Masou Gakuen HxH

Autism time. This island is fucking tiny.

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Bad perspective.

not worth watching until bd come out

Do you really expect a fan service academy harem to make sense.

Found the problem
Think 1.5m tall

When will you learn

A wannabe /sci/fag is try-harding.

AT-X broadcast was uncensored, and it's already subbed.


Sasuga Togashi

>Trees go up to turrets, no wall behind
>No blue light between turrets


Also the cannons in the top screenshot have a flat top while the cannons in the bottom screenshot have a round top. I think that they're different cannons, user.

I enjoy this kind of autism.

>Sup Forums invented
Just fuck off you underage cunt

Yea, might be located on top of "thin" inner wall behind each 4-cannon section, if it is outer border at all and not some internal structure.

The gun mounting on the cannons in the two shots also looks slightly different.

In the far shot, there's a flat plate inside the turret housing visible, like some sort of internal gun shield. That appears to be absent in the close shot.

It does raise the question of where Eros-kun is standing, though. Maybe near some PD guns on the side of the island opposite the one shown in the distant shot?

Wasn't the upper/inner wall the one that deployed during the ridiculous evangelion-eque city transformation sequence?


I have to delete that filter again

the first image is just a fuck up perspective or maybe an entirely different area who knows

the actual side canons are as huge as buildings

Maybe we could use the number of stories on the central building to get the height, then estimate the radius of the whole city.

Also, what the hell is the point of single-shot guns of that size? They apparently weren't doing shit about the massive airship floating in front of them, and they seem excessively large for air-burst/flack cannons able to service multiple customers.

They'd be better off with batteries of smaller quick-firing cannon.


This shit is what I watch anime for

No uncensored boobs even in the AT-X version. Not nice.

and this anime is fucking garbage.

Isnt it great?


So you're saying the man is too big? How small should he be?

Another mindless fanservice anime. I don't need more needless boner.

All anime should be like this
Ecchi and silly and as a bonus it repels normalfags

Maybe they are used for artillery deployed oceanic minefields, but if that is the case, why would they need so many?

What does the HxH stand for?

He should look like an ant if he expects to fit in ant sized buildings. The diameter of those canons must be a minimum of 10 feet across in order to be scaled up to fit people. by diameter, I mean chamber diameter.

If I were a person who needed massive guns like that, I would make it a hybrid laser cannon/railgun. The breech is a laser gun that can be switched out when you need to shoot something of significant mass.

If we are talking traditional artillery, perhaps it is a rocket launching module.Capable of launching massive guided cluster rockets to wipe out anything in the sky first time every time.

If it is ultra traditional, then we are talking high-explosive boom bottles the size of a semi-truck. They probably shoot something that is not nuclear, but very close to being nuclear. Giant explosions in the sky are more than capable of shattering aircraft of any sort. The concussive wave kills the crew, and tears apart the plane.

Anime was not a mistake.

you can say that again

>user in charge of reading
it's canceled "due to various circumstances"

Has this ever happened before?
Is ecchi in danger?

I've literally no idea. Maybe it was too much ecchi?

You sure about that?

It's only one station who cares.

That's the censored station, the uncensored ones will continue airing

Have you worshipped her today Sup Forums?

It's a joke

There are people last season who legitimately thought Emilia was a boy. I always doubt the intelligence of people in these threads.

Have you seen its genitals? No! ergo you can't be sure and are just protecting your shit fetish onto others

there was a Sup Forums fag who worked out that every shot of starkiller base in episode 7 could have powered the earth for 100 trillion years.

>Masou Gakuen

there is no such thing in Hunter X Hunter m8 what are you on about?

>If I were a person who needed massive guns like that, I would make it a hybrid laser cannon/railgun. The breech is a laser gun that can be switched out when you need to shoot something of significant mass.

Key problem is that the mechanisms for the two are completely different; a laser wouldn't even have a hollow barrel. It might have a collimator that looks the part, but it would be stuffed full of optic components. These are going to be the sort of things you want to keep away from stuff like recoil or shockwaves from hypersonic projectiles striking the atmosphere.

In general, you'd be better off with a railgun and a laser as two separate systems, in separate mountings to avoid losing both at once unless weight is a serious problem.

That said, the power infrastructure for both systems would be pretty similar - potentially identical if they have the same operating energy. You could run them off the same capacitor banks and power supply, though (probably) not at the same time. Or you could have three power supplies that could fuel each of them, so losing one bank doesn't take out any specific gun.

I cant pick out anywhere on the bottom pic were you can see the top one.

The gun he is stood by are the guns around the outside.

You can clearly see he is standing right next to foliage, so those are not the massive canons around the outside.

why are animators so back at perspective?

Remember the pop-up wall, though. They COULD be the same guns.

You like shojo and josei and love to watch male centric types of anime. I wonder why do you like to pretend to watch harem anime, really?

HxH went on hiatus again.

Does Reiri have any good scenes in the light novels?

Because it would take work on maintaining a constant scale of reference, which would be a lot harder than, say, consistent character designs.

I suspect the collective nature of most anime production also hurts; the big scale shots are probably going to be subject to LESS scrutiny than average.


>horriblesubs uploading the censored version
what the fuck happened?

CR don't use ATX , that's what happened.

Math is probably wrong. Manlet perspective always is.

>HS has gotten so lazy that they won't even look around a bit for a better version
Might be time to migrate. Can't believe I actually donated to them a few times.

Did they just throw a bunch of random words together?

Volume 5 chapter 4 my friend. Anime will never go that far.

Hayato saw it's genitals, If it wasn't a girl then, It's a girl now.

That being said, Hundred wasn't amazing by any standards but I would happily put forth money just so I can get a second season of Hayato and Emilia going on dates and being cute in general.