In fifty years white will be a minority in the USA, do you think this is a good thing?
The Changing Face of America
Demography is a joke field because it is based on everything continuing exactly as things stand now.
If you look at the basis of that estimate it assumes that immigration will steadily increase yoy until 2050, and that Hispanic birth rates will remain the same
I moved to the midwest to avoid this shit. White flight is just unavoidable.
Blondies and red heads everywhere.
>Hispanics and Asians are randier than blacks
less mass shooters so it'll be ok
I grew up in NYC area my whole life
I hate it
I don't like "diversity" and "multiculturalism". I can't help but notice how shit the mindset of non whites are. But all the jobs are here, esp in finance which is my field .
>blacks keeps on being 13%
You guys lied to me.
And to expand on this, here is a page from the PDF that OP is citing. Notice anything odd about this projected trend line?
Fuck diversity and fuck multiculturalism. There is no benefit to it and I fucking hate how NOBODY EVER brings up the benefits.
>uh dude like people from different backrounds?!
I have never met a brown person bring something new to the table because they were brown. Fucking idiots. I tried to eat at a restaurant owned by a Mexican and NOBODY spoke English. There were SEVEN kids counted in the kitchen all watching tv and running around. I couldn't purchase anything because nobody spoke English. Sickening...
Find a person who supports diversity and ask them why. Ask them how anything changes. Ask them why the fuck they support something so disgusting. God damn it I hate it so much.
Right now I just live in a nice suburb full of whites. I will NEVER ever go back to what I had to grow up with and work with. I hate it.
>50 years
Remember, for statistics they use a shitton of hispanics and put them under the label: white.
>hispanics is a bit more intelligent than niggers that they can replace us
>asians just fuck like rabbits
Not if they all have guns.
That graph includes non-hispanic whites. Whenever you see people put as "white" and they look like Mexicans, it's because they are listed as "white hispanics".
It's stupid I know, but in todays world nobody is racially concious and nobody knows about genetics. They'll see some Afro-Rican with an afro and a flat broad nose and they'll list him as white because he is light brown instead of dark brown, lol. I don't even know why white hispanic exists.
The sooner China can replace us the better. I've given up on any hope for the US or West at large.
Niggers have ghetto gang culture, abortions, and lack of impulse control that fucks them over. Coincidentally, we started having an overall decrease in crime about 15 years after abortion was legalized.
Niggers die at 30 so it balances out
just because
Every big city is majority brown and most have blacks/hispanics/asians as the biggest racial group.
The media is fucking killing us. Fuck every scumbag to likes to paint white people as some sort of superpower here in the states. We are nearly dead and we're dying out. I'll make sure to teach my skins about the legend of the white American. I bet they would be surprised when I tell them how their ancestors came here in the 1700s.
Basically NYC today
It's obviously terrible, but Hispanics are good people in general and Asians are smart. As long as the most violent and dumb of the dumb stay in the vast minority, I think we're good.
>I don't even know why white hispanic exists.
what about ones that are of mostly genuine Spanish decent and not amerindian? I thought white hispanics were the ones that were all European and not mestizo
Actual Spaniards are listed as white, not white hispanic as far as I know.
I went to a little 90% white town in Wyoming. Fuck me it's depressing when you realize what we had. I never got to live in it, but it must have been nice.
Yeah right. And even if it does who cares.
They can still be Hispanic. I'm purely Italian but I register for LatinXXXX scholarships cause my family lived in Argentina for a generation then moved to the US.
Mexican girls fucking worship me too. It's fantastic here in LA
It's crazy what you see. I moved into a nice suburb where there are no browns for miles and everyone has blonde and red hair. It's weird how common it was in the population. I even saw some people with platinum blonde and orange hair!
This. Black people are killing each other at rates high enough for their population ratio to stay unchanged.
>I register for Latinx scholarships
Really? Ahahaha. Well I'm glad you found a way to cheat the system.
Asians are soulless, hispanic culture will replace the american one and blacks to remain a stable minority will be more than today.
US are fucked
>he doesn’t know that things happen in 50 years
Blacks will get marginalized again
So will hispanics. Maybe self deportation. Demoralization nonetheless.
Whites will be empowered again. Maybe influx of whites from European countries.
Future is bright nigga. You should use these charts for Europe. Not America.
I don't give a shit. I'll be dead in 30.
>what is race mixing
>Maybe influx of whites from European countries.
why do you say this?
Yeah im black and i hate diversity too desu. Too many niggers
Minus desu. I dont know how the fuck that got there.
because euro countries are going to shit, at least that's what i see in my limited american perspective
can you find an single example in history where it was a good thing?
Some of them are anyway, but even then I doubt the current flood of mudslimes would ever cause any kind of noticeable increase in white emigration
While demographics is a subject that isn't widely discusses, despite it's usefulness, it's still impossible to extrapolate that far into the future. Twenty years is the absolute maximum in most situations with ten years being at the outer edge of what statisticians can project with confidence.
