ITT: Post characters doing unusual things with their hands

ITT: Post characters doing unusual things with their hands.


Fresh coast is best coast






What's going on here?

This is unusual.


A character doing unusual things with their hands.


Please be more elaborate.

I can't do this. My ring finger has to go along with my pinky does.

A character using both hands to insert them into the crevice of another character, which is odd as normally hands are used to manipulate objects and tools or as a form of nonverbal communication

No one can do this because your ring finger and middle finger have no muscles of their own unlike the other fingers and rely on the muscles of the other fingers. Having the pinky finger down will already cause difficulties in in keeping the ring finger raised and erect. Having both the ring and pinky down makes it practically impossible to keep a fully straight ring finger barring physically abnormalities rare in most people.

That's not his hand.


inb4 picture of shinji masturbating to comatose asuka


The ring finger is at right-angles to the palm, with the surrounding fingers curled, and the index finger pointing normally. You should be able to do that -- I can.


It is now.

Post Kuzuma




Thanks for your concise answer.


No you can't




Are you naked?

Lose some weight, fatfuck. And put on some clothes.

No, just wearing a no sleeve shirt. It's kind of hot around here actually that I have to open the windows and use the fan.

She should a doctor.

>tfw can't do this without my pinky and ring finger going down

>upper knuckles are bent

Not the same, her fingers are only bent on the middle knuckle

It's not actually that hot, you're just feeling hot since you're fat as fuck.

And you expect anime girls to have the proper human proportions?

Although I do admit that her middle knuckles are bent. I could probably do it but that'd require me to adjust with my left hand and hold it still while the camera's taking it and I can't be assed to do so.

So you admit it's not humanly possible like said. Why did you even post?


>"It's not humanely possible"

>"Yes it is, look!"

>"That's not the same as she's doing"

>"Well, it's not humanly possible"

user pls



Is this even humanly possible?



Is he daijobu?





O ye of little faith!



How the fuck did she do that?



Fat people shouldn't be posting pictures of themselves and that includes their fat stubby hands.

can't believe I'm sharing this board with fatfucks like you

My right hand can do it. My right hand can do everything but hold chopsticks and write legibly.
Those are what my left hand is good at.

A man with true sight.

Truly a character with patrician taste.


wtf everyone can do that
don't you have fuckin' parasyte


Please take care of your nails.


>All these anons so triggered that's it's easier for a fat fuck top do this than it is for their pathetic arthritis ridden fingers.

Thank you for reminding me of something for the thread.

I am disgusted to share this thread with pigs like this

Holy shit gramps

Isn't this it?

Strange, i can do that only with left hand, but not right

That triggers some bad memories

Nice try but she has inhumanly no third finger joints