Lol no one seriously believes it was a lone wolf attack right? Asked people around me if they thought it was one person and most said no.
Normies aren't buying the narrative
Everyone I know thinks something is off. Take note at all those on the left cheering.
Why do you still use Crown Vics, nigger?
In all the videos there are multiple machine guns going off at once, rofl.
Some of the audio sounds like the firing increases and decreases in speed, which isn't at all how automatic weapons work. They fire at full speed, or single shot/burst fire. There is no accelerating of the rounds per minute, lmao.
even normalfags arent buying this shit
Because the Chargers are junk. You should be happy Canuck, most American Popo cars are made in Canada.
Too many questions they haven't answered yet
1. where did he get the guns?
2. where is his gf
3. what was he doing in vegas for 4 days?
4. police said he built a platform in the room. is there security cam footage of him hauling materials into the room?
the longer these simple questions go unanswered the fishier it gets
/k/ommando here, you're technically right, an AR or AK thats full auto will have a consistent rate of fire.
Now, a machine that needs to be headspaced and timed or has removable barrel like an M249 SAW or an M240B, if you hold a cyclic rate of fire you might notice that it drops or "stutters" a bit.
Now could a rich civilian get his hands on a M249 and a boatload of 5.56? Most likely, especially if he has nothing to lose
Black kid at my work didn't buy it at all, was laughing about how they're saying only one white 64 year old did it.
There were at least two shooters judging by sounds of the guns in available footage, or in the very least one super fuckin autistic screeching liberal retard who watched rambo and predator too many times for a main source of firearms training leading to akimbo.
given it was long distance auto fire I find it hard to believe anyone with any firearms training accomplished it cause its literally spray and pray.
As for number of dead I'm not buying that either. 2 seemed sensible, but most people fled the crowd judging by footage too.
it sounded like 2 guns because of the sound of the bullet impact then the sound of the barrel report. bullets travel faster than sound
It's not true auto, it's a slide stock most likely. At no point you hear two guns firing at the same time.
1. gun store
2. her home country
3. gambling and possibly planning this
4. who knows
My mom, who is a moderate dem said
>It doesn't make sense, it doesn't add up. I don't know if it's a false flag or something
Couldn't believe she would say something like that
You and your friends idiots.
>4. police said he built a platform in the room. is there security cam footage of him hauling materials into the room?
What type of platform? He could have just ripped his room apart and used the furniture there.
>Mom. what is an echo?
- OP, probably.
Influx of shillposter from brazil.
Fuck off
I've had people point me to videos showing shots coming from the 4th floor of the hotel. I think there was more than one shooter involved.
The 32nd floor freemasonic numerology gets to me. I'd say - 6th floor?
It almost sounds like there are two guns walking on top of each other... But others have speculated that he could have been using a bumpfire stock.
It's a hotel. People are carrying large bags in and out of it every minute. This guy was here for days. It's not crazy to assume he slowly carried in his stuff from a vehicle over the course of a few days. At every expensive hotel I've been to, you can just walk in and go up the elevator to any room even if you aren't a guest. He was a gambler too, so he probably had a free room and the staff treated him great and didn't bother him. The Trump hotel in Vegas had secret service for years now though so it was different.
He wasn't using a real fully auto weapon. They found a bump stock, so he was probably using that or a binary trigger.
It's calls echoing dumbass, this part of vegas is in the middle of a ton of huge concrete hotels, echos will happen.
Think you're reading waaaaay too much into this, user.
someone post a pic of the hot blonde chic w/ the nice tits from the one clip from the scene....
Is that definitely confirmed his son? Is his son a fucking furry??? If this is real I want off this wild ride. It's getting too ridiculous.
Nah bro. Illuminati retards love these numbers. 'm reading at just the right level of crazy.
I don't even think these are conspiracy theories, there is literally nothing.
Is this an /x/ raid?
Did they release photos or footage of the room yet?
Shit...the protection grid went down again?!
Paddock did NOT have a facebbok page. This has been confirmed over amd over again.
Listen. It's the sound of one gunner with two guns alternately firing.
How much would you care to bet that it was room 2 on the 32nd floor?
Prove it.
