>2017 deep state false flag shooting
>40k (forty thousand) people in attendance
>assault rifle shoots blanks up ahead
>a couple dozen crisis actors have squibs and feign getting shot
>only two pictures in circulation of the events containing "gore"
Is this the laziest deep state psi-op yet?
2017 deep state false flag shooting
here is more proof.
there are people who believe these photos show real aftermath of a shooting. Fucking parenthetic
Gargle with hydrofluoric acid, you sperglord fuck.
>doesnt show his true flag
>UN supporter
globalist shill
Nice rebuttal there, really made him look stupid
Why would they delete this persons title history?
You forgot to show us your proof.
you can see people getting shot in some of the videos circulating though
>no pictorial evidence of the gore
fake news
oh there a body with the crossed legs
Of course the reason for "faking" this won't be explained by you fucking morons because you'll claim it's to TAKE MUH GUNS AWAY.
That's the claim you make after all mass shooting, in your mind literally NO MASS SHOOTINGS are real, they're all fake.
That's how fucking dumb you are.
Nothing is going to happen. Sandy Hook saw the slaughter of a school full of children and NOTHING HAPPENED. So if these "false flags" you dipshits have convinced yourself are all these, what is the goddamn point? They've failed over and over again to accomplish what your tiny delusional minds conceive off, so why would people keep faking them?
This is why you're a failure at life and an unfuckable hate nerd. You're toxic, toxically fucking stupid.
OK but how likely a crisis actor would get stomped? They could waver for this shit but also its quite dangerous too. Every fake looking situation has been much smaller crowds no?
All I hear is: hurr durr why won't you give the guns this time. We broke the record and everything. Nerds I bet u get no pussi, which is clearly relevant.
I hope you get home invaded and lack a protective firearm. With all my heart.
thats it, there is literally no blood or gory pictures to back this one up.
lazy work by the government desu
explain the supersonic cracks and audible bullet impacts in every video
the government has no reason to release close up shots of the victims though its literally just the people there who managed to capture it but theyre all shitting their pants and running for obvious reasons
Who is this semen demon?
>how fucking long do I have to lay here...
At least I'm getting paid for posting here. What's your reward, Sunny Jim?
Is there any video footage of them removing the "bodies" ?
How long to the "actors" have to lay there motionless before they are told they can go home?
At least one person in the audience, that isn't an actor, would try to help the "wounded" and the whole jig would be up.
Littering is bad.
Of course, if you want things that make sense, best not to look for them on Sup Forums.
Fuckin' retards, all of them.
I don't speak hillbilly, faggot. Make sense.
New construction. hasn't been bought or sold since.
Won't happen. Everybody knows that statistically bringing a firearm into your home it's most likely to kill a family member (wife, kid) either in a domestic dispute, and accident or a suicide. 80% more likely than EVER killing a home invader.
Statistically speaking of course.
So I hope your gun brings you justice, god bless your family and children.
Okay dumbfucks, you forgot to explain the point of faking this as a false flag?
To distract from the fact that dems are withholding aid in Puerto Rico to promote their anti-trump agenda, and also to instigate harsher gun regulations.
At that point in these pictures, many of the people do not know that the shooting is over, there is still chaos and sirens and yelling and people looking for each other. Those people look dead... these are country groupies, not trained police officers and first responders. Your typical citizen isn't going to go running into possible gunfire with a body full of adrenaline to the point they can barely stand. The people you see left huddling there are all the ones who were too overtaken with fear to run.
Not everything is a fake conspiracy with crisis actors.
Nothing happened eh? just the sale of extended (+5 round) mags were banned as well as ar-15 and other pistol grip semi-auto high caliber weapons in NY and CT. Nothing to see here RIGHT? MOVE ALONG NOW RIGHT? Kill yourself.
yeah 100% false flag i just watched this lame video of a girl supposedly shot on liveleak it was just her forearm and there was zero blood and was already getting wrapped.
Reminder everybody had phones out filming the concert and we have no footage of actual kills.
