocalyptic in comparison.
You are crazy.
>most people on earth ever
>doing things
The LORD reigns; let the people tremble: he sits between the cherubim; let the earth be moved.
>burning in hell
Stop buying the fucking Greek mythology meme. Sheol and hell is the realm of death - the dead are conscious of nothing.
God told Adam and Eve if they ate from the tree, they would DIE.
>Ezekiel 18:20: "The soul who sins shall die."
Note it doesn't say "The immortal soul who sins will burn for fucking eternity ie: God is a prick.
Christendom needs reformation, and needs to get rid of that fucking stupid Greek meme. Also, the trinity is bullshit. The Father alone is God, not Jesus. There. I am done.
>implying you don't need a good purge
If Jesus isn't God, then how were our sins dealt with? A sinful man couldn't pay for anyone's sins. A sinless God could.
Are you planning on working your way into a perfect heaven? We are all sinners, yet you and I are not physically dead. Adam and Eve spiritually died immediately upon eating of the forbidden fruit, they physically died much later.
Can you point me to the scripture(s) where it says God's special son, formed from the holy spirit and perfect, is not a good enough lamb for the sins of mankind? He was the messiah/Christ from the line of David.
And you stay forever and ever in heaven? Isn't that a bit hellish?
move it to 2 already so I can crank Iron Maiden to 11
I didn't say Jesus isn't good enough to pay for the sins of mankind. He certainly is. His payment is fully sufficient for the sins of every person who ever lived. The only question is who will accept His payment as being fully sufficient personallt for their sins (salvation).
He was indeed from the line of David, conceived in the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit.
Interesting. Can you give me a TL;DR version?
Also, I don't believe my salvation comes from my works. My works are a byproduct of thankfulness for God's grace, and the advocacy of Jesus Christ. Also, I believe the saved live forever on a renewed earth - not heaven. Similar to what JW's teach except without the retarded insistence that the new covenant does not apply to +99% of Christians who believe in the grace and salvation of Jesus Christ. Also don't believe a lot of other falsehoods they teach (Jesus=Michael, salvation by works, denying the masses about the teaching of freedom in Christ), but they get the Unitarian stuff right and hope in God's Kingdom being on earth (which we are supposed to pray for in Jesus' model prayer).
Thanks trump
If you consider being with the Lord for eternity as hellish, then that is your perogative. I don't agree with it though.
Amen bro.
Rapture is non-canonical, friendo.
>Am I crazy or does is feel like the endings lately?
t. anyone in history who thought their period was somehow special (it wasn't)
I fucking love this image, have been looking for it for ages
Note the ICBMS streaking in over the north pole.
>The rapture still needs to happen. Then the 7 year tribulation.
No. The rapture happens 3.5 years in to the 7 years peace.
There is a final judgment. A flood of fire. A sheol a hell a hades. A what have you. But to live is Christ and to die is to gain. That's all there is to it. Note how it says only Christ. Nothing else. You know that Lucifer is already judged. The only one to be. And there's a furnace for that. Some people in Bible went through such furnaces. Don't be a gambler
What does non-canonical mean? Non-scriptural?
“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” —1st Thessalonians 4:13-18
Change... got any change
Alarmism always sells.
Go away.
Provide biblical verses for your position.
just play the video in the background
it may be the most important video you ever play
basically NONE of the words that we have as eternal when the bible speaks of gehenna are words of INFINITY in their original tongues, rather just some variation on "ages"(aeon/etc)
i.e. just as it speaks (much after the fact) of sodom and gomorrah's "eternal destructive fire"
so to the final punishment is not endless, for then the final victory over sin would never be had, but is an ANNIHILATING fire that burns its victims to NON-EXISTENCE
finite punishment for finite sins, the devil has not been sinning for eternity, and all else have sinned less than him
or else God's perfect justice would not be commensurate with his punishment
perpetual suffering in hellfire is a false doctrine direct from the mouth of the dragon, to pain God himself as satan in such cruelty as that would be
the "left behind" "rapture" circus is absolutely non-Biblical
but when rapture is just meant as: the gathering of all righteous, living and dead, to Christ when he returns, is entirely scriptural
Until the final judgement ie: God's intervention and coming Kingdom arrival on earth, Lucifer has not been dealt with. This is still his world, is it not? The fire that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah was also "eternal fire", yet the city does not still burn today. The casting into the eternal fire is the eternal cutting off from God. The second death.
