How many of you hate this emblem?
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
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I for one welcome our new stasi overlords.
CIA was behind stasi
>that little laser-kun
Have fun with that...
I do because it's inaccurate as fuck
That Stasimouto smug face is hilarious.
The stasi in ML are more like nazis then RL stasi.
Ok, that justifies the fasces, but what about the american eagle and the eye of providence
Posting best girls!
Disregard that, the fasces have little to do with nazisim
>Ok, that justifies the fasces
>German Nazis
>using the fasces
Pick one.
I realized my mistake see
The eagle is literally the oldest german symbol.
I'd have my eye of providence aimed at Beato's eagles
>tfw no Yugoslavia front VN
Tito never let Yugoslavia become a USSR satellite state
It got the wrong kind of eagle.
Too much american.
The Eagle was associated with Prussia, Imperial Germany and NS Germany, all regimes the DDR wanted to distance themselves from.
Doesn't mean anything
Honecker did catch a bit Prussiabooism in the 80s though, but it only influenced official policy by giving some names to medals and so on.
The one used on the Stasi logo doesn't look like a German eagle
I for one hate it and everything it stands for, though Beatrix was right to use it to her advantage for the sake of Europe and mankind as a whole.
Nice sameface
The eagle was a symbol during Polish history, but the DDR searched for its own identity
That's normal.
All apart of Stasi indoctrination, uniformity in mind and body. Ribbons optional. Smug required.
>I for one hate it and everything it stands for
Then you should definitely hate Beatrix, because she was the only one who was genuinely fighting for the stasi and not just using it. She wanted the country to be less equal and more cruel, just because "muh nazis."
Who /NVA/ here?
>because she was the only one who was genuinely fighting for the stasi
Fuck off, Theo.
t. Moderate
>She wanted the country to be less equal and more cruel, just because "muh nazis."
Unless she just wanted to crash the country with no survivors, because "muh Jurgen".
Is that you, Beatrix=Hitler-fag?
>muh "nazis"
do you even know who nazis were? Beatrix doesn't care about nationalism.
>do you even know who nazis were?
Why would people who invoke Godwin's Law understand who they are comparing the subject matter to?
I'd offer some sort of convergence theory here; as the brutality/totalitarianism of a regime increases, it's similarity to other such regimes increases. So even if her ideas aren't at all national socialist, she still looks a lot like a Nazi.
While the Horseshoe Theory is a real thing, around these parts and after such a long time discussing her, such a superficial interpretation of Beatrix is simply bait or stupidity.
Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
Who's ready for all the assorted Sup Forumstards and newfags who are going to invade our cozy little threads in about a week?
I got my CHOMPED pic ready for when Alternative comes out, but I still need something to bash the newfags with for when they get frodo-y. Anyone got the saved infographs? Also the Beatrix and Lise bashing is going to increase again when the animeonlies from outside Sup Forums come along. Well we've got Martyrs to free us from that. Hopefully.
Is it coming out in English?
Nah, the steam release will probably kill SM posting until Martyrs starts coming out. The few comments referencing Beatrix and Lise would be derogatory.
>implying I would stop NVAposting
The NVA circlejerk comes to an end ;_;
>the steam release will probably kill SM posting
I doubt all the memeposters would stop. And thats a easy way to derail the threads. But hey we will find out in a week.
Remember that ML thread Sup Forums had a while back? That's what we're looking forward too. If they catch even a whiff of Beatrix, Lise, or even SM, they'll drown your post in fecal matter.
>going to Sup Forums
Let them come.
I get the feeling that we should have let the old thread die without a successor until there was actually anything to discuss.
I don't know if it was supposed to be funny, but it certainly got a laugh out of me.
Wow Sumika got downgraded in the boob department.
More like her breasts are now the size Takeru described them.
Does it even matter? What can they do that we have not done?
>but I still need something to bash the newfags with for when they get frodo-y. Anyone got the saved infographs?
There is only one picture that I know of that "bash" frodos. But why do you need pictures to bash frodos? Why not just write a post with your own words to counter them?. It is not like we have several times in these threads talked about how strange muv luv world is and that the soviets would totally not use MiG-25's to breach lines in the BETA attacks and then have tanks rush in and kill them all from the side right?
Who'd be the best boyfriend: Jurgen, Walter, or Theo?
Are we talking pre-war or during?
Jürgen or Walter. theo doesn't come even close.
Martin, because he's the only one who managed to save his waifu.
Anyone got the picture of Gretel done by the Monmusu Quest guy, the one where she's licking her lips? I can't seem to find it, and Google is being a bitch right now.
Even in the best of days, Theo was someone who'd crumble whenever his loved ones needed him. He's always crying on other's shoulders or boobs, but doesn't really support anyone else.
But young Theo still had innocence, and could play the ladies!
>zoom in on random corner, goto Yamada
>mouse cursor is right on Beta Yamada
Well. ;_;
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You're just trying to rile people up? Good job, you got me riled up.
>assuming we haven't already been dealing with a mini invasion
>mini invasion
You mean the people that keep on talking about how bad the stasi was and Katia is great?
Trust ML of all things to generate this sort of horror
why is her autism so cute?
This chart isn't entirely accurate because it judges expy based more on appearance than characteristics as a whole.
Also some of it are just stupid jokes.
>tfw no stasi gf to cuddle next to for warmth on a cold Winter's night
She's been a lab rat all her life. Can't be helped.
Why? She'll inform on you as well. You're not safe. She can't be trusted.
>but doesn't really support anyone else.
Because Cryska already too cute and beautiful.
Why do these two always get featured in red? Is it an allusion the Soviets?
So if Katia's the canonical heroine, why isn't she featured on everything like Yui and Cryska were?
>"Scarlet Twins"
They're called the Scarlet Twins. Also Cryska, Inia and Yui are my precious waifus.
>having more than 1 (one) waifu
indecisiveness leads to a bed end.
Not just them, but all the various forms of ignorant shitposting. I like to pretend it's just someone trolling, since they know what buttons to push.
I dunno, it just is. When she's ignorant of basic concepts, yet still does them, it's beautiful. When she says what she feels because she never learned to have a filter, it's beautiful. When she shows her inner heart, it's beautiful. And when she actually does smile.
Harem end is best end. This way I can take care of the three of them and make them all happy.
that's a delusion. You can only give each of them 1/3 of your attention. so they can only get 1/3 happiness each. i rather give one full happiness. you are just thinking about yourself and not them so you would make a shit husbando.
Nonsense, giving Yui, Cryska and Inia all of my attention is a simple prospect. Something like giving each of them 3 times more attention is not a challenge.
each of them ask you to go on a date with her on the same day. and each wants to go alone with you. what do you do?
So how would Jurgen react to adult Beatrix?
Take them each on a date no matter what. Even if it means I get no sleep.
Lots of crying, cuddling, and awkward sex would ensue.
and each of them wants to go first. what do you do?
Nothing ever changed between them.
Well I'm assuming you mean Jurgen never died. Well he'd probably be even more pervy than before, like trying to spy on her taking a bath, even though he really could just walk in if he wanted.
>try to look intimidating
>goofy ass boyfriend ruins it