58 people were killed by this nut job today. But 96 people are killed in car accidents daily

Should we ban cars? Everyone should only be allowed the use of automobiles to go to and from work? Mandatory mass transportation? Isn't that what you libs want, to save lives?

>comparing accident to murder
>ameritard trying this hard to defend their gun right

Are Americunt really this stupid?

Cars are not made to kill

>calls us names
>pretends to care about our safety

death kills millions of people every day

were is the out rage?

Niether is helium.

A life needlessly lost is a life needlessly lost. I'm giving emotional idiots like you perspective. You need it.

more dead bodies in REKT'D cars plz

Are you? I guess that truck killing in Barcelona was an accident, then.
Besides, his point is valid. We banned booze because it was detrimental to society, how is this different

False equivalence

You're comparing a deliberate act vs an accident

I'm comparing premature death to premature death, It's a simple comparison.

Saving lives is saving lives. One life equals one life. You feign outrage at gun deaths but not others?

You have to understand about Americans

They really, really, really like shooting shit

It's part of their national identity

That's why you see so much shootings; that's why they always start with "muh guns"

Who cares, let them shoot each other, just don't bring their shitty logic here. There are already some right-wingers who want easier access to guns. Fuck that.

Liberals are pushing for the ban of heavy gas guzzling cars and want people to drive Isettas
but of course you wouldnt like that dont you you fucking mental gymnasticking trump dicksucking retard?

In 2015 over 1,200 children were killed by drunk drivers. DRIVING DRUNK IS ILLEGAL, as is murder, yet people still commit both. I suppose all alcohol should be banned now too. No one more needless child death!

Is it 96 white people though? Remember that other races are worth only portions of a white man.

I wonder what was going through that guys head during the accident?

Ask the syrians how well their gun ban went. One of the first things Assad did when taking power in 2001 was confiscating and banning all auto weapons. Now, the rebels beg the world for arms to defend against his ruthless regime.


You think tumblrinas == all liberals...

The "emotional" ones are right-wing anti-abortionists.

people can overcome random acts of violence, but try repelling a tyrannical, armed government force without weapons - your 're dead and so is your nation.

more blood for the blood god


Like Trump?


He's not. But what if he was? What if he turned the military on its people as so many other nations have in the past? What would you do about it? Wait for the UN to save you? Throw stones? No , you'd die because you were so fucking myopic and allowed your last line of defense to be stripped from you like an emotionally led child.

You have weapons, random violence, and a spiritually dead nation.

Why is everyone getting so triggered?

They are never going to get rid of the 2nd amendment, just relax. It's liberals doing their appeal to emotion bullshit they do whenever they see something they think government can fix. They will be back to being preoccupied by the time the next GoT or Colbert episode is on. Don't give too much credence to people with the intellectual ability of a pea.

>96 people are killed by cars daily in the USA
>still shitpost about le truck of peace
You are as third world as Africa

Uhhh, that's exactly why we have mandatory drivers licensing and registration and insurance and driving laws and regulations.

Thanks for making the case for gun control

did he died?

>Should we ban cars?

Yes, but everyday people ignore those laws. We have laws against drinking and driving too. We have a law against murder and yet its ignored daily. If we ban weapons why not automobiles. Why not booze too? If people ignore the laws, we should just ban the means to break them, right?

as a Muslim I agree, lets ban booze because its just shit
cars are actually useful, so they can stay, but we should make sure there use is regulated, such as ensuring people are sufficiently trained in driving them, a driving license, if you will.

No he's doing fine.

I think ive seen a bit too much crash gore and pretty anxious about cars now, most people are casual as hell and dont seem to grasp how badly and accident will fuck you up.

