Las vegas shooting is a hoax

Predicted by the politically incorrect people at /k/

Bump. Anon5 shit is a stupid distraction, this user is the real deal

bump for interest

Well duh, they do this every time there's a mass shooting. Opportunists are always looking to make a profit.



They're all talking about the 11th of September, not yesterday

September 10th?

>can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow, but Las Vegas is on their minds

>I can't guarantee anything will happen tomorrow, but Las Vegas is on their minds


Of course the gun nuts over at /k/ would call it a hoax. Everything is a hoax if it doesn't fit their narrative. Stop with this shit, its becoming embarrassing. It's almost like you people never read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". If you call every single thing a "hoax", people will never believe you, even if you're right.

Fair enough. I should've read closer.

Anon5/Frank wishes he could contribute like this user. Fuck off Frank.

Predicting this is like predicting a hurricane. You don't know when exactly but you know that it will happen.
Of course to push some agenda with metal detectors and gun control they will force some kind of public outrage first, like this


this shit was predicted on.the 10th of Sept. the only thing that didn't happen wqs the "tomorrow" bit

yep, anon5 is a larping faggot
the real anons often look like bait threads

It would be more convincing if it wasn't about... metal detectors in casinos? That's like a bad Captain America plot.

Checked for Bond Digits

Which is the important part.

Predicting that the government and corporations will try to capitalize on a tragedy is like predicting the sun will rise.

this is how RFID will be implemented mark of the beast
RFID = Mark Of The Beast, in order to buy sell and trade you will need this mark on your right hand or forehead {forehead maybe means head scanning?} but in your right arm means implanted
this is the real reason behind this

wtf is that?

The Mark of the Beast is debt.

We no longer believe in this bullshit

im gonna need more sources on OP's pic

schitzo trumpanzees at it again

nothing is coincidence.

>Sandy Hook didn't happen!
>Vegas Shooting didn't happen!
>there's totally a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza shop tho guis

Sup Forums is unreal sometimes. You guys should listen to the shit you claim.

[/] schitzo trumpanzees at it again [\;]

Exactly these things were just put up in LA for literally no reason. Some 100 million dollars went to this shit for some reason.

t. podesta

why are shills always so obvious?