ITT: Anime or manga that only men can understand.
ITT: Anime or manga that only men can understand
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
I wonder what chromosomes these anons have
>not /r9k/
Sup Forums started it with that pirate Russel Crowe movie
Shitpost elsewhere, please.
What about anime that men can't understand? pic related
Can you explain it?
It's about a cute girl collecting cards with her lesbian best friend and some chinese fag
Tbh I once ran by an argument from Sup Forums on why women can never truly experience true loneliness and thus can never understand Taxi Driver to a couple roasties I'm friends with and they couldn't find fault in the logic.
I understood it fine though
Care to explain?
Pretty much all of it?
what do these pictures show? i can't understand them because of my vagina. will someone translate for me?
Is this a new meme
Pls be in London
The best anime
Weird thing to say considering the popularity of female written shounen manga and their adaptions.
Sounds like it was 2deep4u
epic blog my amigo
They can make it, but they can't understand what they're making. It's not like shounen manga is terribly hard to make either.
Oh you were just shitposting. Nevermind then.
These are some of my favorites, does that suddenly make me male?
Those are asian women, basically men
> Capt. Lt. Philipp Thomsen: I... really wanted to screw my brains out. But now, I am in no condition to fuck!
>Captain: It's alright!
>Capt. Lt. Philipp Thomsen: Sieg Heil!
What did he mean by this?
come to brazil
This is a shitposting thread
asian women are honorary aryans i mean males
XXlet detected
it means you're posing even though you can't understand it, you're like a little kid nodding his head along reading shakespeare
pic related
But I live in London.
Youd be surprise
>women don't understand the anime about boys kissing boys and batshit insane sluts
If anything I'd say it's men who don't get NGE.
>asian women are honorary aryans i mean males
Vain titty monster could never understand true love
Monogatari series
Women understand haremshit perfectly well.
But I do... it's the best form of love
What was the argument?
>asian women are treated like shit despite doing most of the work and get fucked with by everyone
They are white guys, aren't they,m
>they can't understand what they're making
>forced yuri
Truly you need to be some sort of neckbeard to comprehend that.
Do you think it takes effort to check things off a checklist?
No females will ever understand Ashita no Joe.
You can't write enjoyable story going by checklist alone.
>People are responding seriously
Why do we always have to import the shittiest memes from other boards?
>Women don't feel true loneliness. They will never, and honestly can never, truly be cut off from society/socializing because women have an innate social value in our society. Men are isolated and treated like nothing unless they prove their social value by being extraordinary in some way (charismatic, successful, funny, smart) leading to average men being alone until they prove they are above average. Average women suffer no such fate because of inherent social value. "Lonely" for a woman is... "uhhh why won't the 10/10 guy i fucked last weekend txt back" it is a fleeting state of basic emotion. Lonely for a guy is "I haven't proved myself to society and therefore no one notices or cares about me" it is a truly encompassing state of being that is encouraged and created by society
Is loyalty, compassion and empathy strictly male traits? I've never seen a female who was loyal or could empathise with someone.
because crossboarders are newfag shitposters who don't know what's good
>men and womyn
>psychologically different
So even the author can't understand it?
There are assholes on both sides.
No, but it's not how most people teach their daughters to behave because society will destroy them.
Mods are too slow and let newfags and crossboarders shitpost
Dumb shitposter
Not sure which board, either /o/ or Sup Forums, really has a claim on Initial D/Eurobeat but it's a pretty good one.
picked up
did this ever finish?
>Sup Forumstv/r9k/pol/ apologist
you're doing great things for the destruction of this site, user
You know it's true.
>stop shitposting in my garbage thread
Man Sup Forums, /r9k/ and Sup Forums really are deluded.
Sup Forums and /r9k/ are the chemo that keeps the newfag cancer at bay.
>female professor mentions during related lectures for multiple courses that
>women are not wired for monogamy
>men fall in love faster and fall out of love slower
>predominantly female-inhabited classroom would always remain quiet
I wonder how the reaction would be if the professor had been male.
>people actually believe this
I'm going to be sick...
>implying anyone understands Mari's Schizophrenic Adventures
Sup Forums and /r9k/ are the Sup Forums of today. They attract the cancer not remove it.
Basically all Douman works
/r9k/ is a glorified newfag containment board and has been for a number of years. Lurk more.
>you'll never get the glory days of /r9k/ back from before the /lit/ and /sci/ split
Yeah, my bad.
I was going to post this.
The worst part is that you actually believe this
>replying seriously with Seiman of all mangaka
Please no.
Well, it's true.
I agree.
/r9k/ is nothing more than neo Sup Forums with depressed teenagers.
Sup Forums can have quality discussion sometimes, but its often buried by teenagers spaming le epic red pill and joos memes.
This manga
>spaming le epic red pill and joos memes.
Which scares away the normies who only come to le chanzxD for epic pepes.
Sup Forums is the factor number one of redditor attraction
Ping Pong the animation
picked up
? you'll have to elaborate
>women can't understand garbage melodrama with ugly designs
This is patently false.
But it doesn't at all, /r9k/ and Sup Forums attract them like flies. Sup Forums is reddit at this point and /r9k/ still attracts those kind of people and doesn't contain them in the slightest.
This, I'm watching now and urging to punch Yoko's face.