I was country driving with my dad once and he lost control about 60 mph going too fast around a gravel corner, i used to race cars and knew straightway that he was going way too fast to make it around and he didnt even try to slow down or realise he was gonna spin out, luckily we went into an empty field but he just laughed and said whats the matter scare you a little bit. The next day he was driving on a 70 mph country road but the section of road was under maintainence ,it was raining and some corners had fresh loose gravel spilled all over the road, also it was lined with massive trees either side. I told him to slow down and he did the same laugh and said i dont slow down for roadworks, i went absolutely off at him, something ive never done in my life to my parents and i think he got the message and went a bit quiet after that, and finally fucking slowed down around the gravel corners.

>implying that car normally kills +90 in a single fucking accident.

Deliberate Ace Verses Accident?

How many are accidents?

How many are Drunks?

How many are Illegal Mix-a-cans?

Those do not classify as "Accidents".


Car accidents aren't murder. They're accidents.

Learn what imply means. I clearly said "day". Leave it to an emotional led idiot to not use his brain.

ban hate and intolerance i cant tolerate intolerate, i hate it

Yea, what does trump being a tyrant (which he is) have to do with your assumption that I want gun control to the extreme of nobody can own a gun?

If you do not see the 12yo bully with tyrannical tendencies and Narcissistic Personality Disorder then I fear either your education or your own self-learning and social intelligence have failed you.


>58 people were killed
no they weren't

no one died
it was a hoax

So if I was carrying a nuke in New York then slipped on a banana peel and dropped it, killing almost a million people, yet it was an accident, that would make those deaths okay?

I guess all Stalin had to do was say he "accidentally" killed 20 million of his people. No wonder he got away with it.

>anime reaction image
>EU flag


more like pooper

>Spiritually dead
Ummmmm, no sweetie ;)
>Inb4 you cherrypick one retard spouting atheistic shit and extrapolate it to the entire population

that was day both user and his dad realised that the father/son relationship had now flipped into that late phase where the father is more of a senior in need of guidance and attention, and the son is the mature rational authority figure.

i've recently entered that phase with my own dad too, it's a little strange the responsability you feel.

Guns have one single purpose, to kill. Cars can be used for killing only if you use them against their intended function.

You think the kid who get run over by a drunk is thankful he wasn't shot?! Preservation of innocent life is preservation of innocent life. Your liberal brainwashing is evident - you've been trained to hate guns, not death.

And yet they kill TEN TIMES more than guns

user, if I invented a peanut butter that killed TEN TIMES more people than poison, would you argue that it should remain legal because it isn't designed to kill?

Does it only have that singular purpose?
You can't think of any other purpose?

it doesn't matter if every single person on the planet was murdered by a gun tomorrow, the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. kys.

Honestly yes. We should only have self driving cars.

The only arguments for anything between conception and after birth salience being the point at which life starts are arbitrary and based on emotion

>Defending moderate terrorists.

Like poetry.

Why yes actually, this is another great and illogical way we Americans kill ourselves at high rates, pic related. There's not even that much need to drive if you actually designed an infrastructure around people instead of selling as many cars and as much gas as possible at the expense of your people.

Liberals will demand all cars be given 3 feet deep of inflatable bumpers around all sizes and that max speed limits are now 25 mph for safety.


Guns are also meant to protect and hunt for sport/food.



>Should we ban cars?

Yes, everyone should ride electric scooters. It's good for the environment too. Only car nuts and people who hate the environment disagree.

Are you concerned about people losing their lives, or just by the way in which they die?

B-but airbags

You can't drive an AR-15, dipshit


we don't need to defend our RIGHTS to you cucked eurotards.

fast food = illegal
cigarettes = illegal
alcohol = illegal
unsafe sex = illegal
texting and driving = illegal

its the classic safety vs freedoms argument.

in america a mass shooting is seen as trivial as a car accident so its pretty much the same

BOTTOM LINE - when you as a people decide to surrender your weapons to the government, what you are saying is that you have complete and absolute trust in your government, now and forever.
Can you ever really say that? Because those weapons are your last line of defense against them.

it's not. This has our nation buzzing with contentiousness. there is a sticky on the front page you shitposting aussie,

You're horrified by this mass shooting, which happen maybe once, twice a year. However, nearly twice as many people are killed EVERY DAY, and that has no affect on you. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED. You forgot the reason you don't like guns...THE DEATHS.

