Should it be okay to punch Nazis?
Should it be okay to punch Nazis?
If they are attacking you, yes.
According to the seattle police, if you belly shoot Antifa scum who are trying to assault you, it's a good shoot.
Reference University of Washington Milo talk and Yellow hat man who gut shot Antifa scum.
If they're trying to obtain the Holy Grail, yes.
but seriously we cant let them get their hands on the grail
Only if it's also okay to punch Communists and Anarchists and Islamists.
We should literally be rounding up leftists and gassing them after what happened last night. Fuck you.
No, we fight for you so traitors like OP will be tried by peoples court.
The only one fightong for whites are us everyone else would rather see you die exploited and displaced.
Only if they help Belloque.
No but every communist in the U.S. deserves summary execution
only when it's okay to punch anyone else: if they're currently assaulting someone and that's the only way to stop them
Only if it's okay to punch antifa.
which it is.
Also, faggot, if it is proven that the nv shooters were antifa niggers, they just signed their own death warrant.
Yeah, of course
Pinochet was a socialist and none of the helicopter victims were confirmed to be communist.
Communists will hang on live television.
It's always a crime to punch first. No matter who you punch or what circumstances.
What is it with Antifa and comparing themselves to characters from children's entertainment?
Only if they are violating the NAP
fpbp nazis have paper thin feelings and fragile jaws
What if the Nazi is a woman?
Checkmate communist retards!
if they punch first yes. Naziism is a legitimate political ideology and they shouldn't be punished for believing in it. Otherwise you're an Antifa fuck.
No, NAZIs dindu nuffin.
Who else would have the motivation to attack a country music concert?
In Trump's America, Nazi punches you.
Under the same conditions it's ok to punch anything else. But for actual, genuine nazis, a declaration of war and the military industrial complex is a better choice than fists.
A socialist hired a bunch of libertarian economists to fix the economic mess that the communists left? What are you smoking?
You could try, but you'll break your fist and then I'll gouge out your eyes.
i will spend the next month or so to convince your surrounding area you and all you love are nazi
then i will freely punch you all
They weren't helicopter victims, but they were communists. They were mostly killed with power drills and small caliber firearms.
A hideous set of deaths for a bunch of criminal leftists. Can you imagine how they begged? Pleaded? Sniveled? I can.
I can imagine as they had circular saws run in their little leftist tummies, they must have been screaming so loudly. Can you imagine having a whole building full of criminal leftists who you could torture to death guilt-free?
I can. It sounds delicious. We'll get it soon. And when I'm winding up your guts around a drillbit like spaghetti around a fork, remember: All you had to do to live was not advocate theft against me.
as long as you can also punch antifa.
For sure, they attack France and Britain, and probably would still.
They are nigger-tier at best. Just like Germany culture
Everyone knows the NatSocs get a free pass and their own territory when the helicopters come
Only if they violate the NAP.
Punch a Nazi
Hang a commie
Only if they're trying to punch you.