Why do You guys support capitalism?

>> be born in a medium avergae income family making less than 50 k per year
>> cant afford a home to live in
>> nobody helps you out
>> Cant acquire food, housing, drinks, electricity, healthcare, or internet without having money
>>all products and services are privately owned and done out of the cheapest and jewish way possible and very often rips you off

You guys supporting capitalism are good goyim cucks taking a jewish cock up the ass while the nation is declining in its national spirit and morality

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I don't

perfect, one based australian or new zealand here

Get a fucking job.

>> tells me to get a job
>> all the jobs require a degree

>All jobs require degree
You can work in a warehouse until you get your degree, which you should be actively working towards anyway.

thats manal labor, how about a job that only requires a high school diploma and isnt physical labor and pays over 45 k a year and I can support an apartment and my girlfriend and potential child and get medical care and luxuries?

Sup Forums isn't pro-capitalism.

Capitalism is currently dominated by the jewish tribe and their banks, why would we want to play their game? The free markets are a good way to decentralize pricing mechanism brainpower, but it's also necessary to have a strong NatSoc state to keep corporations under check.

Why do you deserve those things?

Ah so you're an entitled little bitch, got it.
You don't get the luxury of non-physical labor until you've earned it.

i love capitalism because thanks to it i was able to work for 2 years , quit my job and start my own business

Because I want to live and the most luxurious way possible

of course coming from a fucking burger

>> be a morrocan
>> have the millions of dollars from a wealthy nation such as Morocco to start a business

Nice try

What makes you think you are entitled to easy money?
All your mother had to do to bring you into this world was fuck some John. You weren't born into a family that worked hard or invented something or started a business, so you have to make your own way. Life's a bitch but that's the way it is. You can either deal with it, and work for your future, or bitch about it on the Internet.

Because this idea that we are a nation yet we dont have enough trust to have nationalized everything to live like kangz.

You sound work-shy, you know Nazi's would probably send you to a camp.

How fucking pathetic are you to believe the government is your father, mother, and provider?

how ignorant are you ? all the wealth of morocco goes to the king and his entourage
my father worked 35 years for the local electricity company , we live in a 110m2 flat
the min wage here is 200$ a month

The occupations that the Nazis had were at least tolerable and probably manageable and easy to get to in a short amount of time in comparison to our time.

then how are you able to start a business at such a young age?

>antifa cunts trying to turn the right on each other by poisoning Sup Forums with their leftist economic bullshit

It worked well in Nazi Germany and West Germany.


You didn't answer my question, I asked WHY do you deserve those things you fucking retard. You sound like an entitled bitch and I hope you're poor till you die, you deserve it

well you own the question, I own the answer. I deserve food, drinks, medicare, and housing and amenities because I am a human being and its outrageous to deny basic amenities such as the aforementioned lest you're wealthy.

>what is an apartment
>what is welfare
>what is public amenities
>implying that last green text doesn't describe the government

yes I want those things

So join the military. Can never have too many right-thinking young men with small arms training.

the military is manual labor and its not comfortable and I could get killed by some sand monkey

you sound like a whiny bitch.
> nobody helps you out
Who are YOU helping out?
You sound like you're not willing to work for anything, so why do you deserve the product of someone elses work?

>> yes goyim work for the jew manager and bosses that are doing nothing but ass fucking you for life without any chance of having a middle class lifestyle

youre a cuck

work for them, save your money, start your own business. Everyone has to get started somewhere. Or just start your own business, do you think Rockerfeller complained about the jew and working for other people when he was starting out?

but to start a business in the united states, you must already be a millionaire.

Like helping build the autobahn, oh wait that's manual labor.

that's complete and utter bullshit. Millions of people start new businesses every year, and they're not already millionaires

you know what you're right, they are billionaires.

Milton Friedman explains how capitalism allows jews to dominate society and achieve their ethnic interests
This interview reveals that he sees capitalism as nothing more than a "survival strategy" for the jewish people


Make that two

then just kys. You've given up, you're defeated. You LOSE! why even bother?

do you even know how people start a small business?

Seek your gibs elsewhere nigger.

yes. Are you asking for advice?

Tell me how I can start a business with no money?

go apply for a small personal loan, or get a job. Save some money, buy some shit for cleaning people's yards/windows/painting houses/etc... Go door to door, offering your services. Save your money, expand and scale. There's literally millions of ways

Get a fucking loan.

you mean from a bank?

from anywhere, a bank, friends, family, whatever. OR, the alternative, just sit in your mom's basement and complain about it for the rest of your life. And might I add, it will be a sad pathetic and lonely life, if you choose that route.

what can I do with a loan froma bank?

I dont comrade, I only value you and my fellow comrades.

Nobody owes you a living, parasite, not even the state.

Lazy. Nazis wouldn't accept that.

>believing liberating capital and omproving the rights of the workers/destroying international finance means our control of you an individual worker

You wanna know how hitler sent the unemployment from 6 million to nothing in 14.88 picoseconds? By sending all you lazy freeloading faggots to camp

It was by creating jobs waifus vacations and a respectable modern lifestyle to all germans.

Because capitalism is the best system there is you faggot! The catch is you have to put in some effort, nice things aren't just going to get handed to you.
You sound like a little pos entitled commie.

ah forgot

Tribalism > monarchism > moldy food > capitalism > festering shit > communism
>Yes, I know I'm missing many systems of control.

Greed and money are the root of all evil user,
good men turn into monsters, the family and blood are abandoned for a new god, money.
Still better than gomanism tho

Bullshit, trades, customer service, hell you can even learn to do motherboard repair without a degree if you apply yourself and study. Life isn't going to hand things over to you just because your parent's didn't have the most money and boomers shit ip the economy. Success breeds influence.

what about politics?

also none of those jobs pays over 50 k and the ones that do involve either heavy physical labor or involve cleaning shit.

>muh capitalism


every job worth a shit includes a shitload of hard work, either physically or mentally. If you want to get beyond just surviving this world, you have to get some skills and get to work

>See the good and harm of pure capitalism
>See the good and harm of pure communism
>Suggest an amalgamation of what works from both sides, but both sides end up hating you.
le sad face.
