Drawfag Thread 1820
second rarfag's files until thread 1809: mediafire.com/folder/m5rhvc5a9bfku
Draw Friends Booru!
Please help a little by tagging and uploading pics!
Tag list of artists and colorists: pastebin.com/J0dJ6gtn
Missed a delivery or sudden 404? desustorage.org/a/
Drawfaggin' references and tablet guide: docs.google.com/document/d/1r76FugZ2pZIE74LdSEBMwGJ7HxweawNdoGrNT6hrOfs/edit
Thread 1819
Requesting the original artist who drew this to have my Ashitaka/ Haku request finished, cleaned up and colorized please!
Requesting Aldebaran (only has his right arm) and Subaru praising the sun.
Requesting sexually suggestive Dimaria bullying Brandish, both from Fairy Tail. Thank you.
Requesting Skarbrand and Ein Graze doing something manly and cool. Like lumberjacking.
any progress on this, please?
Requesting the Aquarions, lead by Logos (sword wielder) fighting against the Ryvius and Vital Guarder in an apocalyptic showdown.
Requesting Mikasa using an open outhouse in full view of the other recruits but not caring.
Requesting the colorization of this cutie with the principal color being purple or light blue.