It would be infinitely easier to find to somebody to either play the patsy/send spooks or actually commit the shooting and give him what he needs. Crisis actors are such and impractical idea.
And just to add to the ongoing perpetuation of fear and distrust to your modern life and fellow American.
exactly, the government does not need to release anything because 40K (forty thousand) people were at the concert, and at concerts everyone records shit.
You are in an age where from every other shooting and bombing gorey pictures have been posted by the populace because of the internet, now all a sudden there are only 2 pictures of gore?
bull fucking shit
>No known motivation whatsoever
>In the past 20 years there has somehow only been only ONE photo of the guy; a blurry one with his fucking eyes closed
>Only other picture is a lo-res "family photo" of him from the 90s, 25+ years ago, looking totally different
>No driver's license photo, any type of ID photo etc
>64-year-old retired multimillionaire with absolutely zero criminal history or even suspected as being "off" in any way; family is dumbfounded, neighbors in his quiet retirement community say he was always friendly and cordial
>Was not a disgruntled Vegas gambler that had "lost everything and decided to go out with a bang" - financial records show he was doing just fine and even if he wasn't, his family was rich and his brother said they would have bailed him out financially
>Had no prior connection with the insane amount of artillery he acquired (35 guns in total plus explosives)
>Meticulously planned out a mass shooting that would ensure as many lives lost as possible, have the deadliest possible weapons for the job and book a corner suite 32 floors up that would ensure he would be able to continue shooting for as long as possible without being stopped by anybody, law enforcement or otherwise
>Had 19 guns in his hotel suite and police found an additional 16 in his home, totaling 35 firearms, yet was never known for having a massive trove of guns or even being a gun enthusiast of any sort
>His only firearm transactions that have been discovered have been for a shotgun and a non-automatic small caliber rifle, neither of which would have been any use from the 32nd floor of a hotel suite
>Decides to shoot up a country music concert of all things
>Commits deadliest mass shooting in the history of the country with 59 kills and 550+ injured
Doesn't add up.
>person shot surrounded by people who are in on it
>people say to keep moving give them room
>lone person lying down
>why would someone running for their life help someone that is not moving and not related/known to them
Also mk ultra is real they could have had brainwashed people be the actors and they all take valium or something and prepare to lay there for hours
Globalists literally laugh at the world for believing their plays
also imagine the panic and the high pulse and adrenalin pumping thru veins under high pressure... and people with gun shot wounds arent bleeding as fuck ?
isnt that the first thing u learn in the military... if u get shot calm the fuck down for better chances to survive ?
>no gore pictures of the biggest shooting in america with the most amount of people around it
Then again, if this were indeed a false flag, the narrative would presumably be to show how you can acquire such deadly weaponry so easily/legally in the U.S. so that they could crack down on it, but that hasn't happened & how he got all this shit is a mystery.
If it *IS* a false flag, I don't think it's about guns as much as it is about using this as an excuse to erode civil liberties in the name of "safety" a la the Patriot Act. That and/or militarizing the police even more. Or just making people feel generally unsafe and like they can't trust anyone and can't be safe anywhere; even at a country music festival in downtown Vegas from some 64 year old random white dude with no discernible agenda who will up the ante on the (expected) Islamic terror attacks and commit the deadliest shooting in U.S. history....so they need to trust the government, the politicians, the police, the powers that be, since they're the ones that have their best interests at heart, after all.
I think if this were a false flag crackdown on guns it would have been done much differently. If it is indeed a false flag, I'd say it's to give the gvt more power while taking more power away from the citizens.
I know most here are spinning this as "MUH GUNS" and is either LARPing as a fascist authoritarian or unironically wants such a government/dictatorship, so this opinion might not be popular since militarized police and a more authoritarian government/LEO presence is desirable to so many here, but if this IS a false flag, I'd say the eroding of civil liberties/increased government & LEO power theory makes the most sense IMO.
HAHHAHA he crossed his fucking legs.
Where are the pictures?
