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Government Staged Las Vegas Mass Shooting ISIS/MGM/Disney Psyop

chris dorsey of the Virginia Militia exposes the obvious Government staged mass shooting event which occurred at a country music festival in Las Vegas. Stephen Paddock, 64, has been identified as the suspect who opened fire at the Route 91 Harvest concert festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people. Las Vegas Police said Stephen Paddock was found dead when a SWAT team breached his room on the 32nd floor of the resort and casino

He's a Leftist. Sorry bro, but your side has been humiliated yet again.

my side is strictly anti-white
this guy is a hero tho

Don't you find it interesting that the left cheers any violently Anti-fa member on?
Yet the right completely denounces and disbelieves when another right winger is violent?

If an ISIS terrorist kills someone, the left just says we deserved it for starting a war
If a right winger kills someone, no one in the right can believe they're violent and completely denounce it.

The left advocate for violence, the right denounces it.

>Yet the right completely denounces and disbelieves when another right winger is violent?
kek the right will always fall to the false flag excuse, stop pretending you faggots do otherwise

>when the first post is tinfoil as fuck

Ah ah. Ahh. Ahhh aaa aaa

Damn he sounds retarded


The dude was a borderline millionaire, wasn't religious or involved in politics, and wasn't in the military. It really doesn't add up when you think about it. The media seems more interested in talking about removing guns then talking about the victims of the shooting. I'm calling false flag on this one.

The right makes excuses because they don't support it.

The left doesn't make excuses. They embrace it and take credit for it and advocate for more.

nice change of goalposts
>>Yet the right completely denounces

>worked for a defense contractor
>was a pilot
>was a gun owner before the shooting, owned multiple guns
Yeah real good ""leftist"" you got there

straight from Reddit, eh?

If the jews have this much power to stage things, why would they need to stage anything? They'd already have absolute control and could just arrest all of you idiots for "Drug Possession" with police video.

I never changed the goal post.

No right wing organization has claimed any responsibility for any right wing "terror" attack. They have all been lone wolfs, and they have all been denounced by every organization they are ever with.
The right never advocates or supports or suggests people act violently.

When an Antifa member violently attacks someone, Antifa members publicly and openly support them.

radical leftists aren't antigun you idiot

>wears a pussy hat
Yes, he was a liberal

[invades Iraq]
[invades Afghanistan]
[funds massive military industrial complex]

Those are fantastic excuses for justifying and applauding violence on the left

Unfortunately, the alt-right doesn't advocate for violence and most are against those wars.

This is an obvious false flag Mossad OP. First the van with explosives gets found well before the shooting. First fuckup which should have put everything on high alert. Then they get the woman warning people at the concert ahead of time that there's going to be a major attack. She gets escorted out by security. That's strike #2.
They should have had teams mobilized ready to go at that point. Then the guy breaks out his window and opens fire. it takes them 75 minutes to get into his room from the minute he started firing. They should have had a team of swat troopers decked out in bomb suits and double layers of body armor smashing his door down within a minute of him smashing his window open. This whole thing stinks of a false flag operation. The shooter probably wasn't him at all, probably some glow in the dark CIA nigger who got out well ahead of time and left that body for them to find. This has (((CIA)))/Mossad all over it.

The mainstream left doesn't support antifa violence. What are you smoking?

Yes they do. They even give them air time

I've ~never~ heard an alt-righter defend any random act of violence on national TV ever. They've only made excuses to distance themselves from it, because they want nothing to do with violence and don't support it.

Detach your head from your asshole...

Dumb as a pile of dirt, and less useful.


They do it all the time

Oh yeah that's totally why the far right loves The Turner Diaries and worships its Holocaust-denying, Neo-Nazi author, and why any alt right shithole is full of people calling for violence, no matter how much alt right authorities try to deny it.

Conservative shooting at conservatives?

That's exactly what the liberals said with the dude who shot the baseball game.

You created your own personal movement: Alt-Brain Dead...

shameful use of Asuka you tard. He's been confirmed democrat, probably antifa, and it was likely a false flag. But he was white so..

A republican wouldnt be wearing a pussy hat and have as his interests on kikebook.

fuck off.

>was a pilot

Since when are pilots lefties by default?

Looks like the video is dealing with hypotheticals and theory. I have yet to hear anyone defend Eric Clanton. In fact, most people don't know about him because most of the sources mentioning him are far right garbage.

>Daily Caller

Not an argument.

They can worship and do whatever they want.
But Right Wing organizations are not violent and never advocate for violence, or support violence.
They never defend people driving cars into crowds, or any mass shooting.
It simply just doesn't happen.

That's not the same on the left. They support and take credit for violently lefties and make excuses for why the victims deserved injury or punishment.

