zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the anime.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the anime
you millennials and your ADHD
from the character designs look like a girls' show
Yeah fuycking cangert
>openly admitting that he's old enough to have a job and have a family and still watches Japanese cartoons
>i hate my child and want to stop him from existings throug a time travel leter
- the anime
I heard Zzzzz around here so I came as fats as possible.
>Giving a shit about other anons life
>implying watching chinese animations is a bad thing
Man, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums? I think is the right board for underage normalshits like you. Fuck off.
That a lazy plain design of a school uniform.
Can't you fucking read? He said he came as fats as possible. Which kinda implies that he came sow. Because he's fats. And fats people don't fast. Fats people do slow.
"I'm glad Kakeru died in this timeline." - Suwa
It's a normal, non-ridiculous design.
>he came sow
He fucks pigs now?
It's realistic and doesn't look tacky. The worst are the ones where males have plaid pants.
Would you?
It looks like a normal school uniform. Not sure what your problem is.
I'd eat her yeast.
If it's whole wheat or plain white, sure.
But not rye, that makes my stomach upset for some reason.
You rape what you sow.
>Girl: We're probably fucking in another universe so I'm going to fuck this guy instead.
>Guy: Ok.
This is the message of this story.