White male/ Asian Female couples are degenerate

WM/AF couples are degenerate cancer. I don’t trust anyone who is turned on by Asian females. They are asexual and look like Asian men with longer hair. They inherently attract pedos.

Black chicks are for alphas.


yes goyim, breed more 90 IQ brazilians

Wrong white male/robotic female relationships are the future and alpha

Who gives a fuck? By the end of this century artificial wombs and genetic engineering will enable governments to mass produce super humans.

You won't get your artificial wombs if everyone is mullato



Fuck got any more?

Muh dik

It’s literally the opposite, the future is Asian senpai

let's meme asian/black pairings then. The resulting offspring should still be an improvement

She literally looks like this kek

White women are such whores. Look at my pure Asian waifu

>White women are such whores

What if the Asian is jap and half White and i'm white the children would be 75 percent white and then if you keep going the jap would be breeded out in a couple generations.


by far the ugliest asians, bottom of the barrel tier

good lord...

Farm the rice, pay the price.

>all your in-laws are black

Eat shit, shit it out and then eat it again, ad infinitum.

I wonder what would kill you first, sepsis, dehydration, or starvation.

This is what wm/af children look life

These kids are only 1/4 Korean.



They would have black IQ and Asian physical strength, worst of both worlds.

Still looks asian as fuck


Asian women are a menace to whiteness

Both parent are 5/10 AT ABSOLUTE BEST, yet the kids will apparently be super aesthetic.

Almost want to give him a click just to see how ugly his nip ex is.

well, the white race will survive for the next few decades... in America at least.

hybrid vigor is a meme

>They are asexual and look like Asian men with longer hair. They inherently attract pedos.
Honestly I can fap to them with the idea that they are major and just look like that but I'd take a white woman before a chink any day



dayum gurl lemme smash you wan sum fuk

It generally might be, but those kids still got lucky as hell.

Physically yes

We'd be able to pick and choose which traits we want, including skin tone, eye and hair color.

>mfw White male and Asian GF

white girls are fucking stuck up entitled cunts

Argument against White/Asian racemixing

Asian women
> tiger momming creates betas and slutty girls (authoritative parenting leads to high restrictions)
> high phytoestrogens carb (rice and soy) diet creates weak manlets and pussy boys
> asian mom hates asian guys and only worship white guys even if he’s fat and bald, leaves unhealthy self-hate inplanted into children

- if she has a son, he will 100% look asian, put those three factors together and you get Elliot
- if she has a daughter, she will enable the sexual racism onto her and you get Kelly Belthezar (damn hot facial abuse though)

It’s really simple. Really. Just abort Hapas sons or don’t have kids

And an argument against white/black racemixing

>"We met online. I was immediately drawn to Sui's kind personality and love of blogging about food. We have gone over a lot of hurdles. She's still learning to speak, read, and write English. Last week she told me she "ruved" me. haha. I can't wait to marry her so I can bring her to America"

Uh no, they aren't. they just don't like you. If you were a top 20 percentile white man, they wouldn't act stuck up towards you. But you're not, so you have to resort to asian women. Sad!

Why are the left shilling so hard against whites mixing with asians? not that I disagree, don't racemix, but ((they)) seem particularly scared of asians.



They're not. You just have such low confidence in yourself that you devalue yourself into only seeking Asians, who you see as lower and thus easier to get with, and not pursuing Whites at all.

Your sons will look like weak little Vietnamese fuccbois with chinky eyes and a womanly frames.

You are literally breeding psychotic killers


She looks exactly like a middle aged Chinese business man in a wig.

The kid was half kike you jackass

Except he wasn't. The jew meme was fake. Father works in Hollywood, but is an Anglo with an aristocratic background.

Stop looking for excuses for your disgusting gook racemixing. Your gf is a filthy shapeless whore who will sire you ugly, womanly sons.

for what reason INFP gets bullied here

kikes hate competition, asians and whites are the most civilized peoples, while niggers are subhumans, so naturally they try to dilute good genes with monkey genes by promoting nigger culture and degeneracy

It's not the left you dumbass, it's neo-nazis who are noticing all these white guys with Asian women and screaming "muh white genocide"

Nice damage control there, shlomo

nice try, shlomo

Ivanka sucks Kike dick every night.

Hey John Bettendorf

>when you are so delusional about your ugly asian gf that you think the jews are trying to prevent racemixing rather than promoting it

I've dated white girls, Asian girls and black girls.

