/ak/ & GuP/Garupan/Girls und Panzer

>Naomi will never chew your cheeks

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I wonder what the wedding would be like?


Especially if she gets married to Oryou

Alright, TS user and MadEye are in.
Anyone else?


I want Shizuka's heart to burn for me!


The one on the right is Nilgiri. The other 2 are unnamed.

Anything like the times she had fun with her tank club friends?

>I'm being stupid today
Slack, a website that allows for collaboration, communication, and file transfers.

I'm trying to get anyone /ak/ scans related to join (if they wish) so it makes it a little easier to get things sorted out rather than waiting for a thread at 4 in the morning or a reply 2 weeks later.

I wish they'd come up with names for more characters, I want to know smug-chan and loader-chan's names.





Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the ceremony starts?
Maybe that rule doesn't apply to lesbians.


My heart


There's no groom.


Aside from Oarai, the one team that had their commanders named are Chihatan: Kinuyo Nishi, Fukuda, Tamada, Hosomi, Teramoto, Nagura, Ikeda.

>I link people to fanfiction.net whenever they talk about Ribbon Warrior

Was that "Erika becomes one with the Sturmtiger" thing, see pic, ever fully translated?

second page.

This isn't just one pic, that's doujin.

So they're making their own luck. There's no path a tank cannot traverse!

I never saw more than those two pages, though.

>fukabe without a helmet

I don't remember Miho being this fucking stacked.

Well, whole doujin must be somewhere on sadpand.
Iirc Erika having some kind of dream after this incident.
IIRC it's called "Erika's heaven" or sort of.

You're not butthurt at all, user. At all.

Wedding corsets do miracles (any corset in reality, but wedding ones in particular)

>invading France

>Interested in Mika's philosophical words

More like she had enough

Mihos are fine, and if is like her sister, she will be great

That title gives me some idea who and what might be the central point of Erikas dream....

She'll never get enough of Mika's wisdom.

Mika/Aki is the cutest thing

Why does no one care about Mikko? She's the coolest Keizoku.

But i do

Of course we care. Especially about her rear armor.




Nope, you will never be even the worst girl

best guppies

>worst girl


Best girl will have vengeance

hahaha no

Tell me about vengeance

Nah, the Sodoclones exist.

Rosehip on suicide watch

Just enjoy your Hetzer

Enough for everyone in /ak/ to have one each.


Screw you I have a T32

I do. But it's not done yet.

But seriously though, why 2 Hetzer?

Do I want to know or is this Sup Forums?

Its because Wales are losing

>It's a Panzerfaust.

It's what tank disabled their tank in the last match.

Anzu is the best

Why doesn't Rosehip have a Cromwell?

Because Darjeeling's trauma

Because it is Sempais, that's why

Because the Cromwell is retarded in reverse, also why doesn't Naomi have a super Pershing?




Shiho rigs the senshado funding to keep the other schools too poor to match her late war tanks.

Best English book in an anime/manga i saw so far. Even better than that Umineko one.

That's why saunders has b-17s, a c-5m, and a billion Shermans, right?



Honestly the Cromwell isn't that much of an improvement of the 6 pounder armed Crusader

Thta much smug will kill me.

B-17, b-24, c-47, whatever they used, I haven't read that chapter in months, sue me

You know, I was about to type out an long sarcastic reply, but it's easier to just tell you I wasn't being serious.

Not so smug anymore

Die then


Un-smugged Finns are the best.









Is there a translation for this anywhere?

By snu snu?

Have YOU made YOUR Momo fightstick yet?

I'd let Momo fight my stick.

Sounds painful

She's a big girl.

>Mini skirt with huge boots

This makes my erect