I ship it
I ship it
Speaker for the Dead got animated?
I was literally watching this scene around the same time you posted this. Are you me?
I don't understand.
He deserved better
His colony was protected.
Squealer deserved more punishment than he got. He was lucky to get the mercy kill from Saki.
Maybe from the viewpoint of the people, but if I was him I'd do the same.
Squealer literally did nothing wrong.
>spare my queen
>his entire colony gets spared
Squealer was the real threat to him.
Except, you know, killing half the village and leading to the genocide of his race.
Well a good portion of it got destroyed by the humans, but he ended up getting his last request fulfilled.
Coolest character desu.
Only killing half the village, you mean.
Friendly reminder that Saki is the true monster of SSY.
-emotionally cheated on Maria.
-sucked Satoru's tiny shota dick, then used that mouth to kiss Maria.
-abandoned Maria in the wilderness to go with Satoru who was in no danger.
-blamed Maria for everything bad that happened.
-knew Squealer tortured Maria and forgave him anyway, letting him out of suffering.
-acted like a bitch to Mamoru and called him pathetic for liking Maria.
-was the cause for nearly everything bad that happened in the series.
Saki is enemy number 1.
Those laughing girls are gigantic
For you.
Points 1 and 5 are bad
1 is simply you not liking sexual preferences of Saki and what that society deems as sexually permissible.
5 is often the trait of the good guy in the Judaeo-Christian world.
Also point point 7 needs to be further explained.
Overall you got a 7/10 rough draft. Remember that the final paper is due Friday and needs to be a minimum of 8 pages long.
>Squealer tortured Maria
You know that's false.
No one can torture a cantus user. Quick death is the only way to kill them
Even if you found a way to disable their powers, if the remained in a bad state of mind, they will turn into an Akuma
So no, you suck
It has nothing to do with their society. Maria was faithful and true to Saki. Saki was just shallow and self serving.
She's hardly a "good guy".
Save for the fact we know he did, because he straight up said he did it to his queen. There is zero reason to think he didn't do it to Maria so he could make human weapons.
>if the remained in a bad state of mind
This doesn't make sense in English. But, it stands to reason that he lobotomized Maria the same way he did the queen. She didn't lose her powers, she just lost the ability to think.
But Maria was the one who abandoned Saki if she stayed they'd probably be happy for the rest of their lives
Cantus energy was implied to be directly proportional to the user's personality and intelligence.
Akumas are born out of lunacy and violence
Whereas Karmic demons are of knowledge and wisdom
If they lost the ability to think, then their cantus energy will spill out of control and its game over to everyone in miles
you deleted it.
My reply
He was in no way worse than Cantus users.
She couldn't stay, because they, the village elders, were planning to kill Mamoru.
You're retarded, that has nothing to do with what I said.
How much "cantus energy" a person has is irrelevant to the point of Squealer lobotomizing Maria to make her like the queen and using her in the same fashion.
He did. He didn't wait to raise at least another one of those human babies in case the first one dies.
Yes it is, fucktard
Conciousness is the only thing that keeps their powers restrained. Without it, a single cantus user can endanger the entire world.
Not to mention that the cats would have long find them due to traces of cntus energy
>It has nothing to do with their society
In this case it has everything to do with their society. They live in a society that allows and to an extent encourages liberal sexual behavior in maturing kids. A kid performing fellatio on another kid on day and kissing another kid the other day would not be seen as morally corrupting in that society. In fact if the implications of narrator Saki are to be believed the society would see such acts as moral and needed for society to function.
>have long find them
I find it ironic that you think other people are mentally impaired when you are so slow you can't even remember to punctuate correctly.
Anyway, no it's not. The subconscious is what controlled most of it. See the auto self destruct for using cantus on other cantus users. Either way, why do you keep trying to deny this. The story straight up throws it in your face.
>Squealer says he lobotomized the queen of his people so he could use to mass produce soldiers
>Squealer is in a situation where he has access to Maria
>Suddenly he has human weapon cantus users
Do you really think that is a coincidence?