Guess which one was better

>I am a based protector of western civilization

>whoa look at the AA cups on that asian chick

every racemixer on Sup Forums

A lot of rich Jees marry black women. Look at George Lucas. Blacks have superior genes. Best to mix with civilized black women. Beautiful offspring.

The vast majority of white men who date Asian women do it because they can't imagine a white woman submitting to them. It is a matter of low self esteem. Obviously these relationships will never be fulfilling for either partner.

Of course, it is possible for Asian women to be attractive, so if you just happen to date one, it's okay. But white men who intentionally go after Asian women due to stereotypes about them being submissive are embarrassing themselves and disrespecting Asian women.

don't know or care.

>just as long as you don't pretend you're white

White girls.
And if you answer differently, then your story is fake and youre a bitter virgin who hates white
Women because youre a brown elliot rodger.

>t. white roastie who is jealous
Black women are better than you.

The boy in the back looks latino

Also whiter than you

No he wasnt

Since you're South American I'm guessing they were all the same girl.

LOL monkey you are not whiter than me. Kys brown elliot rodger nigger loving faggot. Sheboons are TRASH neck yourself.
I am laughing at your sad life.
>pic VERY related
No theyre really not? And youre british so i dont care about you anyway paki

No, it'd probably actually end up in between

Well not all of us can be in the top 20% of men. When women in our own countries reject the remaining 80% of men it's totally reasonable for those men to seek out foreign women.


Asians are good for pumping and dumping but you wouldn't want to settle for one.

Actually, I'm a Kraut in Scotland. Try again sweetheart. And, yes, they are better than you from experience. You sound like a child who is jealous.

>sweden again
It's not funny at this point.

Let's be real, if any of you are getting laid by anyone you are better off than 90% of the losers on this board. I hope people don't actually turn down women because of the retarded shit angry incels on here say.

Cute black girls mostly only go for the top 20% looking white guys also
That is why these threads mine so much salt

He was the supreme gentleman

Isn't this happening in Africa? Surplus Chinese men go to Africa as contractors and marry African women. At the very least it would bump up the IQ in Africa and fix the fucked up gender ratio in China

Its just a meme sweetheart. Literally all that is required of you is to approach women and with confidence, talk to her, and get to know her! Fuck, you dont have to be attractive, just be a fun person to be around, love her and make her feel truly loved.
But since none of you have personalities or are interesting, you think you dont get laid because youre not a chad. Literally fuck you and fuck off. K bye

>sign up for free adult math learning course
>these are dominated by black women
>some are intelligent, majority are so stupid I can't even begin to try painting the picture (was asked by one which way south is)
>they all think I'm a genius for not being retarded and immediately offer to fuck in exchange for help
>do this with honest intentions with four of them, one twice, and genuinely couldn't manage to teach them anything no matter how hard I tried
>they wouldn't even listen, would be on their phones, as I attempt to pay them back for what they whored themselves out for

Man no wonder asianmasculinity is so angry, the BWC meme is true for their women

You have to go back, Hans


> you dont have to be attractive

keep lying to yourself you grunge pale bitch,you filthy are only into our money nothing else

AMWF is better because usually an Asian guy has to be pretty alpha to land a white woman

You have to accept the fact that negresses are more attractive than native British women.

This makes sense.

I'm white, but I follow the rule of the black man...
Anything as long as it isn't a black bitch, and if it is, I ain't sticking around afterwards.

I used to be all into Asian women but then I realised how boring most of them look. In the past couple of years I've got a serious I've got a serious thing going on for black girls. I hope I marry a black woman and make beautiful halfie babies with her.

Asian women and white men are the most desirable

Being attractive does help but must ugly people are ugly because they make no effort. Most the lossless virgin pics I've seen posted on Sup Forums could improve their looks by shaving their patchy beta beards, cleaning their face, getting a haircut and some clean clothes.

Most would rather sit around blaming women and feeling sorry for themselves, it's a lot easier than changing your lifestyle.

I need to fuck a black girl, I must see my white cock plunging into darkness

And yet create the most undesirable children

Shut up, you know that's bs.

Fact of the matter is that white women want to whore around with the best looking guys and then settle for a comparatively boring but financially stable one. Sorry, but I'm not going to suffer because white women can't keep their legs closed.

Also, nice that you left so you can't hear my rebuttal, roastie.