>european heritage
>haven't taken pagan pill
Explain yourselves
European heritage
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Paganism is gone for a reason though
Pagans were strong because of their faith when they knew not God. The ones who rejected God when He was made known to them are all gone now. The ones who accepted God formed the great Europe and America we know once existed. The Europe and America that now begin to reject God are going into decline because of this. Paganism is a lie. Turn to God. Deus Vult, brother.
B-but muh dead kike on a stick.
Varg is right.
How do you worship as a pagan, where are the temples?
even uncle adolf didnt like you faggots
>politicians never lie to get votes
Hitler was very different in private
sauce on quote?
what's up with odinists and their obsession with butt sex and semen?
I don't want to LARP.
Then you will not reach the source, the source of all things and the home of your ancestors.
In my experience it's blending some old history books with their favorite pulp novels, DnD sourcebooks, and Conan movie quotes.
Only the nordics even had enough pagan records (recorded by christian monks usually) to stitch together a proper pantheon, everyone else's (Celts, Baltics, Rus) are basically some fairly tales and a wikipedia article with some vauge rumblings about 'horned deities', 'grave offerings', and some stuff on the solstice.
The Neopagans are mostly edgy Nords trying to sell viking metal lyrics, alongside wiccan crystal wavers and moondancers. I don't know why the Norse try and ecourage the rest of us to go pagan, I know my ancestors hated the fucking norse, and likely hated their gods too. Christianity just gave us some ability to talk in the same language of faith without murder about who's holy sites were holier, and who's god's and ancestors were mightier.
Hell, if Christians would just read the damn Bible ( the old testement: particularly Judges) is basicly a primer on 'The Jews and how they keep Jewing.' That's the biggest problem with Christians, and most these day, they're too willing to be taught, not willing to read. Without Christianity and the history it provides Jews are basicly just another group of tribalists among even more tribalists.
in ruins, underneath your local churches
> "pagan pill"
> uses Roman Lorica Hamata
>Only the nordics even had enough pagan records (recorded by christian monks usually)
the reason there's such a lack of records is because christians destroyed everything. It's not like they didn't have a writing system
>Roman Empire
>not pagan
You worship by honoring your ancestors and holding to tradition. You better yourself and mold yourself through the continual process of betterment, to be as close to the Gods as possible is to be as god-like as you can. You realize the Gods are real and they are the light and the conduits to the ultimate reality, to the supreme and the uncreated.
To sacrifice to the Gods is to make them sacred and to show the Gods that you are willing to give up what is yours to the Gods. It is to show love as you show love to a friend by giving him some of what is yours, it is not submission. Sacrifices can be objects or it can for example be your own time.
There are no temples, or there are nothing which is not a temple.
Yesss goyim, worship Rabbi Yeshua and support Israel, don't practice the ways of your own ancestors
>Hell, if Christians would just read the damn Bible ( the old testement: particularly Judges) is basicly a primer on 'The Jews and how they keep Jewing.'
I read a children's storybook version of the old testament. Truly sickening
He could have at least chosen a piece of armor that was not used by the christians, like Lorica Segmentata or something like that.
>tfw you wanna get back to your pagan roots but you can't cuz there is nothing left from that period
>pagan pill
What's that? Semen?
What happened to Varg?
It was weak, and fell.
I think you've misunderstod Varg if you think he believes everything the Christian Europeans created is not European. A chainmail was not created because of Christians but because of Europeans.
He connected with his ancestors and now he lives the comfy offgrid big white traditional family lifestyle.
Y-you can too. Take the /vargpill/
ITT: Filthy nords crying about Italians buttfucking their culture.
I do want to live off the grid on a large property tbqh, but I don't want to be autistic.
>american calling equating Italians with Jews
typical christcuck propaganda, typical divide and conquer.
The Italians were one of us. A brother under the oak trees of old and beside the marble goddesses.
Sorry, that is not possible.
the Lorica Hamata was created and worn by pagan Romans
his table talks
Hey there Rabbi! Watcha doin?