I put my faith and trust in Jesus. When I spread the Kingdom gospel, I don't need to teach about an eternal dimension of torture - only an eternal separation from God.
I wonder if we all actually died in 2012 and this is just a simulation using our captured souls/consciousness/essence gone awry.
It feels like a dream desu.
The next event to come is the formation of a middle east union and at the moment we are still missing the tenth country that will be located around the Levant.
After that a time of peace will be upon us and when 'they' start talking about it lasting a thousand years that is the time to RUN.
that is all just from mainstream protestantism's futurist (as false prophecy/doctrine/understanding) counter-biblical left-behind sensationalist hogwash
Those who have not trusted Jesus Christ alone as their saviour will not be raptured up. They will have to endure the 7 years tribulation period. In that time, they can still come to a saving faith though.
I agree with everything you wrote. However are you still proposing in a dimension of suffering - albeit limited?
Your crazy for only noticing it now.
The Black Death killed 50% of the population of the world in the 14th century. And you're wetting yourself over this nonsense.
>Those who have not trusted Jesus Christ alone as their saviour will not be raptured up.
yes, true
>They will have to endure the 7 years tribulation period.
there is indeed a tribulation of *some* time for all saints alive at the time, but the "7 year tribulation" is not Biblical
> In that time, they can still come to a saving faith though.
none are left behind alive
when Christ comes the wicked dead are slain, left as corpses on the earth (the left behind) and righteous living are taken up with the immediately resurrected righteous dead to Christ together
I'll check it out bro - I am listening to Larry Elder live right now though.
I hope to whatever god exist that i die soon
>off by one
>the virgin prophet.jpg
yes it is after the millennium
it closes armageddon
this is gehenna itself, hellfire in the Bible:
ALL wicked people who have ever lived are brought up in the second resurrection (right at the end of the millennium) to join satan and his angels on the barren devastated earth to make war against New Jerusalem, after 1 hour of preparation
the 1 hour is 41 and 2/3 years
2 Peter 3:8 one day is like a thousand years
1000/24 = 41 and 2/3
and the lake of fire is not some dimension, it is the surface of the earth, where gather all the forces of darkness (all wicked humans who ever lived with satan and all his angels), the earth is made like the sun, the entire surface of white hot magma, and thus it cleansed wholly in fire and thus made into the new earth
Rapture was the original germination of Francisco Ribera, a dirty Catholic Jesuit in 1590
Could guys post some scriptural evidence on all these "events"? I hear this over and over, but you guys never actually point to any verses.
see here:
read the last few chapters of revelation
dude transformers LMAO
Also if you read Luke 21 it says quite clearly that the reason Jerusalem was attacked and the temple destroyed, and the people led away in to captivity or were killed was because great wrath was upon the people (because they deserve it).
That happened in like 70 A.D. but I don't think it's a stretch of the imagination to see that as a shadow of things to come. Do you realize how many people in the world are waking up and seeing the meddling of Jews, so called?
If the entire world attacked the anti-Christ money-grubbing Jew vampires, it wouldn't exactly be uncalled for would it?
>muh holocaust
Luke 21:
21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.
22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.