There is so little information in actual news articles that its crazy. Theres almost nothing in them aside from liberal bias injecting unnecessary info like how lax Nevada gun laws are, the location of the shooter, the fate of the shooter and the crowd itself. Death Tolls have been random and jumping around like fucking crazy, on top of only saying there was one shooter despite multiple simultaneous weapons heard in footage.
this shit is retarded. Either by pure fucking subhuman idiocy lost to abyss without your source, or by intentional niggerdom from the left, there is little to go on thus far, coated with a gross shade of "M-MUH GUN CONTROL"
nevada is a bastion keeping californian liberal retardation from spreading from the west to middle america.
This would never have happened is there was legislation limiting the amount of stories a building can hold. It's time to ban all tall buildings!!!!!!
Are you guys sure that wasn't echoes from surrounding buildings?
Still fast as fuck, still reliable as fuck, still recognizable as fuck
> There is so little information in actual news
articles that its crazy.
Yes. Like Charlotteville. We probably won't get anything more about the shooter.
Fishy fishy
What are echoes, Alex?
Just imagine the backlash if this guy's antifa, MSM will be to blame for radicalizing him and this will be all on them. they CANNOT let that narrative happen, at any cost.
We should make this a hashtag
Why is lone wolf such a stupid thing?
even my fucking CNN binge-watching parents think its a conspiracy
Hello shareblue disinfo team.
ill just leave this here
1. He bought them.
2. She left him.
3. He loves to gamble.
4. In order to fire at such a steep downward angle you would need an appropriate rest.
How the fuck am I shareblue.
This was a ritual sacrifice.
You sound like the libtarded women I listen to on the radio.
>OH my gawd, how did he get his bags up into his room
Jesus its like you people never leave the house. It would be completely retarded for a hotel to check its guests bags. Do you know how many people are coming and going all day long? It would put the price of rooms up by a large margin if we start checking everything.
Might as well never leave the house and have martial law across the west, if we get to that point.
Shhhhhhh, you shareblue now.
Kill yourself retard, nothing happened on 9/11 and metal detectors everywhere is fucking retarded because almost everything is made with metal, not just guns.
I'm not even being unironic his 'roommate' knows something and people want her dead. That's why she's missing. I sincerely believe she's the one that was warning the crowd before it happened because apparently she couldn't tell anyone else. (Police were on it? Told to ignore it by a higher agency?) If she was in Vegas, how did she get out so quick? She definitely couldn't have gone far. Airports in the area were all put on lockdown. She got Seth Rich'd. We'll never hear from her again I bet.
Yeah I'm sure he bought some full auto at his local walmart. Sounds legit.
It was a crowded venue. Brevik easily killed over 50, Mateen killed like 50, this guy killed 50 but most of the other injuries and contributing factors to death was the stampede caused by the chaos
A capable person can easily pull this off. It's a testament to humanity that this doesn't happen more often..
Apparently my brother is friends with a guy on facebook who died there. Everyone is posting sad comments on his wall.
My brother only knew him from a friend. Does this mean this person is dead or that they struck a deal with CIA for citizenship in the USA under a new identity?
I think you need to get on your knees for your emu overlords and start sucking, bitch.
Holy shit... burger education strikes again. You need to go back.
Do you mean the people on the left side of OP's picture, or did you mean the liberal left?
didnt the florida gay nightclub shooter's wife just "disappear" too?
best guess yet
The liberal left is cheering.
I have no idea why every /k/ommando keeps going back to to the M249. There are plenty of pre 1986 FOPA weapons available to collectors with $10k-$20k to blow on a fun toy and sound investment to boot. Nevada is full of retirees with enviable NFA collections.
>Sup Forums thinks investigations are instant.
so pol is no different then the public. No shit they havent answered any questions the fucking event occurred 2 days ago.
This is where pd is at right now.
1. Legal or illegally purchased.
If legal run serials and pull footage from the shop/range. Also obtain source interviews from shop owner/anyone else in the shop at the time
If illegal canvass known weapons dealers. Bring in on bullshit charges and interview. converse with ATF/FBI undercovers and see what the word is on the street or if anyone has talked about selling heat to the subject.
If weapons were fronted by an international org (read isis) then close case and forget it exists. Agency will blue ball all of your leads anyway so dont even try.
2. Canvas for witnesses to see if a vehicle fled the scene. Get cameras from the hotel and check to see if "companion" dropped him off. Get plates if possible and put out APB for identifying features and plates if you have them. When you find companion schedule interview.
