Infowars reports from an alleged internal source that ANTIFA propaganda was in shooter’s hotel room

>Infowars reports from an alleged internal source that ANTIFA propaganda was in shooter’s hotel room.
>Scroll through legitimate ANTIFA accounts on twitter and all of them, including recently active ones, are silent today.
>See no ANTIFA screencaps here except for the joking “ANTIFA Melbourne” one.
>Leftists unaffiliated with ANTIFA and normie politicians are chimping out on twitter.

This is suspicious. What could it mean?

Other urls found in this thread:

I want her to sit on my face

>wet, sloppy noises
>last bit squeaks out, accompanied by a little turd that drops right onto the post above mine

we wait until further notice.
I want the police to confirm their findings.

I would just like to be smothered and humiliated without your scat fetish intervening you fucking leaf

The Eternal Leaf strikes again.

i was on every commie leftypol chan today for the first time and they have almost no posters, message stay up on the front page for a week or on some chans months. the average Sup Forums thread sees more action then every lefty chan board out there. and when asked multiple times about antifa most of them respond with disinterest and don't seem to be involved.

just a theory i'm throwing out there: there basically is no antifa. it's just groups of idiots hearing from other idiots that they need to gather to fight fascism or some shit then they just show up. there is no discussion or planning or debate or hashing out ideologies. it's just some dumbfucks showing up places when led there by social engineers. antifa as an independent collective capable of thought and action on its own doesn't exist.

your thoughts on this theory?


link the accounts that are silent today

dumb leaf faggot

Yes, I'd like to undress Jess.





It fits with the media saying there is no antifa and antifa doesnt exist.

You should have thought about that before you stole my FPBP, Amerifat.

You're adorable.

>ANTIFA propaganda was in shooter’s hotel room


Watch the lead-in to this where Alex lays it out:

I think you are right. It's probab-

Jones also says that the Paddock was shot when LE broke into his room, and that he *didn't* kill himself.

Has anyone else made that claim?

>as if someone was actually shot/died

kys normalfag
no one died
it was a hoax

It means Infowars made it the fuck up.
Who the fuck actually believes they have an 'internal source'? They were bitching about unnamed sources this summer on everything Trump.

It's a degeneracy I cannot help but partake in. A woman's asshole is just so wonderful to smell.

In the land of maple and scat lovers, leafs eat their turds with maple syrup.


I love chicks that have the fat pussies

I'd crawl across the floor under gunfire just to have one sniff of that crotch area.

>starting a thread with an image more interesting with your post

someone said the guy had "targets"

was dan one of them

It wasn't as good as you thought it was