Post your first waifu
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I've only had one.
My first 2D crush was Naru, however.
Yes firs 2d girl you fell in love with or you thought that you fell in love with
>changing waifus
Enjoy your alimony, cuck.
First and my last would be tomoko.
I was a normalfag backthen infact akk of ass were normakfags once
First and only
>akk of ass
Is that a euphemism?
My one and only.
I don't get the "It's impossible to fall out of love" meme
Me neither, and I tried. You can not quit, don't ever try. Not even because it's mean or bad or damaging to your psyche, but because it's just a waste of time.
No I ment all of us
Don't judge me
Movie is out in a couple of weeks. Are you excited?
I know I am.
That's not how it works, being in love with a 2D character doesn't necessarily mean that she's your waifu. You can have a crush on a character, but that doesn't mean that you should marry her right away.
Sorry I shuttered
She was my first complete route
Haven't played since
Wow this is really hard
yea saber a best
No lisara is the best
nice taste.
Lizara > Rias.
For me is in between Lina inverse, Misa (Macross) or Deedlit.
I'm sorry but
Lisara > erza > rias
This sexy thing
why would someone judge you bro.
first and only
Kurisu all the way!
Who is the best red head
My only waifu ever. Trying to keep it at least somewhat board related.
This little thing
I unapologetically love that red eyeliner chinks and gooks put around their eyes
Is this 2d
Well done.
I don't have waifu but I like erza's body I mean she is really hot
Ah yes, I remember back when I had shit taste
But then I discovered best girl
Don't judge my taste, OK?
both are shit taste
nice b8
What was your shit taste
What a fag
Entry level garbage
Amazing taste.
>First Waifu thread
>Complains about entry level
It's almost like the first things people watch are entry level.
Sailor Mars
Asked why I said shit taste and I answered
You can't have 2 first waifus
>having more than one waifu
Yikes. Try not to be so open about being a filthy degenerate.
I have moved on
she will always be bae
Youd be surprise
all the others just weren't as warm to me as her
>You can't have 2 first waifus
I'm not the above user, but I'm familiar with the puma sisters. Pretty sure they only come as a pair.
Ash's mom...
Muh nigga
Stand aside
First and only
Mai first and only
The one on the right and I think she still my waifu
Look at this whore having more than one waifu.
Well Islam allows Polygamy
I still don't know what a waifu is.
She's not real, my dude.
Having a waifu disgusting
My first and only.
>she's not real
words that kill ;_;
We were all kids once anons. We've all changed waifus at some point, it's only natural. Relationships begin and end.
Fuckin' top tier waifu there friend, you'd better cherish her.
>We've all changed waifus at some point
What the fuck is this poisonous normie shit?
>pleb choice
I like nude girls wearing nothing but a shirt also good taste
Isn't that on the condition that you love/treat them all equally or something to that effect?
First and only.
You tell me.
Godlike taste.
>tfw Emi's route first playthrough
>tfw bad end
t was my first time playing one of those games too, and man that fucked me up good.
those legs
>bad end
fuck that mess, give me happy endings to everything I watch. there's enough bad ends in the real world.
I played it with no prior knowledge of how the choices affected the outcome, so I just did what I thought was good. It was more like it showed me that I'm fucked up on some level.
Even her good end is fuckin depressing. Hisao's kind of a dick.