I'm a Italian American atheist.
Constantine abandoned Jupiter when they were not shown victory, they prayed to that Jesus kid and painted their shields with crosses. Italians became Christians, Catholicism became the dominate power of the world and converted the rest of Europe. Italians buttfucked the pagan weaklings and converted them to the more powerful religion.
Crying about it doesn't stop it from being true.
Can someone explain to me why christianity is not LARPing, but paganism is? Nobody even believes in the christian god. Those who really do, are deranged lunatics. Others are ''I believe in god'' but only in words. True belief would manifest in a person's actions, you'd think.
Paganism is dead, christianity is dead. What is there left? I'm waiting for Nietzsche to reincarnate and finish his job.
AKA unreliable bullshit. There is zero concrete evidence that Hitler was a pagan. Even Himmler was hardly a 'pagan', more of an occultist.
I'm not shilling for Christianity here but this 'hitler wuz a secret neopagan!!' shit is baseless and asinine.
Source for that is: "Everyone says so!" I hardly doubt that in the same time "christians destroyed everything" and "christian monks recorded everything we know about paganism". Thats because paganism on this board is nordic crap and not southern europe stuff we know much more about and still has all important sources. Its the "nordics couldn't read" and didnt have "writing system" problem.
I love how D&C cunts are always Amerifats trying to divide Europeans. Fuck off and fumble about with your burger politics while we concern ourselves.
I'm not a christian either.
I admire many of the things Varg attributes to paganism, but I just don't want to live like him. His way of life is deeply incompatible with my goals in life, and the only way I could live like him would be to have tremendous success in my career, retire, then go LARPing.
Europe hast been pagan for over 2000 years.
>I'm a Italian American atheist
If I were a finnish I'd rather believe in perkele than saatana, vittu kahen killon siika.
>american education
Famous for being debatable. I was hoping it would be table talks so we can confirm we have no source for that and have to turn to mein kampf and recorded speech about christianity.
Listen here, when you become a world power again, maybe we won't stick our dicks in your business, in the meantime as long as your government keeps sucking it we'll keep our dicks in your face.
>Europeans think they are anything but piggy backing on the US dominance.
I like classical European culture and philosophy. I agree the desert cults are tools of subversion and that they belong in the desert. I can't bring myself to actually believe that Odin and shit exist. I'm sure I'd be a happier person if I could. Is just appreciating the culture and lifestyle enough?
Sorry. As a westernized man, Pagan shit is degenerate and disgusting.
SeeThere's a reason why so many black metal fags and leftist weirdos are into Paganism. It encourages degeneracy.
>burger doesn't realise his country is just a henchman for Israel
Nigger, what? Christianity was a small minority until around Constantine's time and it took centuries longer to establish it completely even in the Roman empire and the kingdoms made after its (western) collapse. There were completely pagan kingdoms into the late 1300s.
What if the world becomes incompatible with your goals? Fairly certain Varg is bracing for the collapse. Have you prepared your anus for the great harvest once automation/AI makes us worthless for the elite? The great happening won't probably happend in many decades to my estimates, not necessarily even within our lifetime, but I sure as hell will have a back-up spot to get innawoods with my (future) family the moment I get a feeling the harvest is coming.
Owning a gun, fuckton of non-spoiling stuff, and a little cabin, is about the extent I'm eventually going to be prepared with. I don't see a future with 10 billion useless people whining after universal basic income.
Oh we definitely shill to Isreal. Just not hard hard as you pull your dick to, otherwise Gaza would've been carpet bombed a long time ago.
I bet you're circumcised.
it's almost as if the swastika, the symbol of their ideology, wasn't an ancient pagan European symbol. It's almost as if they didn't use pagan symbols all over the place
Varg isn't off grid, you can regularly hear his neighbor mowing and even Varg complains about it. Dude just doesn't pay his electric bill and shits in a bucket with woodchips.
Christianity is dead and gone son.
