Whould you a Nichijou?

Whould you a Nichijou?


Why did Nichijou flop again?

which one

nochijous are for hard head patting

It wasn't funny

They're for marriage only

if I remember right, it was too fucking expensive
which is to be expected with the animation budget they got

I wish the author would confirm if something will ever happen between these 2

Forced comedy and unfunny animation

btw, does the author use twitter?

because it was good

Man, I imagine the sound those two make whenever they bang to be the most irritating sound in the world.

Yuuko is cute!

that's not the OTP though, user

What was her deal?

mai waifu

No, but I'd let a Nichijou a me

I would love and treasure Sakurai-sensei.

Has a JAV ever had such quality buttholes as this?

I choose a Nakamura sensei

Got the first two English print volumes last week. The third just came out, so I'll probably buy it soon.

I'd jou her Nichi.

Good taste, my friend.



I've been watching this for 20 minutes and there is a disappointing lack of buttholes. There's a disappointing lack of sex too

>Not just skipping to the sex

I can't find the fucking sex dude, that's why I watched through it. It was 30 minutes of nothing. I wonder if I was rused?

You somehow found a link with the sex cut out.

That's all I can find, there's nothing on Nyaa or Tokyo Tosho either. What the fuck nigga, I just wanted to see some buttholes

The new chapters were a riot.

All the Nichijous are for unprotected wild fuck.

Because japs have the shittiest taste in anime
Although there still was manga so it's not that big of a bother

cause japs couldn't jack off to it

It's MAD the anime. There was nothing funny about it, just stupid reference gags and over-the-top animation to the smallest thing.

Nobody wanted to buy Blu-Rays after the earthquake and Fukushima killed their country.

Also, it's overrated and pretty terrible in a lot of places, like all those Helvetica Standard shorts.


>They had actresses for Sakurai, Hakase and Nano
>No sex scenes with them

What's the fucking point then?

Does Nano menstruate?

>Goro probably fucked hem and won't share the tape

>reference gags
Like what? I don't remember any references except for that Snickers advertisement.

There's probably cake down there knowing Hakase
