“I want to make sure those who view despicable terrorist content online, including jihadi websites, far-right propaganda and bomb-making instructions, face the full force of the law,” said Rudd. “
Amber Rudd: viewers of online terrorist material face 15 years in jail
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so basically you get 15 years in jail for going on Sup Forums?
sux2bu bongs
>"propaganda" (as they define it, and it's legal for them to do) is as bad as bomb making material
they are scared shitless of us
It's what they want. Well, actually they want us dead, but they'll take whatever they can get.
Cool, so this is how burning of books begins.
This is how they will be able to push their own propaganda.
tfw memetic warfare is digital terrorism.
who is this twat and why should I care
British conservative.
> Pakistani Muslim doing terrorist attack
> MSM and government can just report it as "right wing, nazi terrorist attack"
> Citizens that look at real life footage know better, but get imprisoned so that they don't endanger government propaganda
Damn, you got it even harder than us.
>Make it criminal to look at things I don't like
The insanity of the left.
>go to jail for browsing pol
>pay a guy to smuggle a smartphone in his ass
>browse pol from cell for 15 years
>rape the new guy
Lol, no culture.
>this is european conservatism
Good luck, Britain.
Is she stupid enough to believe this or did someone bribe her?
The divide between left and right is huge
Goodbye, Britain
And isn't Labor still the largest party? And the fastest growing/most energetic party? Britain nauseates and scares me. Where this path of theirs logically leads to, and the fact that it could encompass the whole world if the global elite manage to implement it (and they will if they can), is truly disturbing and depressing.
they are willing to do every draconian thing possible to stop Islamic terrorism, except for banning Muslims
is they actually wanted to conserve anything but wealth for the sake of wealth then people would like them more. its obvious they hate the British people and have no interest in conserving our lands for our people. hence why so many right wingers are outside the conservative party over here.
>it's now illegal to know things
Surely this method of iron fisted thought policing will stop radicalization.
interesting...far-right material, but not far-left? like the recent vegas shooter perhaps?
What a joke, we all know it's only going to be applied to our side. See for example the ridiculous crackdown on National Action as a "terrorist" organisation while Jihadist preachers get all the gibs they want to further the cause of ISIS
what the fuck is up with the UK and being completely batshit retarded when it comes to making public statements about the internet
Screenshot this post.
Sometime in the next decade or so, bongs will be imprisoned for visiting Sup Forums and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
>far-right propaganda
Jail anyone who doesn't agree with me
Communism has killed more people than any other ideology and it is not on the list.
>Muslims committing mass murders in England
We have to ban these fucking white nationalists!!!!
Shut it down!!!
Pic Related.
Well, they could kill their kikes, but it'll never happen.
They don't have the stones.
And France just legislated permanent "state of emergency" laws.
RIP free society, hello Police state.
She cannot enforce any of this shit, she got laughed at by internet companies.
Daily reminder this is the same woman that thinks hashtags on twitter is encryption.
Even ISP's here have said she can't do anything except arrest idiots that have their addresses linked on Facebook/Shitter.
Also you act shocked? Conservatives have always wanted to regulate the internet since Thatcher.
Jesus wept.. You make out like this is a new thing? Read more.
Who is this evil cunt? Ideas are suddenly worth 15 fucking years in prison? What year am I living in?
This is madness, how does everyone in the room not laugh in this cunt's face?
They got dumped in Scotland and want to go back to Syria.
>how does everyone in the room not laugh in this cunt's face?
They actually did, also why do these threads always pop up (by Americans) right after an attack in the USA?
I like how you guys time it to take the dairy off your own sorry state.
mysterious lack of far-left propaganda
Probably because they'd have to arrest half the Ivy League schools
>terrorist content
At least you still have your pornography
Jesus christ UK is like north Korea. Living in a place like that would scare me.
Go out and make beautiful asian babies like your government wants you to.
shes the home sec of the tories . she represents our "goverment" and its views on the issue pretty well. white identarians and the far right are just to full of hate to allow them to live in society
This screenshot has probably depressed me even more than today's happening.
Sounds good. Let's start with every journalist that browses these types of websites while doing research.
What's pic from? And is that the same Saxons who got BTFO by Normans and Vikings?
The left plan to restrict the thinking of the right;
The memes intensify;
The fallout from being exposed further for their ironfisted behaviour causes greater swings to the right;
The memes intensify;
The left begins public beatings of people on the right as the movement reaches its crescendo;
The memes intensify;
This time, images of lefties using their teeth to tear away the skin and flesh of people on the right finally cannot be ignored. The lefts greatest weakness is that they believe they can do no wrong;
And the memes still intensify;
To try to ban memes is to simply add fuel to the fire. There is no stopping them. Not now, not ever.
Read the thread you fucking moron, also I hope you die in the next mass shooting.
Have a lovely evening young lady.
Hold on, this site is right-wing?
good will bro
the western countries need to drop the fuckin holohoax bullshit and start educating hard mode on this fact...nazi's of 70 years ago are gone..communism is here
>anything but the actual source of the problem!
is the British government's motto.
Its the cover of The Children of Húrin. A story by Tolkien that takes place thousands of years before the evenslts of LoTR. The book is amazing, really sad though, theres a shorter version of it in The Silmarillion, Christopher Tolkien just used multiple sources from his father to make the most cohesive narrative.
Has nothing to do with the text in the pic, kind of bothers me.
lol i like U.K parliament not because they are good but because they avoid tackling the problems that are actually happening.
>Muslims run people over with trucks
>Lets ban the trucks
>Muslims shoot people
>Tighten security on guns
>Muslims conduct more terrorist attacks
>Well lets restrict freedom on Republicans and pretend its for terrorism
>Muslims write anti propoganda
>Freedom of speech is now banned!
