Sup Forums I need help. My roommate and I put a small picture of POTUS on our dorm window.
Our RA somehow found out and told me to take it down. He is a clearly an immigrant or son of immigrants. What do?
Sup Forums I need help. My roommate and I put a small picture of POTUS on our dorm window.
Our RA somehow found out and told me to take it down. He is a clearly an immigrant or son of immigrants. What do?
Put it back up, retard.
They can't make you. If he wants to escalate, you should be happy because it means you get to BTFO this faggot RA during a meeting with the building director.
What school?
Print out a copy of the US Constitution.
Put up pictures of heroes of socialism and communism, along with the numbers of deaths attributed to them.
It's UC Riverside. One of the most liberal schools in US.
I'm afraid if I refuse he could somehow fuck me over.
I'm literally surrounded by mexicans and asians.
If the school escalates, you can sue them for infringing on your first amendment rights. It's a government funded school.
Fuck them. They're all fucking Jewish or shabbos goyim.
I'm not exactly sure what the policies are but I should totally be allowed to put up a picture of a generic man.
with these
Film it and he can join that fat mexican bitch on the the internet wall of sham.
Who the fuck is going to see that
He's an RA, he's fucking powerless. What's he going to do, take longer to do your room inspection for winter break?
Lol all I need to do is get it approved
i guess u chose the wrong school dumbfuck
>Put RA in human sized box.
>Bring to Post Office.
>Buy stamp
>Deport RA back to country of origin
>Put picture back up
I live in LA. You fucked up soon. My advice, leave that school as soon as possible.
tell him intimidation based on politics is against the law. and following his inevitable response remind him that hanging a picture of the current president isnt intimidation but trying to force you to take it down is.
Why would you attend UC Riverside if you're a Trump supporter? Like, really dude, there are far less liberal universities/cities/states to attend school at.
Anyway, put that fucking picture back up. Don't be a pussy. You have every right to display it.
Put it on your wall. Your schools might have rules about covering the windows with posters and shit. If he tells you to take it off your wall ask him why he hates the president of the United States. Try to lead him into threatening the president. Either way call the FBI and tell them your RA is making threats against the presidents life.
Good Idea. Nobody will see it though ):
Its the only one I got into (:
How are you in college with that kind of reading comprehension?
That's not what it says at all
Ask him to make the request in writing.
Check the rules and see if you can put it on your door. My point is find a spot where you can put it without breaking rules and bring to RAs attention. "RA I moved the picture to this spot since you asked me to take it off window. The rules said I could have it here. Try to trigger him and record it with your phone. Make a fucking Trump shrine surrounded by tiki torches. Just don't light the torches. That should do the trick.
>told me
The correct response to that is always, 'Or else what, bitch?'
Continue to be a whiny little bitch who runs to /pol when the big bad RA does something to hurt your feefees. Grow up.
Put it back up!
Seriously, you have every right to praise Kek for GEOTUS everyday.
I went to a libtard infested ivy and I didn't back down from shit like this!
Do you go to Cal?
Ayyyyy Pentland?
This is the only acceptable answer. If you allow yourself to be so easily bullied, quit school and find a job as a librarian. People will always try to force you to do things that they have no right to do. This is a life lesson. Tell your RA that you have rights, and he can fuck off with his OPINION. Otherwise you’re going to be bullied all your life.
this, even worse, he's piss poor -- faggots become RAs because they can't afford room & board
Fuck what he says. Keep it up and find where the faggots room is and put one on his door just to spite him
Refuse you pussy and put up security cameras
If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide.
Ignore him, leave it up. Or report him immediately to the RD.
Anybody that walks into the fucking room, like the RA did when he saw the trump picture in the window?
This. /Thread/.
Report him to ICE.
Lol should have gone to CBU. I'm surrounded by hot white chicks and there's quite a few trump supporters around.
is this the picture?