One user said in another thread that the plan was to rile people up, get hillary elected, then a bunch of big "disasters" would strike and she would "save" america.
Could be that this was planned in advance and when trump won they just kinda kept with it
Is the photographer making an OK sign? And that girl on the right is looking directly at the camera and doesn't look scared
This, but unironically
...MK-Ultra actually was real. Its literally documented. A sitting president issued a public apology. You can look up known victims in the phone book. Universities have admitted to participating.
none of it adds up. even if you apply far-flung theories like alienation from society, it doesnt explain the extremely sudden snap. he would have showed signs and his girlfriend would have noticed.
it happened at 11pm at night, it was completely dark and people scrambled for their lives.
makes a lot of sense. we all know that CLittary wants to disarm the working class
There are plenty of real conspiracy theories that you could focus on, but the fact that you think something this documented would be fake is retarded.
its not the okay sign, also good get
good job you said literally nothing of value.
>paid for posting
>probably below minimum wage for some boss that is a huge asshole
How does it feel to be a tool for the system?
>home invasions
Like the classic home invasion of random thugs rush into a house to kill people or steal shit now days.
It rarely happens and if it does it's because you deserve it for getting involved with degenerate life style, live in a shit hole area of a country or don't take home security seriously and just leave your doors and windows unlocked and have expensive shit on show.
>why would someone running for their life help someone that is not moving and not related/known to them
uhhh basic human decency you autist
nice he made me buy some comfy mre's
Honest question to those claiming this is a hoax: Why use squibs and crisis actors?
Wouldn't it be simpler and more effective just to shoot at people with an actual gun?
Well. The shooters family said he frequented Las Vegas and casinos a lot it was pretty much all he did.
All it would take is some hired trained hit men or even military to find someone who fit that sort of motive, find his room barge in, kill him and go on the rampage. Place him near the window with the weapons and leave.
Done. False flag created by someone with money. Lots of it, and Las Vegas is known for organized crime as well.
When you kill people at random, sometimes their surviving family spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge. That actually worked to old George Soros' advantage in Ukraine, but here, killing the wrong American could bring down his whole operation.
the shills love to paint every skeptic as believing that the whole thing is staged and it's all actors
obviously that's a strawman, it can still be a false flag attack (not hoax) with real casualties
Big if true
Its like "they" chose the most generic looking Baby Boomer they could find, seriously, I just searched for "baby boomer" in Google images and you can find so many old white people looking a lot like him very easily. There is no way someone like this with no experience or nothing "off" about him could stage an attack like this. Just the act of breaking the window would send most sane people into shock, being that high up and afraid of falling. There is no way someone without any training would be capable of breaking the window and then aiming and firing. There doesn't even seem to be any motive here, he didn't have any social media accounts, suicide note, or manifesto.
I do think this is the most likely scenario. They chose a generic looking white Baby Boomer guy you could find anywhere in Vegas.
The 666 doesn't lie.
9/11 happened in the first year of W. Bush in order to send troops to the Middle East and guarantee W. Bush a second term. W Bush's presidency before and after 9/11 was very different. And the people supported him more after 9/11.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Deep State was behind this too to get Trump a second term and raise approval ratings. The biggest things Trump wants to focus on are domestic issues. And this is a Baby Boomer- who collects Social Security and Medicaid. Social Security and Medicaid may be downsized because of this false flag. The Depp State could spin this any way they want.
Literally happens every week here in Melbourne fuckhead. Import Somalis deliberately break into peoples houses while they're home to threaten the occupants for car keys and other valuables and they've seriously injured old people who don't comply.
>organized crime
Maybe the mob is pushing the commie agenda now too?
Dude, you can hear the bullets whizz by in the videos.
lulz I belieb u have won there sir
Some random fuck in some tiny east asian country you've never heard of gets recorded when he decides to jump off a building but there isn't a single god damn picture of some actual gore.
Do you know most people that are shot standing fall down with legs crossed?
okay, which one of you was it