If the shooter is a leftie, they will say that the victims were all Trump supporting Nazi's and they deserved it.
If the shooter was right, the right will denounce him and deny any involvement.

How is this not painfully obvious? The "alt-right" is a reaction to lefty violence. It is not an organizer of violence like BLM, Antifa and ISIS.

Why would a right winger shoot up a country music festival? Are leftists THAT delusional?

Are you blind? People are making up bullshit like rumors that the car driver in Charlottesville is a political prisoner who dindu muffin and that Heather Heyer died of a heart attack.

True, nonetheless

How can you say no one supported him when everyone refused to even name him?

The alt-right had the car guy, his family and the previous owner of the car identify in a few hours. Because they don't support violence

How stupid are you?
Are you just arguing because you want to be ignorant at this point? I've made my point pretty obvious and you just love those violently lefty excuses.
You'll continue to support leftie violence as long as you believe it's justified.

People are making up conspiracy theories because they don't believe that random white people would just go into an area and kill people with 0 motivation.

Because it's very rare that random white people commit mass shootings. It does happen, but it's rare. It's even more rare that they do it for a specific political reason.
But it's even MORE rare that they are a member of a specific organization and that organization comes out in support of that individual.

No right wing organization (KKK, neo nazis, anyone) supported the Charlottesville guy. He was immediately denounced. They might make up conspiracies that he wasn't a supporter, but that's fine. They are not claiming responsibility or advocating for it.

Heather Heyer's mom said she died of a heart attack.



Wasn't the shooter a registered democrat in florida???

The right blames the shooter for being retard. That's what conservatism is, it's about the choices of the individual.

The left blames the victims.
Because that's what the left is, being part of a collective.
I personal prefer the notion of individual responsibility, and therefor blame the shooter for his own actions and not the victims.


there wasn't any shooter at this hoax

nor the one at Pulse nightclub with muslim Omar Marteen

no one died

Yep. Sounds like a criminal leftist.
As usual, my side wins again.

>a right winger shot up a concert full of other right wingers
are you out of your fucking mind

at best for your cause, hes just a " lone wolf"

hate to disappoint both you faggots
no one was shot, no one died
this whole episode is a shoddy, poorly scripted, preposterous hoax

Regardless of whether he was a leftist or not, this is retarded thinking. If the dude wanted to shoot up a bunch of people to send a political message, he probably wouldn't go out of his way to research the political composition of his victims. It seems much more likely that he wanted to do a ton of damage, and guess what, there were a ton of people at the concert by his hotel.

What proof do you even have that the victims were right-wingers?

> at best for your cause

You, and anyone else trying to use this event in this way ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Why can't we just wait until the truth comes out before rushing to put the shooter into your political enemy's box? "See, he was white. All whites are evil!!1!" "See, he was a liberal. All liberals are evil!!ten!"

Because the audience was filled with filthy degenerates. It's Vegas. Why pray for a land of strippers, prostitutes, shotgun weddings chapels for any race or sex, and people who consider visiting a casino for a "nice family vacation".

Real killers were feds. Whether or not this guy was in on it or framed it irrelevant. This was a setup by CIA and their corporate backers

Whites lose AGAIN!
LMAO. It's like they haven't won since Bush

>What proof do you even have that the victims were right-wingers?

other left wing terrorists sympathizing with the mass murderer for killing drumpftards

Did I say left wing terrorist? I mean a legal executive working for CBS.

>the shooter literally worked for Lockheed Martin
DESU I get the feeling like this was probably set up by the Pentagon rather than the intelligence agencies.

>If the dude wanted to shoot up a bunch of people to send a political message, he probably wouldn't go out of his way to research the political composition of his victims.
now this THIS is whats fucking retarted

yea right; someone WHOS SPENT THEIR WHOLE FUCKING LIFE obsessing over politics is just going to randomly shoot a group of people

you are seriously a very very stupid person

>You, and anyone else trying to use this event in this way ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
cry me a river normie
just off yourself you waste of oxygen

I caught Big Guy today
To see if he still feels
I get him on the plane
My safe space made of steel
The masked man tears a hole
Plane dangling from string
Try to take Pavel away
But I'm in charge of everything

What have I become
Fire ascends
Flight plan I just filed goes away
In the end
And Bane just took it all
No survivors today
I will let him down
I am C.I.A.

I wear this polo shirt
Above my cargo pants
Full of empty threats
This powerful stance
Beneath the tough facade
The power disappears
He is a big guy
For me, standing here

What have I become
Fire ascends
Flight plan I just filed goes away
In the end
And Bane just took it all
No survivors today
I will let him down
I am C.I.A.

If I'm in charge again
To see one more payday
I would take his mask
I would find a way

Sup Forums has literally become /dindu/