>So user, you like guns, what do you have to say about Las Vegas?
Who else is gonna have a fucking swell time in the holidays this year?
>So user, you like guns, what do you have to say about Las Vegas?
Who else is gonna have a fucking swell time in the holidays this year?
> hey [ insert liberal family member] did you hear about [insert Muslim terrorist attack]?
>>So user, you like guns, what do you have to say about Las Vegas?
Based on what's been revealed so far, it sounds like the guy was a pretty good shot. I'd love to know what he used.
>answering a question with another question
Just mention he was a Democrat.
I say pass the god damn taters im hungry
>well, if the machine gun ban didn't stop him from getting a machine gun, I don't think an assault weapons ban would have kept him from getting assault weapons
>now pass me the sweet potatoes, you little nigger
>ever notice how all these mass murderers turn out to be lefties?
"I think the lack of mental healthcare in this country is to blame. It's sad we don't support sick people who need our help."
"It's a damn shame we let lefties get guns."
i think that all murderers, violent rapists, repeat/large scale thieves, and armed robbers should be publicly hanged upon conviction
i also think that ALL jury personnel, judges, baliffs, fucking JANITORS and the lot of them should be sequestered during the entire trial, disallowed media access, and the entire trial should be publicly televised. spend the shekels we'll save by hanging murderers rather than locking them up
Yeah it's tragic, I bet he did it because his annoying fucking liberal family that always bothered him about his guns was at that Jason Aldean concert.
My immediate family either agrees with me or doesn't start political fights.
nah i live in a pretty rural area the biggest problem I have is defending .308 instead of using 30-06 for deer hunting
My family doesn't discuss religion and politics at the table because we aren't amoral Boomer/Millennial scum who love picking fights with people who commit Wrongthink
I can shoot back. Wish you guys luck with Tyrone because I'm not helping
Thank God I don't have this problem. Good luck anons
>implying normies will still remember it by Halloween.
This. Fuck liberal snobs.
>So Mr. Inlaw, you like your cars, right? What do you have to say about Charlottesville?
>also im creampie'ing your daughter every night while she calls me daddy
we really need to do something about mental health care in this country, i hope you guys like all the ammunition, hard to find mags and flareguns i bought you for christmas!
none of my family members are liberal faggots, so not an issue for me.
What arguments do you make? I'm considering getting a .308 rifle for hunting.
>what do you have to say about Las Vegas?
Since my family doesn't ask dumb questions I'll answer you with questions of my own. Who the fuck are you and how did you get turkey on your plate without carving it first?
Well imagine my cock! Inside your daughter, and THEN imagine my surprise when yet another beta democrat shoots up a crowd. I say being a democrat is predictive of mass shooting, and they should be prevented from obtaining anything that might be used as a weapon, including belts, bedsheets, guns, cars, animals and food.
Also this. It was a gook with ties to antifa and he attacked a crowd of ostensibly at most center right white people exiting a country music concert. This shit's gonna in part at least, get memory holed HARD.
They'll mention something about Trump and Obamacare.
So how long before gun and ammo prices skyrocket from this?
But I live in Las Vegas.
Shall not be infringed you fucking commie.
We're not talking about Trump, we're talking about what could have prevented this tragedy.
At best we know he is more likely to be a democrat.
>10 frigging guns when one or two would suffice. Obviously not a gun guy.
>probably not a fan of country music, unless he was some kind of old country purist.
>some blurry photos of a guy who looks like him in a shitty pink hat
>no problem with killing hundreds of white people
But that's all we know about him.
>someone is falsely convicted of murder
>guilty until proven innocent
>gubmint kills a random person
You know, if Trump had a nice precision rifle he might have been able to prevent it after the first few shots.
>being this much of a cuck
>it was a gook with ties to antifa
lmao what
I know. But the way these people are they'll bring him up even if you don't support him.
Gen X fag
You don't know when he purchased those 10 guns though. Maybe after Sandy vagina he slowly became bitter and bought them because he didn't feel enough was being done and figured "I'll show them". Maybe went out into the desert and trained over months to a year, lurked places to learn full auto conversions, etc. We know he planned it, could easily have been all within the last year, or even a lot less.
frigging guns when one or two would suffice. Obviously not a gun guy.
Get a load of this fudd.
It's a good thing they waited for the police to help I guess.
>not talking about the President on thanksgiving
>old county purists
I come fron a highly conservative family and most my relatives are old chtidtian women. "Oh it's so sad when crazy people do things like this" will be the most thats said.
In this instance, tighter gun control laws would have been useless.
He was using illegally possessed weapons that no civilian ever should have had a hold of. There's more going on and thinking that taking a bunch of hand guns off farmers and people trying to protect their families would have saved those people from an illegally possessed fully automatic machine gun is moronic.
(Feel free to quote me these holidays. Enjoy your potatos or whatever the fuck you eat)
>pro gun family come and take them
no fucks will be given
/k/ says preliminary on the scene "leaks" say it was an illegally modified AR.
This is the winner hahaha.