Ok user's go to mandalaybay web site check out there rooms you can rent
They have three windows per room now look at this pic there are 2 diff rooms involed in this shooting seprated by a room prov me wrong.
Big prob with Vegas Shooting
Other urls found in this thread:
opps type O sep by 2 rooms
>They have three windows per room now look at this pic there are 2 diff rooms involed in this shooting seprated by a room prov me wrong.
Here, I'll prove you wrong. Those are two windows from THE SAME SUITE. A corner suite. Holy shit people.
It is a suite with multiple spaces and window views. Poorfags might not be familiar with nicer accomidations.
well that was quick
that did not take long thank you wise one
i was wrong
Bigger then my fucken house also feel like retard
i no post no more
Newfriend, most people wouldn't admit their mistake. You're ok in my book.
keep up nigga. this info is 6 hours old at least
Did the police even check if there was a grassy knoll anywhere near where the shooting happened?
Let's check some other facts ... He had fifty rifles and a bajillion rounds but he wasn't mentally ill.
Makes you think don't it?
Shooter was ANTIFA
Maybe someone shot back and missed and decided not to blast other hotel occupants?
how old are you? be honest
you can rent rooms next to each other, which is what the sheriff just said 30 minutes ago.
I think the biggest problem is that the gunfire didn't come from those windows
What about the window in the lower middle of the hotel that police on scanner radio identified as having muzzle flash?
Video here of that window clearly being the point at which he was firing from.
SAY IT WITH ME Sup Forums --- 10 football fields! That's what the shooter's range. Is that normal for shooting, good, or fantasic?
Fuck off, jew shill
when you're shooting fish in a barrel you really don't need to aim well
Wasn't it 400 yards, 4 football fields? I think that's a pretty big distance, though it's not like he needed to be accurate. He apparently wasn't trained but I don't think that's an uncommon distance for people trained in the military.
I once shot at a firing range only 100 yards with rifles with iron sights and the sights even at that short distance completely covered the target I was trying to shoot. So to me that seems like a really far distance but in terms of the operating range of guns it's not really. 1000 yards is actually pretty far I think. Rifle bullets would still be dangerous I imagine but if you need to aim it would be significantly harder, but then again the guy was shooting into a large crowd.
14:25 In the audio of the police scanner an officer mentions spotting a strobe light.
How does someone carry 50 rifles with them? Like how many suit cases is that?
>what is a penthouse suite
I like both of you guys. Cheers.
So many obvious shariablue shills posting retarded threads to make Sup Forums look stupid
Autism always wins though