This board is so negative

This board is so negative.

Have you ever considered being nice and calm people?

Shut the fuck up cunt ass bitch faggot.


A fucking farm tool.

I just wanted to play video games.


hell hath no fury like a Sup Forumsack scorned

>expecting niceness and calmness from people who take themselves seriously on an anonymous imageboard

Being nice gets you nowhere in life. No one respects a nice man.

You know very well how nice I am to black girls

This is the only place where I can vent. Besides I am calm most of the time

>playing videogames
you deserve all the shitting and more

I try.

no one respects you right now either lmao


We are positive that it is Happening, seek no more and no less.

How many girls ever got mad enough to turn your headlights on, again?

Ok. How was your day? :3

Now I only partake in mature activities for mature adults such as myself, like baiting for replies on a Ryukyuan shadow puppet forum :^)

Now I only partake in mature activities for mature adults such as myself, like baiting for (You)s on a Ryukyuan shadow puppet forum :^)

2D sprite based fighters and shmups are mature anyway tbqh
I will play Radiant Silvergun on my deathbed

>earning lasting respect/condemnation requires people to know who you are
>everyone on Sup Forums is anonymous

Get the fuck out of here with that autistic shit.

If someone is going to be unrespected either way, they may as well get the satisfaction of a firm stance. The nice game has to have rewards or nobody is going to play it.

We respond in kind.

I hope you guys know always being angry every single day and negative is extremely hazardous to your health and leads to things like heart attacks and an early death. Go look it up. This board is literally killing you.

Fear is far more important than respect

Have niggers ever considered being nice and calm people?

Didnt think so.

In the context you're using "fear" and "respect" they are interchangeable.

But being nice is boring

