Sup Forums eternally btfo. He wasn't Antifa, he wasn't Muslim, he wasn't Hispanic. He was a white right-wing gun nut who owned 19 guns. Are you going to admit defeat?
Sup Forums eternally btfo. He wasn't Antifa, he wasn't Muslim, he wasn't Hispanic...
Go eat road kill.
they never will. This is like the climate change thing. They wont admit it until there is a fish swimming by their face in their flooded room. Todays right wingers live in a world where if it doesnt happen to them, it doesnt matter.
He was a registered Democrat boomer jew with a gook gf and a bankrobber dad.
He was a registered democrat you fucking mongoloid.
Maybe he was a white hispanic
He looked spanish
>right wing
>literally registered democrat
Really joggin my noggin
Already spewing fake news without any proof except for a random fake image posted on an anonymous message board. The same people who scream fake news at facts being reported by the media, are now trusting random images posted on an anonymous message board. Let that sink in for a minute. Humanity is fucked.
Does OP have any proof for his claims?
why would a right-winger shoot up a country music concert?
And he fired on a crowd of country music fans which are most likely to be Republicans.
No, his actions make it clear. He was a flaming, baby killing, tax and spend liberal.
all bullshit, there is no proof if he's a registered democrat or republican or whatever, we don't know what his political affiliation was
>right wing white man shoots at a country music festival full of ostensibly right wing people for reasons
Yeah get the fuck off this board. Go be retarded somewhere else.
He's a registered democrat you fucking cunt
>Todays right wingers live in a world where if it doesnt happen to them, it doesnt matter.
Don't throw stones from glass houses. You hillary supporting left wing fucks don't care about the middle east and what Hillary would have done there and has done there but because it doesn't affect you, you don't care!
Because muh liberuhls are tryina take away muh guns!
>He was a white right-wing gun nut who owned 19 guns.
His brother says he has no military experience and never owned guns until recently. Not the pattern of a gun nut any more than the pattern of an ISIS supporters.
Stephen "Slays in Vegas" Paddock wasnt a republican. Go fetch the snakebite kit, you gasoline guzzling abo missing link
Then go kill yourself. Faggot.
What the fuck, stop creeping me out user
How can you people not see that this dude was an MK Ultra stooge, just like the majority of these "lone wolf" shooters? Same shit each time. Shaky motive, shaky details on who the guy actually was, and they always put a cap in their own dome, so there's no questioning them afterwards.
Manchurian Candidates, son. MK Ultra Mind Control. Pizzagate. Pedophilia Rings. Clones. Weather Control. All brought to you by your friendly Jewish Rothschild overlords. Soon the masses will beg for "gun control," they will beg to become more of a slave than they already are.
>He wasn't Antifa
The FBI disagrees with you
Right wingers would not generally shoot their own peeps
>He was a white right-wing gun nut who owned 19 guns.
Prove it.
No evidence he was right wing or left wing
And no evidence this attack was politically motivated. It wouldn't even matter at this point. People are trying to make this a political debate and move the bad guy to the other side so they don't have to take responsibility.
Unfortunately, this isn't political.
why the fuck are aussie shilling gun controls since yesterday? is this the same person? fucking faggot
A registered Dem.
He was this or that here is the no proof.
Climate change ? Here is also more no proof
Hes a registered democrat
He had no political affiliation and was not a gun nut. Watch his brother’s interview. This is getting more and more suspicious with each new detail.
He actually is a registered democrat and was seen wearing a pussy hat. Stay mad you bogan cunt/.
Part and parcel of living in a gun-owning society.
they are trying to take away our guns, though. and my original question stands.
he's a registered democrat with a Bernie loving wife
Haha, oh dear. Work on your analytical skills, love.
He was a Democrat criminal. I win again, and you get nothing--again.
Registered Democrat. Op and his fuckbuddies btfo
no, there's no proof, and if there is, post source or kill yourself
He was a Jew.
T. Professional Jew detective.
We have pictures of him at anti trump rallies
>t.leftist shill.
Fuck off faggot, then KYS. The fucker was left wing, but it doesn't matter b/c I believe it was a false flag.
>he owned 19 guns
They found 18 at his home, and he had 16 with him in Vegas.....he owned at least 34 guns.
How did he get so many?
This sounds like a cia psyop.
Imagine being this fucked in the head that you damage control for another deranged Democrat.
Go back sucking dicks, OP.
He bought them?
This really isn't that complicated.
Thats not him wearing the pink shirt/hat.
They are saying he was a millionaire and was in real estate. He could afford them.
>Implying he ever stopped
Yes, it is. You asked for proofs and it's staring you in the face. Can't be helped if you refuse to acknowledge the truth.
>he actually thought that was him
Imagine being so thirsty and desperate for a leftist to be the shooter that you start making shit up. There is no proof of what his political affiliations were, if he even had any.
>He was a white right-wing gun nut who owned 19 guns.
Wrong. Try again. He was one of yours...
And when your effort gets too serious, we'll just ban lefties. Don't forget, we have enough firearms to enforce that ban.
>Registered in 1984
What did fate mean by this?
Jesus christ you people are fucking stupid.
why are you guys responding to this stupid fucking thread? Seriously, how hard is it to check a fucking flag...