Kill yourself faggot. Paganism is for queers.
I'm like 3rd generation italian american, my whole family is Catholic, of course I'm circumcised.
What would be sad is if I was butthurt about it 25 years later when it doesn't matter anymore.
Took the black pill hard and forsook NatSoc
You could appreciate the gods as archetypes. Or consider that they are legends passed down over thousands of years that evolved into tales of gods
You don't get it, do you?
>natsoc flag
>talks shit about paganism
It's obvious Hitler's/Himmler's long-term plan was to get rid of the church after the war and replace it with some pagan-like spirituality. Christianity was already dead in the 30s, yet some continue to act as if it was a relevant part of 2010s society.
That does not equal Paganism, Hitler disdained Himmler's larping and by all accounts so did Goering (Hitler's long time Deputy)
>You worship by honoring your ancestors and holding to tradition.
How is that worshiping? Did you just pull that out of your ass or what?
>be as god-like
So I should,
>be a cuckold
>raise other men's children
>be honorable when convenient
>commit beastiality
>engage in homosexual/bi-sexual acts on occasion
That doesn't seem like the ultimate reality.
>to sacrifice
>what is yours
NO pagan gods EVER asked for anything that was YOURS, that is entirely Abrahamic in origin.
>it is not submission
>but you must live exactly this way and give up your things or else you aren't a good pagan
>no temples
I think the Parthenon is still standing somewhat.
Its almost as if christianity does not use european pagan symbols all over. Its almost as if centar of christianity is not in europe and almost as if it wasn't shaped by europeans.
On a serious note, there is nothing wrong with that and it should be encouraged. Using old european symbols should be the norm for european countries and people. As national socialists clearly agreed with that. Common misconception is religious beliefs are based on culture. Hardly and especially hard in todays world, most people who indentify them selves as christian are that because of their decision/belief towards it. If religion was as simple as picking your favorite book, everybody would have a much easier time becoming pagan for "pure european" bias.
No, you don't get it. I'm not a christian anymore, I'm not circumcising my kid.
Being a pagan Nord White Supremecist is being an Atheist in 2010. It's edgy and you feel enlightened but in the end your minor existence doesn't fucking matter and no one cares.
Congrats on being autistic.
Sure, it's a good point, and I think I'm aware enough to see when I have to cut ties with modern civilization if it happens in my lifetime. I still don't have the money to invest in land and a home far away from civilization, though.
>tfw you see the churches burning and realize varg is insane
>tfw you realize he's right and just have a chuckle to yourself
>Welfare parasite
>Lives like a subhuman
>Votes left
>Hates white Christian Europeans
>Praises shitskin sandniggers
>Shitted 5 autistic kids he can't sustain
>Killed 2 Europeans
>Destroyed several buildings
>Poisons the minds of dumb edgy teenagers
>Never had a job
>Hates capitalism because without welfare he would rot and die
>BFlodded Sup Forums with divide and conquer Reddit-tier atheists
>His life consisted on being in jail and being a long haired edgy faggy metal poser
Nope, kys.
Varg is a literal nigger. Paganism is for niggers.
>NO pagan gods EVER asked for anything that was YOURS, that is entirely Abrahamic in origin.
good thing i never said they asked then. a friend or a guest at your house do not have to ask for anything
your jewish lies have no effect here
These post screenshots would be cool if the person typing didn't sound like such a bumbling idiot.
Source that Hitler disdained Himmler's paganism? So Hitler was a devout Christian but just let the elite of his society (SS) bear pagan symbols and let them eat pagan propaganda?
It's well known that Hitler despised christianity, he had read his Nietzsche and knew christianity was weak. Hitler believed in the natural laws.
There's positively zero concrete evidence for Hitler or anyone other than maybe Himmler being a super secret pagan. They used ancient Germanic symbols because of their cultural, German-centric aesthetic and, well, they look cool.