>Everyone should only be allowed the use of automobiles to go to and from work? Mandatory mass transportation? Isn't that what you libs want, to save lives?
They have been pushing for this for decades, albeit under the aegis of "preventing global warming"

Ban all women and minorities from driving cars. Create separate public lines, one for white women and then another shittier one for minorities. Then ban all minorities and send them back to their fatherlands, even the mixed ones.

thanks for reminding me why I never want to drive

>Drivers license equating to being sufficiently trained.

Have you driven before? People are absolute ass at driving sometimes. Heck I didn't even have to take my official driving test because I did so well in in drivers ed class in high school.

Driving is something that we as a society agreed is needed despite the constant dangers involved, resulting in destroying families and stuff. Just like guns in the US. Not to get too into but we, or a large portion of citizens understand the need for the 2nd amendment and accept the dangers involved that go with it.

>I'm not going to talk about how less than 350 people die to this a year
Nice arugment

Really wanna worry? Maybe I'll crack out the cdc's stats on fatal accidents in the home. You won't believe how many people die slipping in their bathrooms. I always keep em in my back pocket for 2nd amendment arguments.

Exactly, and remember co2 isn't created for the sole purpose of killing so it really isn't a big deal kek.

>Should we ban cars?

Dear American moron, modern cars are safe for a reason. And all the shit cars have been banned.

All the safety features and rigorous testing have been added to save lives.

The same should be done with the gun issue, since it's becoming a similarly huge problem in your country. Certain types of guns should be phased out.

Certain types of PEOPLE should be PHASED OUT!

we have the right to keep and bear arms, we don't have the right to drive
>are you even green?

Cars are convenient, but we should incorporate alternatives where it's possible. Having amenities close to home and combined with short distance electric bikes/charging stations would be a good start. Also a new modern train system between and in cities, ride sharing, and congestion will lead to less car use, not total elimination though because of suburban areas.

>modern cars are safe
And yet cars still kill more people every day.
From the time of the shooting to this second, I guarantee you more people have died in car accidents than in the shooting itself.

Guess what gun deaths are less than half of our automobile deaths. Its not similarly huge - its half as huge actually. Those car safety features and regulations are clearly lacking then, wouldn't you agree.
My point (which you are missing) is that under the pretext of "life preservation", nearly anything can be regulated. There are always going to be evil, corrupt, ruthless governments, that will use any excuse to clamp down tighter on its citizens, and shortsighted people, such as yourself make it easier for them. I'd rather loose 60 people a day than risk losing my country's liberty.

Govern yourselves or be GOVERNED!

Now i'm done

based cars still ensuring natural selection

we need to cull muslims

Darwinism at it's finest.

>It's ok if you kill 96 people a day as long as you don't do it in one incident.
The Kike automotive industry actually believes this.

Goddamn it pleddit.

Govern your FUCKING SELF!

>Should we ban cars?
cars are not built to blow someone's brains out you conniving piece of shit, also comparing accidents on motorised vehicles to intentional deaths by using fire arms...

All killing is not bad. Killing for self defense is not only OK it is a God given right.

Anyone trying to take away that right is essentially trying to kill you and should be VIOLENY MURDERED with prejudice

Enjoy your trucks of peace you Eurofaggot.


They're built to drive, and you can drive them into a crowd of people (See: Europe).
I'm so emotional right now we gotta ban all cars/Trucks, I'm turning in my drivers license right now from all my white car owner guilt. Literally shaking.

Whats the bad part of murder? The premature, unnatural death! Whats that bad part of a car accident? Thats right, the premature, unnatural death. You're more afraid of guns than of death lol.

I want to know why people pretend to give a shit when co plate strangers a world away die. I know I don't give a shit when people I've never met living in places I have no connection to die.
Either I'm broken or a fuck ton of fags are virtue signalling like crazy.