Prison school gets a spinoff manga centered on the vice prez

>prison school gets a spinoff manga centered on the vice prez
It's all my dick could have ever asked for

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It'd be perfect if she get rid of those shitty glasses.

Eat shit and die

It'd be perfect if you get rid of your shit taste

How will this even work? Just make it what she does in her free time outside of the Prison?

I want the Meiko to sit on my face!

>Having shit taste

delete youself

Without the glasses she almost looks like Anna's mom.

could be in the future, post graduation

could be alternate meiko, i.e. same persona and looks, just in different setting

While PS mangaka be the one to do this? Or someone else? And when does it start releasing?

They haven't said. Maybe it's a prequel, maybe it's what you said. Who knows

The Japanese title (副会長は頑張る) translates to The Vice President Is Doing Her Best, that's really the only clue so far.


The guy that makes Natsu Koi is making it. Comes out this August.

Not the gay Natsu koi, this one

>not by Hiramoto

>The Vice President Is Doing Her Best
It's probably about high school then, unless she was a vice president at a different time in life as well

>no manga about Christmas cake office lady Meiko promoted to Vice President of her company and running around putting out fires caused by the chairman-tier executives
Fuck myself up

>another ecchi cock tease manga


For your edification

Here are some femdom h-manga drawn by redrop, the guy who's doing the spin off


>ReDrop drawing a Prison School spinoff
Huh. I'd have thought they'd get Fei or Daigo to do it. What the hell?

Oh damn it now I see it.

hiramoto should draw some actual prison school porn

>spinoff manga centered on the vice prez
>It's just her daily life
>waking up, doing push ups. dressing, undressing
>buying new underwear, doing dishes
>cleaning up her asshole, inserting female hygiene devices
>doing sports
>all from revealing camera perspectives
>Masturbating to School President

fucking a girl in cowgirl position for three pages counts as femdom now

So it will look like any other generic as shit manga as drawn by a hentai artist. Great.


>prison school gets a spinoff manga centered on the vice prez
>Not the one and only based ass-man


it took them long enough

she had meme girl of the season potential but they didnt exploit it at all

Sauce ?

Who's the author ? Is that even real ? Don't play with me OP, I miss her too much already

Thanks user, this is pretty good news. I hope the art won't be disappointing though, it's gonna be hard to have some equivalent to Hiramoto's

Good taste my man. Megane always makes a girl at least 3x worse.

Oh look, it's this faggot again.

>yfw it's a 4koma about Moeko's clumsy adventures


daigo is hiramoto

>mfw its a SoL from mid-schooler young Meiko

Bear is one of the better tripfags. moot himself said so.




This is rich, coming from a retard who thought Katawa Shoujo was good.

Put your trip back on, Bear.

how about they finish the cavalry battle arc first?

At this point I'm convinced Hiramoto has no fucking clue what to do after the cavalry battle. He's basically stalling for time.

He is stalling Prison School because his "creative intellect" is focused on Me and the Devil Blues; Prison School took a severe hit when the series got salvaged from cancellation.

You aren't fitting in bud, KS had great SoL.

This tobh

>KS had great SoL

can she win da kiyoshi?

I hope all this Prison School success means it will lead to a 2nd Season for the anime.

we have sames

Not going to bother if it's Moeko filth.