The whole Volkish movement, and much of the earlier romanticism of the 19th century focuses around a romanticized, racialist, legendary view of their history and folklore- much of which stems from pre-Christianity, and they built aesthetics off that. That certainly doesn't mean they actually were trying to reconstruct that faith.
Just think about this rationally- had there been some big super secret plot to completely erase and replace Christianity, the allies would have propagandized the everloving shit out of it after the war. Yet they didn't, because there was no such plot.
nazis using pagan symbols is not the same thing as christianity stealing pagan symbols to make converting pagans easier
How much are they paying you, nose?
God I wish I was being paid, you think I could get some jews to pay me to fuck around with people on Sup Forums? That'd be dope as hell.
Getting a gun/crossbow/bow is desu probably more important than getting land. If we notice signs of a Great Harvest coming, the bluepilled sheep will of course stay in the cities and die (by whatever method the elite chooses). So there will be empty cottages and farms ready to be taken over. Knowledge is light to carry. Knowing how to farm and hunt will be invaluable knowledge.
>Ex-pagans stealing from them selves
What did you mean by this? Do you imagine european christians to be a special race? Damn, time to give up, only varg and his wife are white. And no, other pagans do not count, they have gay marriages, unless thats part of paganism. youtube.com
>he does it for free
Germany was overwhelmingly protestant. He would never have come to power if he attacked christianity
>>haven't taken pagan pill
Fuck off you cancerous shill. Stop trying to sow discord in the west by creating more divisions. Christianty, while flawed is a unifying factor. It figures you cucks never tell jews to stop following Judaism.
Do you realize the bottom right picture is based on the Christian Teutonic cross?
Do you really believe this?
You must not have any worthwhile skills, maybe instead of being a dooms day prepper, stop being the tradeless fat of society that can be automated.
This argument repeats, so he was a psychopath who prepared a plan for his country against their will and was excellent actor, oscar worthy? And remember that table talks are not reliable as his book.
He was a politician and majority of Germany was christian. You trust speeches before private tabletalks with his closest friends?
This shouldn't even be a debate. Hitler was clearly not christian, and if he had any beliefs at all, they were based on the natural laws.
>There's positively zero concrete evidence for Hitler or anyone other than maybe Himmler being a super secret pagan. They used ancient Germanic symbols because of their cultural, German-centric aesthetic and, well, they look cool.
>The whole Volkish movement, and much of the earlier romanticism of the 19th century focuses around a romanticized, racialist, legendary view of their history and folklore- much of which stems from pre-Christianity, and they built aesthetics off that. That certainly doesn't mean they actually were trying to reconstruct that faith.
>Just think about this rationally- had there been some big super secret plot to completely erase and replace Christianity, the allies would have propagandized the everloving shit out of it after the war. Yet they didn't, because there was no such plot.
Nobody's even tried to dispute any of this.
Hey, I'm just jerking it to boipuss and eating cheatos and shilling for jews. Just embracing that hedonism man.
>who prepared a plan for his country against their will
I don't see the problem here
Well that changes everything! You really gotta be mad if you still think Hitler was a christian.
I study automation engineering and I'm quite creative. There is not a single fucking job that I can't imagine being not automatized. No, your job is not that special, sweetie. Most people have no imagination and are therefore too dumb to imagine that a robot could do their ''complex'' job. No, humans are not needed even as supervisors or repair. Everything can be automated!
There is nothing about work that inherently requires human brains and human muscles. That's our problem.
May be better than christianity but is just an alternative cult. Humans dont need ANY religion, but pagans will shove it down your throat anyway, just like christians.
>There's positively zero concrete evidence for Hitler or anyone other than maybe Himmler being a super secret pagan
>super secret pagan
that's were I stopped reading. there was nothing secret about it.
Good goy, keep making those autists on Sup Forums angry.
Ofc not, why do we oppose whats currently being done to our countries, get on with life goy.
Then fucking show some evidence outside of unverifiable secretive bullshit.
You're retarded lol.
Find me a public speech or cited quote proving Hitler or the movement were Pagan.