23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
basically this
this is correct
>Lucifer waits patiently
For what?
t. not paying attention
Thus is just the beginning, if you think current trends are sustainable then you are a very special child.
hell doesnt exist yet
and he burns with the rest
I like furnace as a nomenclature. Describes Molech well. Describes grab em ville most people call sodom. Or blowjobs. Satan is still slithering around but I meant the white throne. And where is he cast? Into a build a teddy store? Bible links those who deny the Christ as being "almost" the progeny of that same figure. And all his angels. If you do not inherit the Kingdom you have that same black death I hadn't even expounded upon. Meaning nobody should discuss how we know the passages of after-death events, through time. So why would you want nothing but death? Bible doesn't describe this thing some people might call a purgatory. Lost and damned? To where? Christ said on this day in my Father's place but also had to go through all this and resurrect. Nobody else has yet to do this
>you are crazy and it does feel like the end times.
he is not waiting patiently for anything
he is ceaselessly working his darkness and deception the world over every second of every day, with ever greater ferver
Thank you - very interesting I will look into this deeper on my free time.
>hell doesnt exist yet
Yes it does. At the centre of hell is a big pit, the lake of fire. All the prisoners of hell (who rejected God) will be thrown in there, along with death and satan.
Maybe, perhaps it will be another reality shift, but one so big that everyone notices.
>and the lake of fire is not some dimension, it is the surface of the earth
This thread is retarded. Either you're shills, bots or poorly educated on biblical stuff.
Certainly feels like time is slowing down.
Ah yes. The good old pagan switcheroo. Have things be 99.99999998% the same but that little difference makes all the difference
yes all true
but to finish the thought, it is eternal in that it wipes the wicked therein from existence
they cease to be, in any form or manner whatsover
>, I don't need to teach about an eternal dimension of torture -
the FIRE will be very real and very physical, but transient, those therein only burned until the fullness of their sin is consumed with which they burn UP and thereafter a no more
Hear hear
for it to be his time for hellfire
>Those who have not trusted Jesus Christ alone as their saviour will not be raptured up.
The quoted passage says nothing like this.
just read the verse:
Revelation 20:9
you will see
they surround New Jerusalem which has landed on earth, and fire from heaven consumes them RIGHT THERE
read it:
"They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them."
dozens of billions of wicked humans and angels with satan as their lead
What else would it say. Thessalonians, no?
What's your view on pic related?
Yes, enemies from all over the earth come to surround Jerusalem. Is this before or after the rapture? :^)
How are you believing that the wrath of God of fire on the face of the earth is the same thing as a literal place that hell will get thrown in to as eternal punishment?
Sure, if you throw out about a half dozen books of the bible, notably Genesis, Daniel, Revelation, 1 Corinthians, and 1 Thessalonians.
No rapture till at least the fifth trump. Lots of shit happens before that.
Paul, via Jesus.
1 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
Cannot be clearer.
the whole earth's surface is a barren devastated wasteland, much flooded, much burned, much radioactive and totally desolate
not one physical thing of the earth, least of all man made, will not be rent asunder by the start of the millennium
jerusalem included
but there will be no earthly 3rd temple before that time
Rapture precedes all of the signs of the Troubles of Jacob.
jesus THE christ
New Jerusalem is 2/3 the size of the moon. It is not landing anywhere. It gives light to the entire earth; it is therefore a satellite city.
God isnt real, delusional christcucks
Most likely the temple will be split in two when Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives.
the left-behind "rapture" circus is from the wicked false "futurist" interpretation which is a misleading tale woven by the catholic church
First part, Roman siege of Jerusalem. Latter part, the final battle.
You'll see Him with your own eyes, and stand before Him without excuse.
But there needs to be a third temple for the AC to proclaim he is God. New jerusalem comes from the sky in my view
I think literal horses and stuff will be seen and that it's an actual bowl of molten iron stuff. I once read a guy who said God is like a microwave. That if He leaves His own Heaven He will melt your face if you don't go in a cave
Are you sure your not just completely wrong about your interpretations and extra-biblical traditions?
you don't know yourself.
you havent ben paying attention
>How are you believing that the wrath of God of fire on the face of the earth
THAT IS HELL/gehenna
> thing as a literal place that hell will get thrown in to as eternal punishment?
we covered this
it is landing indeed
>; it is therefore a satellite city.
it lands after the millennium
1 Corinthians 15
Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Thessalonians 4
For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
>harpazo, aka Rapture
And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
Cannot be clearer.
Fucken Christ cucks. You're god is shit and you're not special.