3. Not like anyone can ask him. This is probably irrelevant and investigators probably dont even care about it unless its directly related to a lead. Loads of people come to vegas for vacation and do hella drugs. Possibly the cause is related to narcotics but its not worth looking into unless a lead points there. At best this question would be tabled to ask the "companion" when they find her.
4. See #2. Or wait for PD to finish canvassing the hotel room and determine from there.
This shit takes time dude. Its not le conspiracy because police haven't answered all your questions in 48 hours. Canvassing a scene well can take up to a week and it not like they go public with everything they find as soon as they find it.
Nobody I've talked to today is buying it either. It's like what happened this morning was a massive Normie Redpilling. WTF is going on?
Well thank goodness we have sound engineers like you here on Sup Forums to set us straight!
I love that this place is a forum for every pseudo-intellectual to have a voice. You wouldn't say this in real life for fear that people would think you're a retard(which you are)
Fucking bastards, I swear when my state eventually secedes, expect the remaining few conservatives hiding in the shadows to be fighting for our very lives in this world gone mad.
because that car is fucking awesome.
I'm looking for a used one. but here in germany they are hard to find.
>low effort australia post.
There's footage of a gunman on the 8-10th floor approximately can see the muzzle flares. Official story is a way higher floor
This was a deep state operation. (They) control the media, much of the government, and thus the narrative. We'll never learn the truth that (they) did this.
>implying anyone believes anything
>implying people don't just say stuff
>implying any of you or any of the people you know were polled
They used to be :(
Plant where they made the Crown Vics was closed and it was in my home town.
Double 1,488-D chess I'm hoping :D
>Lol no one seriously believes it was a lone wolf attack right?
no one died
it was a hoax
I only saw one video thismorning after waking up that had flashing synced with gunfire, but it struck me as odd because no other video from last night had them and the flash was so bright and streaking across the entire face of the building that it had to be doctored and added in
What are they saying?
I talked to a cop once who hated the newer replacements. They love the big huge Crown Vics. Smooth, plenty of leg room, "like a taxi".
A lot of people said that they've seen the video showing gunfire from the lower floors instead of the 32nd floor.
With that many guns, and people that densely packed, it's possible he was shooting two guns at a time and just spraying into the crowd. 500 hit but only 60 dead implies he was just trying to hit as many people as possible, not trying to killshot each one like a sniper.
Funny, I've heard the exact opposite from Michigan State Troopers when they replaced the Crown Vics. They said the newer cars have more horsepower and are built like a tank.
don't know why they haven't released the weapons or any more info then what they have so far.
its not like theres some things that can change, like the weapons in the room he had, or the reports that he an heroed vs died guns blazing.
the fuck is up with the fbi and lvpd?
Those newer cars hardly have any leg room in the back for perps though. Especially with the huge cage/barrier they put between the cop and the officer to divide them. Plus less trunk space for gear, evidence, etc.
The newer cars do have more HP though.
The problem with false flags is that you can only use the same old trick a couple of times before people start to catch on to whats going on, and people are starting to catch on.
Oh they also use AWD SUVs around here as well.
>prove a negative
Time for your pills jewbert
I've been hearing multiple shooters, and the gunfire sounding off all day long, and these folks hate conspiracy theories
Oh and the reason he had so many guns, is that he wasn't reloading them one at a time.
He had them all loaded up, and when he ran out of ammo, he would just grab the next one and shoot, drop it, move on to the next gun, etc.
I'm a normie who fucked kids and I don't care about the Vegas shooting. Have a sage.
I have no doubt this was the work from the Jew. They picked the most American and white event, also.
A rich white guy gambling in Vegas decides to kill all these white people? Somehow getting a fucking mass arsenal in a hotel? Not buying it.
Find the video from Vegas channel 13 news. Muzzle Flashes can clearly be seen about ten floors up, right hand side from viewer perspective. I'm a local and am curious as to wtf that was. But it's such a puzzle piece to the whole house, we all watched it on dvr over and over, that even my normie brother is thinking somethings fishy. They didn't show the blown windows on 32 until dawn, plenty of time to get a window up on 10.
He fired on full auto the whole time, dumbshit. Obviously he wasn't sniping. Also nobody anywhere said he hit 500 people. Most of those injuries are from trampling. Why are there so many of you retards around here that don't know how to think?