Also, your other statement about "cantus energy" is just flat out wrong, because Maria's child was literally behaving like an animal, thus not intelligent, and her cantus was very strong.
Perception is not reality. What Saki was doing is wrong, even if their society thought it was fine. That's even the main message of the story. Their society thought it was fine to murder children and enslave or mind wash people. Which clearly it's not.
Kiroumaru is probably the most evil character in the show. He only goes after squealer out of petty revenge and jealousy, because squealer rekt him, supposedly the "best" general. (His secondary motive is even dumber, he actually thinks getting rid of a tyrannical queen is somehow a bad thing)
He even admits that he mostly shares squealer's viewpoint about cantus users but is so immensely butthurt that getting revenge on his enemy has a higher priority than saving his entire race. If viewers were less shallow they would recognize him as the most morally bankrupt character in the show. He only gets a pass because he doesn't look as ugly as the other rats and "muh honor"
Thanks for admitting you are wrong.
The fuck you talking about self destruct?
Oh, wait, you mean the death feedback, isn't it?
Oh yes, that totally works as a self-destruct button. :^)
>Maria's child who was litterally following Squeelers orders and understand the language of the rats
>acts like an animal
I loled.
>can't tell that this is a new IP
Lurk at least 4 years before posting here.
Who the fuck cares about Mamoru. Literally worst character in the show.
It's funny how you go full melt down mode when you realize you are wrong, and changing your IP is mind numbingly simple. The fact you try to use it as an excuse only shows you did it on purpose to try and use it as an excuse.
>acts like an animal
She sure did. Much like how you are about as smart as an animal.
We are quickly approaching the idea of moral relativism so I'll just stop
jesus saki, don't you have chromosomes to repair or something?
I did not even change my IP, fucktard
Keep raging like the cornered beast you are. You might find a damage control button somewhere
Post more because there's nothing more funny than a retard accusing you of samefagging just because you disagree with him.
That's not even close to happening, but it's best to stop either way because it's clear you're never going to act civil or rational.
>he's messing up his punctuation again
You can't really think you're fooling anyone.
And it's not you disagreeing, it's you "both" giving non-answers and not addressing the points people make. You seem to think that because you disagree you "upvote" the other side of the argument and that makes it "more right" or something. But the fact your posts are worthless and don't mean anything because they have no substance or reasoning behind them.
It was shit.
Just leave, man. Go back to whatever shithole you came from. Nobody wants you here and nobody cares what you think.
what's wrong user, can't handle a little HOT homo teenage GAY MAN LOVE? I thought Sup Forums was better than this. what is this, the 1950's???
What is this show and why does a rat and a canon slut upset so many people
Just some newfag getting rammed
I watched it around the same time too.
... that being whenever the episode first aired in 2012!
The irony is you're clearly the one that's new. Trying to use the "IP count" as an excuse.
Anyway, like I said, it's clear you've gone full melt down mode. Do you really think just saying "lol that's wut u think" changes anything? I gave reasoning and validation for the statements I made. You spammer personal attacks. Just saying "that's wut u think" does stop what I said from being fact.
Seriously, if you can't handle normal discussion why don't you go back to tumblr where you can force your own hug box.
See You're clearly very upset that you lost such a basic argument.
Saki basically cucks the 4 other characters
>sucks off Satoru thus cucking Maria and Shun
>dykes it up with Maria thus cucking Mamoru and Shun
>is in love with Shun thus cucking Maria
>thinks of Shun while having sex with Satoru
>There is zero reason to think he didn't do it to Maria so he could make human weapons.
Okay, question time for you "Maria did nothing wrong and she will never suck Mamoru's dick"fags; if Squealer forced Mamoru and Maria to have sex, then why wouldn't him make them have more children? As far as I recall he got two years to "make false bones". In that time he could had made two more children.
Answer, Squealer found Mamoru with Maria already pregnant. He waited for the baby to be born, then he killed Maria and Mamoru in their sleep.
