How do I stop the pain?
Damn good anime
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But user, it follows the manga closely.
What's this series called again?
We can at least hope that with all this backlash the coming episodes will at the very least not sound like cast-iron pans being smashed together. I have hope that they can fix it, even if its just a small improvement.
If nothing else, the music and on-model character shots were fucking 10/10 in the 97 adaptation. Sure, it was a slideshow, but at least it was a good slideshow to look at and listen to. The story was also done better.
Apply high amount of fresh memes
There's no fixing a train wreck once it starts. Shit is dead on arrival.
At least there's a handful of hand drawn closeups that look amazing. If you focus on the good moments instead of the burning dumpster fire surrounding it you can save yourself some pain...
97 was overly gloomy with it's lack of color.
They made depictions of sunny days seem bleak.
Youd be surprise
have you done enough whinging
watch it again and see how much of a baby you've been
i watched it with my cousin and we both were drinking and generally excited despite knowing it was shit and we had a good time. he never read the manga so that helped him a lot, im guessing
just try and have fun with it, user. if nothing more, we'll have a lot of fun hate threads for the next 23 weeks and more dank memes than we know what to do with
>I fell into a trashcan full of used syringes and razor blades
>But at least I found a quarter in it
>mfw this 2016 anime will end in another cliffhanger
Why HxH got a somewhat decent anime, JoJo got a good anime, but Berserk got this shitstain anime?
>tfw this will go on for 11 more weeks
Just embrace it.
Like Casca embraced Griffiths
That babby's first AMV tier music and editing.
>11 more weeks
a-user, didn't you hear? it'll be a 2 cour series, so it's actually more like 6 months
I seriously can't believe they're skipping basically all of the Black Swordsman arc and the Lost Children arc. Those arcs are fucking important for establishing how Guts has been living since the Eclipse. They're the most "Berserk" parts of the whole manga - just one dude with a big sword cutting down huge monsters. Taking them out ruins the whole flow of the story.
There is no fucking story.
It's dead.
They couldn't get right even his interaction with the girl in the ep.
They didn't got right his interaction with Puck in the ep.
They didn't got right anything at all.
Next episode the 100-man slayer will be subdued by 20 shit-tier "knights" and a sexually-frustrated bitch.
They'll skip all rape/sexual scenes too - no matter their importance.
I don't care for CGI, I don't care for shit soundtrack and sound effects. I don't care for skipping some details.
I care that they skipped 2 entire arcs, one of which is just as important as Golden Age and then they plot-hole themselves into a dead-end and ignore it via a single episode.
I hope Miura gets enough of a paycheck to buy enough idolmaster merchandise or even a seiyuu to fuck and dies from a heart-attack, before the series are ruined beyond a point of return.
I'd rather shit-post about Berserk never being animated than a fucking rabbit being the only good thing that will come out of this "adaptation"
The "creative" team behind this actually have not read the fucking manga or have the smallest clue on what the fuck they are doing. Why make Guts puke (body rejects girls kindness [wine]) if they fucking didn't make him drink the damn wine?
Why make Puck thank Guts for saving him when he didn't fucking save him?
Why on purpose plot-hole yourself and ignore it in every single scene you choose to "adapt" from the manga and fill the rest with copy-paste models and same fucking "clang.wmv" repeated over and over again over fucking OVA's OST?
There...finally allowed myself went out about this shit.
this the gayest shit i done ever read
Glad you liked it.
You need a new pair of eyes.
don´t overthink it user
just relax, watch the other shit of this season, or from your backlog, or have a good fap with that new 774 doujin
And once you feel better, come back to the threads with the mindset of enjoying the train-wreck
sssshhh, no more dreams
only bunnies now
There is really only one way to make this enjoyable.
>Turn on Berserk
>mute the volume
>start reading the manga
>don't look at the screen
There's a better way.
Step 1: Put this on.
Step 2: Read the manga while listening to the above.
aw they both got raped they have so much in common lol
They both got BLACKED too considering Femto's body is black :^)
>tfw this gif is the best animated part of the episode
Honestly, this is more fitting for most of Berserk.
This is pretty good as well:
There's an even better way:
Step 1: Put pic rel on
Step 2: Nothing will be wong
Step 3: Enjoy the memefest
why does berserk always get such shit adaptations? do good animators not want to be affiliated with the series or something?
Just scoop the tongue off the floor with a spatula already.
Fug, forgot the pic
Loud, action music is NOT suitable for reading, shows how little you read really.
Guys why is this shit so grimdark and colorless?
I find that it's fine for manga, seeing as you're not actually reading that much but rather looking at pictures.
I disagree, shit that assaults your senses is never good for reading anything, manga included. That's because it's distracting and doesn't let you take in the experience fully. You will ALWAYS be aware of the loud music in the background and part of your consciousness will be devoted to it no matter how hard you try to lie to me and yourself that it isn't. Human brain is simply incapable of multitasking, that's a scientific fact. Some people are capable of rapid switching between tasks which gives an illusion of multitasking ability but it's not the same thing.
>weird rabbit
Then turn the volume down? This is entirely subjective, and I don't find it distracting.
The old animu is actually one of my all time favourites. This new shit is so disappointing.
>u wot, c'mere and i'll sock you in the gob m8
>you'll socck me? come and try
At least this gives us a chance to remind people just how much better the old anime was. Even with its limited animation budget, what it did have was still well done.
Most of the time. Occasionally we got this.
has it happened before for a show?
Still looks better than the cgi shit.
The sad part is that this still looks better than anything in Ep1 of the CGI shit.
could it be?
>cherrypicking background character from a scene that lasts a second
its just a dank meme user, dont get defensive
Not trying to defend new shit, but I see you had your rebuttal ready to strike whenever, that's cute.
Meh, still better than the CGI background guys from the movies.
>2 cour
really?! tell me your joking
Yes user, 24 episodes of delicious memes.
The worst thing about the cgi is the lack of expression or emotion on any of their faces. And the fact that the 3d models can't lip sync for shit, 2d lip flapping works and we are used to it, the 3d looks fuck awful.
Not joking, its gonna be 24 episodes of this trash, it might be the only animation of this arc we ever see
I dont understand the rabbit meme.
Honest question, what do you guys listen to whilst reading Berserk?
How much do you want to bet that the PC version will be a port of the PS3 or Vita one?
its the epitome of autism, you don't even notice this frame in the show.
Guts must kill da wabbit.
I guarantee it
Sup Forums to elitist to understand good shows
>Whitewashed Casca again
not as bad as the anime atleast, Japan is racist as fuck
she's not. You're just retarded.
Swordsman Guts, I´m CLANG
>people find a really stupid moment in an already retarded adaptation funny
its not rocket science
is this actual screenshots of the game? looks better that the anime
Her skin is supposed to be dark tan (not nigger obviously), she's literally full blown pale white in the new anime and regular white in the musou.
Casca is "brown" not black or white there. She is close to the manga you dumbfuck. The white thing is the lightning.
It's like a painting.
are these*
It makes her look plastic.
>is this actual screenshots of the game?
yeah, they will release the new gameplay video with casca and Judeau in a few days.
>high level autism
I hate how little love Berserk seems to get nowadays. Imagine what the Berserk series would look like if they had a respectable budget. It really sucks to see so much CG. Berserk has such a great story, characters, and fight scenes. Its perfect material for an anime but they can never get what they need to make it as good as it could be.
I don't want to live on a planet where Berserk will never get a high budget, well produced animated adaption.
Is Caska some kind of gypsy?
Kushan rapebaby
Isn't she related to Kushans?