I am so glad i do not live there i would be so cucked if that were the case.
the picture no idea, the poem is Rudyard Kipling and yes it refers to the anglo-saxons of Britain
>m-muh swedes g-guys!!1
WOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA bin that meme nigger
It's fine. Republic of Korea could have the lowest birthrates in the world and she will still be Korea
It's a reactionary board, despite Newfags stating otherwise
Cmon bong, dont even recognize a work by your country's most based author?
I love this I honestly do, mainland Euroscums insult, mock and troll you all day long over getting shot.
You then make a shit load of anti UK threads to cope with it.
None of what Rudd has said is going to be enforced.
Conservatives are hanging on by a thin thread over the mess they've made so far.
Internet companies basically laughed at Rudd and told her to fuck off.
Yet you still go on like this has been enshrined in law.. You still persist, despite us telling you what is actually going on.
You Americans really are bottom of the barrel scum. You keep on projecting and getting shot and bred out of existence faster than bacteria on a petri dish.
Fucking niggers
Am I wrong in thinking this place will get shut down or become heavily restricted before too long?
i havent read all of Tolkien unfortunately only lotr and the hobbit
only for us when they put us in the neo-londonistan goolag
Good luck with that bongs
I wouldn't mind being locked in a cell with a bunch of Sup Forums users. It would be more sane in there than the outside world desu.
Ah I didnt mean to be rude, but your really owe it to yourself to read the silmarillion at least, Tolkien shines the most when he's writing big legends about elven kings, their lineages, history,all the way back to a mythological creation story its amazing. The events of the lotr and hobbit are a short chapter at the end of the silmarillion to give you a sense of scale.
Thanks pham.
Figured. Looking at it though it seems someone changed out "English" for "Saxon" in that version. Not sure why someone would do that. It does make you feel some kind of way though, when you juxtapose the way people use it here on Sup Forums and the fate of Anglo-Saxon language, culture, and traditions.
This sort of shit is exactly why I didn't vote Conservative in the last election.
>She claimed it was not necessary for her to understand how end-to-end encryption worked to know that it was helping criminals.
No, but it is necessary if you want to balance security against the potential damage to the tech industry, and factor in things like the availability of open source encryption, etc, etc.
>Rudd also caused some consternation at the fringe meeting by criticising the tech industry for their “patronising” attitude
They're only patronising because straight up calling her a moron to her stupid fucking face is considered even ruder.
I have a suspicion that after ten minutes in the same room as Amber Rudd I'd be ready to vote for Jeremy Corbyn simply out of spite.
>Reddit spacing
>can’t even Brexit properly
>cucked by pakis
>the absolute STATE of Muslim appeasement
wew lad, you were better off when we were bombing you
In the UK looking at terrorist material will get you 15 years in prison.
Pirating films will get you 10 years in prison.
Saying nigger on facebook will get you a year in prison.
But downloading CP will get you community service.
and to think you lot almost killed my brother and mother before he was even born , now look how shit things are
Corbyn hates Jews but loves Muslims
Tough call until you remember they are exactly the fucking same
Would’ve been better off tbqh senpai
this is a conservative dipshit
Britain, and to an extent white women, was a mistake
As a white born and bred Englishman, I’m disgusted with what we did to our Irish brothers. The IRA will keep muzzie terrorists out of your country, I just wish we had could rise up against them over here. Our government are doing to us what they did to you
What if you view bomb-making instructions that have been printed on paper?
I've been wondering that too, we all know how much the media coordinates things and lately it seems like there's non stop shilling against Sup Forums in the media. They got Anglin banished from the entire internet for making a joke about a dead fat bitch, there are probably thousands of more offensive comments made every day. It's probably only the age of the site and the fact that it is such an institution of the internet that has protected it so far, but (((they))) would absolutely love to shut it down
why are brits in a race to the bottom? stop voting for stupid shit and stupid leaders. solve the real problems, radical leftists and radical islam.
kike wants people in jail
Fucking retards, I told you voting for sharia May would turn this shitty island even more into a nanny state.
haha ya'll niggers going t o jail
Time to buy vpn's bongs.
Internet is public anyway by structure in what is shared about you, but just to be safe buy vpn's bro.
Someone please tell me this is fake...
holy shit someone tell the IRA to take care of this dumb broad
>ban far right propaganda
we need to ban merchant of venice and othello which are racist and antisemitic works of far right evil
Who the fug is this twat and why tf isn't she munching pedo rug?
That's what it looks like her favorite hobby is.
In some ways i think, these british women MP's are brimming with even more cuckery than the swedes.
The crazy thing about Bongistan is that's there conservatives banning all the things. No porn, no wrong think but lets bring back fox hunting. Not that I care about stupid foxes but they have very strange priorities.
I watch terrorist shit all the time, it never crosses my mind to do something crazy. It more or less leaves me disgusted and makes me want to stay the fuck away from hadjis.
"There's no such thing as the far left" they claim while everyone to the right of Reagan is le Nazi.
As expected from the UK, tbqh.
Nightmarish orwellian society.
Sup Forums users already feel like being prisoners. Do they think this scares us?
It's so poorly worded that enforcing it is somewhat a moot point, from a technical standpoint. I'm confused, what is the reasoning behind this?
Reactionary is exactly what the commies called anyone who disagreed with them in in China right before they killed them.
>"You believing in the big bang is reactionary! It doesn't deny the existence of God!"
Then the middle school girls beat you to death.
Proud to be dead.
1 word
Better take your most dangerous weapons and face this threat head-on.