Oh it's the time where we call any one who replies to us a newfag?
Well you can fuck right back off to newfag
I'll bite. Do you seriously think that you can "win" an argument about morality?
Just go back to tumblr before somebody gets triggered.
Saki's so sexy that I'd willingly be her 5th cuck.
Fucking jew you are. Squeatler was right.
Why are women so unfaithful?
Satoru did the same
Satoru doesnt cuck Mamoru though
So his cuck count is only 3
Are you /u/fags so desesperate to defend your yuri delusions? Maria and Mamoru were very stressed having to run for their lives, their society gets fucking horny when they are scarred/stressed. Maria and Mamoru fucked, then Maria got pregnant.
She didn't act like an animal, if you put attention she was very calm when Cantus user weren't killing rats, she got berseker whenever she saw humans. Squealer called her their messiah, I bet that girl had a messiah complex and that was the reason she seemed to enjoy killing humans.
>what is this, the 1950's???
Go away, SJW.
Wait... so are you saying that Saki is... a whore?
The biggest useless whore.
Your mums a big useless whore
The real answer? Because its a genetic diversity to children born, the more men to a woman the more diverse and less incest defects.
Alternately that stayed into the level population like that was supposed to be ok without that one woman, many different fathers. But it was inducted into the habits of the genes. Women find it hard to have one man.
As a result the male genes started to die out and scientists in the 80's found that the male gene was being wiped out. Only recently has it been disproven that men will become extinct for the human species because of the faithfulness in genes of having multiple offspring with one couple.
Alternatively species who has a single male, many female counterparts like lions/lioness' have a stable gene because the females last past the first, second and even third generation of males as their bodies degenerate faster by being lazy.
While groups of gorillas/apes/etc whose females mate many as a social nature have the nature to fulfill every male and the biggest male has the best "stuff" to get past it and procreate.
Adding a social nature to it is a new part of evolution and it's saving the human race. You have to be a new man all the time to keep a woman. Don't get stagnant with how you are with the girl. Surprises and constant shock causes a woman to stay with you. This is also true in abuse cases which is why I worded it as I did.
The More You Know
Not as big as Saki, user.
not mai waifu :(
What the fucking shit
Everytime I make a thread on Sup Forums with the sole purpose of talking about cute characters it devolves into people being mean to each other
I lurked for 2 years from 2009 to 2011 then another 2 to get a refresher from 2014 to this January but it still seems like I still can't even get the most basic threads right...
um that may be pasta but that actually made me think. Do you have any further reading on the subject?
You should have made this thread in 2009, Sup Forums was nicer then.
Learning these details over the years. Easy to just google the five subjects:
"human male gene being erased"
"human male gene stable"
"*insert animal here* mating habits and genetics"
"human mating habits of the world"
"women who get bored, cheat"
a simple hypothesis
But user SSY didn't come out until 2012
Was really hoping for there to already be reputable scientific sources that showed a relationship between monogamy and and non shrinking Ychromosone. Oh well I'll just wait.
I still have only one question about this show.
I didn't understand what this scene was about?
3 of them were just hugging or this was implication of 3some behind the scenes and cucking out Mamoru?
So was that actually semen dripping from the roof of the cave?
Would I be the laughing stock of Sup Forums if I waifu Saki
No, I think pretty much everyone who watches SSY wants to fuck her.
I find it funny you think you are fooling people by posting from your phone.
Either way, you're a new fag for thinking can fool people with "IP counts", and thinking that saying "lol" and "triggered" are acceptable.
This also has nothing at all to do with morality. You're just flat out wrong, no morals involved.
She also literally never spoke or used her words, she acted like an animal. And trying to avoid the main point, which has nothing at all to do with people's cantus level. It's about him doing the same thing he did to his queen.
>Maria and Mamoru fucked
Who said otherwise? He clearly used both Maria and Mamoru to try and make human weapons. The story even says it's their child.