With that said, racial demographics, particularly with regard to Hispanics, is more complicated than ordinary realized. "Hispanics" aren't a single group, but roughly three groups that are divided by ethnic or racial ancestry from European to native Meso-American. The Europeans will be immediately welcomed and thought of as "white." They'll be easiest to assimilate. Others with a good bit of European ancestry will mix with our Americans to create delicious brunettes. The third group are descendants of the Aztec and Mayans. They will likely constitute a social underclass similar to blacks.
Lastly, after many immigrants assimilate (or at least get comfortable) they tend to get their birth control system worked out. Assuming that 'family' remains a solid social standard, their demographics growth will plummet. The blacks learned a terrible lesson about family. When the family breaks down it's followed by a boom in birthrate, but that's terrible for your population in the long term. The decline of the black family, along with abortion, as made the black demographic stagnant.
desu desu senpai konichiwa
>History books
>literally written by white males
Why do you think any historical examples of harmonious and diverse cultures would be left untouched by the current white supremacist patriarchal West?
It means there'll be much fewer mass shootings.
You guys are so fixated on blacks but never realize it's hispanics who will replace you as the majority
i know you're kidding around, but just one, senpai. i'd like to learn about that one society that suddenly became better after whites were removed or marginalized. it would be an interesting study.
Is you a nigger lover? That numbers too high.
but more drive byes.
yup all greasy nigger areas.
You niggers kill that many every weekend.
That's a good thing user
Swedish immigration to the US is the highest it's ever been
Obviously America is going to turn into a beaner infested shithole, so no. Waste of a nice country.
Doesnt matter jews are importing apefricans to boost the nigger population in America.
There are a billion of them so jews have an endless supply of african bioweapons to import into human civilization.
You're fucking retarded. This place is going to look exactly like Mexico when it's majority wetback.
Actual Spaniards are white hispanics dipshit
Hispanic's not a racial group.
Nobody has their race under "hispanic" in america BECAUSE IT'S NOT AN OFFICIAL RACE
stfu nigger
BLAME MESTIZOS for the breeding
Don't pin this on Spaniards
Eat my asshole.
It'll be fucking great.
>>hispanics is a bit more intelligent than niggers that they can replace us
learn to write before you start talking about intelligence, retard
Try being right before giving your stupid opinion. Genetics are reality. Get ready for American cartels, especially if the cucking of American whites continues unabated.
By the laws of probability it is statistically impossible that something will not happen to change the current trend of beanbag invasion.
I see people every day bet big on current trends only to get fucked by the near impossibility of life ever continuing on the same path for any long period of time
Just bought a house outright with cash over 100 miles from anywhere. I am now putting all my resources into keeping it free from scumbag city fags.
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murd'ring pattle!
I'm truly sorry man's dominion,
Has broken nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An' fellow-mortal!
I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen icker in a thrave
'S a sma' request;
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave,
An' never miss't!
Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane,
O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith snell an' keen!
Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste,
An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell-
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.
Thy wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld!
But, Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me
The present only toucheth thee:
But, Och! I backward cast my e'e.
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!
Fuck Burns.
Stay mad non-Scottish shits!
>tfw my social value as a huwite male will increase as my breed becomes more scarce
>tfw might get a gf because of white genocide
This user gets it
This one to
I don't think you understand how statistics work. Being less than 50% of the total population doesn't make you a minority. Being less than another group does.
It doesn't matter to me. I'm a brown man who fucks loads of successful white women. I'm just happy it triggers all you loser virgins hahaha
hispanics are, sorry, it's very late here, how many languages do you speak btw
>White - 46%
>Hispanics - 24%
>Realizing theyre both classed as white - 70%
Black, White, Asian.
Nothing more, nothing less
We need to stop calling niggers and sand nigs minorities. We need to stop playing their game. Muslims AREN'T MINORITIES.
They are the second largest and fatest growing religion in the world.
Niggers aren't a minority, they are the fastest growing pop in the world.
As a minority you were a place to call home, a place where Europeans can live and enjoy their lives. And point out how shitskins didn't like it when Europeans entered their lands.
We need to stop calling niggers and sand nigs minorities. We need to stop playing their game. Muslims AREN'T MINORITIES.
They are the second largest and fatest growing religion in the world.
Niggers aren't a minority, they are the fastest growing pop in the world.
As a minority you deserve a place to call home, a place where Europeans can live and enjoy their lives. And point out how shitskins didn't like it when Europeans entered their lands.
here is how I'd respond in a formal debate:
Muslims and Africans aren't really a minority if you take into account they run the entire Middle East and African continent, are the second largest religion and fastest growing religion. I think this view that "Lets only focus on European nation X" is flawed since it doesn't take into account that white people need a place to live as well, somewhere where their laws and ideals are respected and not demonized and destroyed. I don't understand why you think Europeans should celebrate their replacement. Did Muslims like it when Europeans came into their land?