I lost my Japanese truck folder

I lost my Japanese truck folder.

Post Japanese trucks.

Other urls found in this thread:




Emperor's black bones, that's a nice truck.


Fuck your Japanese truck.

Sauce on this? Image search didn't find shit

Same author as Unbalance x Unbalance but with a Japan setting.

so fucking rad


— Ninomiya-kun!
— Sensei!

Can't believe you haven't posted this.



Why is this a thing? Do people get hit by trucks weekly in Japan?

Kei trucks are kawaii as fuck.




I imagine it's a common plot device for tragedy in japan fiction just like dying from a cold.

>posts a japanese truck destroying a fucking Volvo of all things

Japanese writers wouldn't use such contrived plot devices over and over... right?

fucking trucks man


Nice seizure-mobile m9

Get Down

>Japanese truck teleports behind you
>"Nothin' personnel, kid..."





Fucking. Kek.

When do we get a series about one of these hapless Japanese truck drivers?

Fum fact: People get hit by trucks weekly all over the fucking world.

Japanese truck is my stand.

Kono SEO da!

>he thinks any japanese truck-related death is an accident


>nothin trucksoneel, kid

What drives these murderous beasts?

Yeah, but the thing is that other countries don't use it as a writing device as much as Japan.

Underpaid lizard lickers.


>went to japan
>almost got hit by truck when riding bicycle.
Damn, just like in my japanese cartoon.


How else are you going to die a premature death in a first world country? Retard.

Taking a flower pot to the head
Getting mugged and stabbed
Falling to the train rails
Being ran over by normal cars
Gas explosions
Carbon monoxide intoxication
Trampled down during a panic at a concert or sports match
Electrical Shock due to house appliances

This reminds me of Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift for some reason

>live in America
>go outside
>get shot by little Jimmy trying to set a new high score

Pretty easy desu.

This was not the truck's fault.

Trust not the truck, the lorry, the flatbed.

You can get murdered
You could get hit by a thunderbolt
Your home could get caught on fire
You could get Keyaids
You could trip and hit your head


Did someone say JAPANESE TRUCK thread?

>Taking a flower pot to the head

Yeah...nah, saw a schoolmate one time got dropped by a flowerpot at like 14-16 feet high. Didn't die, just bled profusely.
Hell he tried to laugh it off, weird scene.

ANybody got the pic of the guy who is about to get run over by a truck and then pulls out a fucking katana and cuts the truck in half?

I think its Boku dake ga Inai Machi or kurokami

I'm still mad.

It's the later.


This thread hurts.

More likely to get shot or stabbed by a mugger. They don't make national news headlines like Mohamed did the other day so they don't exist in most people's worlds.

I don't believe you

the only real problem is the frogposter

m9 is hopefully ironic, and kek is fine
>Select all images with commercial trucks

>Getting mugged and stabbed
The Japanese like to pretend that doesn't happen there. Police departments there are encouraged no to report violent crime in order to make the town look better.

>You could get hit by a thunderbolt

That's most countries.

Not that user but kek is cancer pure and you write like a retard.

its always unnerving when images match the content of the topic.
>kek is fine
depends on Sup Forumss mood






Sauce for these?

God, Another was such a fun ride with Sup Forums.

the original?
I think this is kimi no iru machi

You get the Japanese Cold

>you write like a retard
I have a communicative disorder, cut me some slack. I have trouble thinking of words, so writing with proper grammar and punctuation is a nightmare for me. I'm lucky if I can write a coherent combination of letters.

Talking in real life is practically impossible, so I only say things when I absolutely have to.

>depends on Sup Forumss mood
Sup Forums is never in the mood for kek. It's always purest cancer.

I almost got hit by a bus once. I was inches away from being crippled

I think posters who get extremely upset over one little word are more cancerous.

But sadly, you're still here to shitpost

Did you die?

>Hit by a Thunderbolt

It was a near death experience

nice blog

so what is more powerfull, the japanese cold or the japanese truck.

what happens when you have the japanese cold and you get hit by a japanese truck.
Do they cancel each other out?

>But sadly, you're still here to shitpost
you had one job
>and yet you lived to shitpost another day


Oh man. RIP user.

>japanese cold and you get hit by a japanese truck.
>so what is more powerfull, the japanese cold or the japanese truck.
japanese cold can take you anywhere, even in a world where there are no more Japanese trucks

Those "cancerous posters" are the only reason Sup Forums is the only board left that doesn't tolerate the shitty cuck meme.

>Sup Forums is the only board left that doesn't tolerate the shitty cuck meme.
Go look up that shit on the archive. It's fucking everywhere.

but it isnt a japanese cold when you get it outside of japan.

yet another axample

These poor fuckers have to deal with streets full of Japanese drivers every day.

If you die from it then it was probably japanese cold, or maybe space aids if you are a mecha pilot


>Talfourd Road
In Britain?

post apocalyptic and edo japan are still japan

>space aids
There is no such thing as space aids, that is just federation propaganda. usually its the drugs,g forces,user interface or nanomachines