can you guys ever let people grieve without having to make edgelord memes out of a tragedy?
You guys are really sick
I like memes
fuck you
holy shit there's about to be a megaGET
148888888 will be best get on Sup Forums
We all cope in different ways. It's ok to be sad sometimes OP.
Sure is Sup Forums here.
Based rare pepe!
Terrorists win
Quit giving a fuck faggot
>implying it won't be pls be my ai gf-tier
but edgelord memes make up the fabric of this great community.
Yeah it's pretty edgy and subhuman
Sup Forums supposedly is a place for intelligent, "superior" whites who are also religious, yet you see edgy shit like racism, laughing at mass shootings, and all that shit which is common in the userbase
Really makes ya think, they're a bunch of edgy kids larping as moral people, but deep down they're just as subhuman as your mentally ill Sup Forumstard
Got the original?
This u?
Says the asshole posting a kek meme of the hotel
No. Fuck off Reddit.
Its no measure of health to be well adjusted to a sick society
-intellectual guy
Sup Forums isn't one person but I agree it's disturbing these edgy Sup Forumstards are here
Welcome to the internet.
Now fuck off, we're full.
Hello new friendo
>goes on Sup Forums
>expects there to not be edgelords