L is Black HAHA
Death Note Liveaction 2017
Wasn't going to watch it anyway.
Even more reason not to.
Makes sense because L sits like a chimp
If Mia Sutton ended up being far better than Misa, that will be a triumph
L should have been a Slav
Whitest guy is black
Western looking character is chinese
Doesn't matter how much times this happens, it still triggers me, is as if they purposedly wanted to make it as shitty as possible.
Holy shit
We was ANIMES and sheeeiiittt
>people getting assblasted by this
the cast is asian, but since it's hollywood you can't really expect an asian cast anyway so what does it matter?
also this is not really an adaptation, it's gonna be like edge of tomorrow. anime liveaction never work. the best thing you can do is hope that it'll be a good standalone movie. same with GitS
Never mind that why the FUCK did they take the monst asian looking guy they could find for Watari? Sure man I can to some degree understand that they are americanizing the shit out of this so a black guy as based L and some nerd as Light are kind of understandable. However the Watari thing just makes straight up no sense.
That was one of my first animes. I tought it was good, but now i think its ok at most, i think the story is kind of bad, and the caracters kind of suck. Im not watching the movie, doesnt matter who are the actors.
Is this real? Why would they cast a random nigger on such a white suited role. Fucking SJWs and their "not enough niggers in hollywood" shit. Its not like the movie would have been good anyway so at least now i can laugh at the nigger trying to act.
L is European, why wouldn't he be black?
man soichiro has a chiseled jaw why did they get some pudge face guy
I hope this is good just to see the salt from Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders
what, do you think this is your home?
aren't you mistaken about something here?
you seem to be lost, this is your home
Fuck off and never come back
Literally no one here is complaining that the cast isn't Asian, it's either too black or too Asian . What were you expecting from white people on Sup Forums?
>L is not brown or asian
>implying blacks or whites have that level of intellegence
10/10 would get trolled again
>Light is supposed to be the perfect man, smart, pretty that gets more crazy as the series goes on
>interpreted by your average joe that looks a bit retarded
>L is supposed to be an antisocial guy who looks like he nevers sleep and is obsessed with justice
>a nigger
>Watari is supposed to be an old wise man
>interpreted by a japanese man in his 40s
if this is true, it will be flop of the century
oh im sorry I meant "african american" ill try not to use offensive words from now on! We are on reddit after all.
Someone is triggered
Why isn't L Samuel L. Jackson?
They missed an opportunity.
Ooga booga where da kira at?
This is literally sjw/blm propaganda.
they are complaining about the casting not matching the anime.
and i'm telling you it wasn't going to match either way in both ethnicity or looks so why even bother.
it wasn't going to be an asian cast, and in terms of looks, i'd rather not look at anime hair and shit. there are also a lot of cultural things that may simply not work.
really, my point is that it is always a mistake to look at these as "adaptations". they never ever are and they really shouldn't try to be. i'd be more satisfied if they could make the source material proud by making a decent movie, just like with edge of tomorrow.
>ill try not to use offensive words from now on!
correct. you could at least try to not act like a imbecile outside of your little bubble board.
take a good look at yourself and your posts.
There are people on this board that will actually pay money to see this abomination.
Irony is a hell of a drug. N-no bully.
I do what I want because ________
>you could at least try to not act like a imbecile outside of your little bubble board
If the word "nigger" upsets you so much you probably shouldn't be here.
>Paying for netflix
>Not using your friend's account in exchange for brojobs
What the fuck? L and Watari being white brits is part of their backstory and then you fucking make Watari his real name by turning him Asian? Literally making the bad gays whites and turning a pale pasty panda man into someone doesn't resemble the character at all, right after white washing the other characters.
Fucking Misa ain't even blonde.
Of course they could hire some fucking asian actors let's just turn a single one black and another one asian even if that fucks with the backstory fuck you hollywood you played yourself
are you going to cry? you could've used another word and my reply would've been the same.
>Sup Forums talking shit in a weaboo board
Take after Hitler and put that bullet into the mouth.
>lowercase posters
You're less wanted than Sup Forums, fuck off nigger.
They're making him black so it's ok when they kill him off?!
Him being black upsets me less than him being young.
Sure, it makes sense in the mango, but in a LA adaptation you would need to make him in older in order for the people to relate.
You guys are racists
L NEEDS to be black because movies has to have diversity. If it does not have diversity then it is not worth watching.
We should make a Sup Forums safe space for special snowflakes like you. That way you can post about your animes and mangos without having to worry about mean words or oppression!
This, holy fuck.
get over yourself
The point of him being young was about being impressive.
You just need to remember that L lost, and the one who beat Kira will be another white dude.
>not Idris Elba
Lmao what's the point?
But good guys always win so I'm sure holy wood will spin even that
>sjws are obsessed with multiracial casting and encourage black people to take roles from other races
>anime fans despise any race swaps of characters in live-action film and show adaptations
Wonder how this is going to end