I kept picturing all of the pequeninos as looking like Squealer.
Even if you are in a fucking phone you can't change IPs, how do I know? Because some faggot samefagged to bump his own thread and an user pointed it out.
>She also literally never spoke
It is clear she can understand the rats' languague because she spared the man who hide his face abd talked the rats' languague.
Also you are implying Squealer had to force them to fuck, which is wrong because they only needed to be stressed to want to fuck. And if Squaler made them fuck why woudn't he make more kids if he had two years to do whatever he wanted with them?
You're stupid for thinking playing stupid will fool anyone. Everyone knows about how mobile phone IP address change just by turning the phone or device on and off.
>why woudn't he make more kids
Gee, maybe it's because humans don't grow as fast as rat people. Do fail health class?
Actually most of it was destroyed by Squealer, who did it because Yakomaru's colony wouldn't submit to his rule and make him their communist ruler and lobotomize their mom to be a slave who exists for babymaking.
They spared several colonies and any damage done to them was caused by Squealer himself.
Karmic demons are the result of traumas due to emotions as well, but the person is in control as their cantus goes out of control and can't control it anymore. Shun was repressing a lot of shit that eventually bubbled over.
Akumas go berserk once they can't handle their own issues and just break under their power.
Squealer had a Cantus user on his side. Strategy is shit when your enemy is making mutants and can take away all their weapons and have a secret stash of knowledge to slaughter your group with tech.
Kiroumaru himself spared the kids earlier in the show and asked them not to tell anyone. The committee knew where they were all along but he helped them just cause they were kids and needed it.
He even admitted he sought the Psycho Buster to protect his colony, but knew the risks were far greater than the reward and thus didn't go after it.
Squealer also hated him just as much as he hated Squealer.
The humans were justified in their crusade
the rats simply tried to manipulate them with lies placed lies
Lobotomizing queens to be baby factories isn't any morally better. Squealer also wanted all the rodents to submit to him. If they don't consider him their dark messiah because they aren't fanatics then he just straight up slaughters them all.
He wants to be worshiped like Kamisama's and even uses the same traditions and methods that he supposedly disdains like raising the young of his enemy to serve him, a proud honored tradition his race loved to do with slaves.
And he would have no way of properly dealing with Akuma's, who would wipe out his tribes easily.
>Lobotomizing queens to be baby factories isn't any morally better.
Actually it is. It's not like he did it out of cruelty rather than as a necessary step to enable a somewhat human society for Queerrats.
If anything it's Cuntus users fault for giving human beings the bodies of mole rats.
And why would I want to make that efford for a faggot like you?
Also Squealer HAD two fucking years to make two kids. Which proves he just found Maria already pregnant, killed Maria and Mamoru and killed them when the baby was born. /u/fags are fucking stupid.
>it takes over two years to make a single child
Wow, you are impressive stupid. And it's also funny to see you pathetically bumping your own shit thread from pager ten.
And you don't make the "efford" (effort*) for me, you do it for yourself, because you're pathetically stupid and think more "upvotes" means you "win". So you pretend to be other people and give those upvotes to yourself.
>it takes over two years to make a single child
Where did I say that, faggot? At this point you are talking out of your ass. Or are you forgetting Squealer promised Saki and Satoru somes bones in two years? Kill yourself if you are too salty to accept your beloved Maria fucked a boy by her own will.
Bravo, you had to accuse me of samefagging because you can't accept you are the only one too delusional to accept the true. What's next?
guys please stop fighting can we just talk about how qt Saki is
I always envisioned them as warthog-like, just thinner and on 2 legs
She's one of the best female characters ever written.
Again, you are disgustingly stupid. I never said Maria didn't fuck Mamoru. If fact, this point was brought up already, but you are too blinded by your rage and stupidity to see it. "Who said otherwise". Do you understand what this phrase implies.
>What's next?
Me laughing at you for the dozens of typos in your post.
There are very few sane females in anime sadly.
Sup Forums pls go