Anyone still reading this? This character seems contrived in general, but I'm really enjoying the flow and direction of this, especially in this sequence.
Fire punch
It started out really stupid but it gets much better at chapter 6
It's too edgy for me. Trying way too hard to add another super edgy super powerful immortal character.
Loving every single chapter, haven't read this fun a manga in a while.
Kill yourself.
How is that shit not edgy according to Sup Forums vocabulary?
This girl is so fucking strong. She will get the "fire punch" power, right?
I kinda liked this manga until Agni started to job and become just a head. Then the manga started focusing time on the "bad guys" that didn't really add anything. The worst is that a Mary Sue was introduced to kill them, showing that Agni is weak as shit, killing all the hype this manga originally built.
It would be funny if the woman becomes the real "Fire Punch" after touching Agni and burning herself.
So much this.
The difference is that op pic actually got me hype again with the best jump cut I've seen in ages.
I just want Agni back.
This character is basically Sup Forums's wet dream.
Don't you mean Sup Forums?
Yeah. It's enjoyable.
Even read that interview with the author.
He said he really wants to mess with the genre of the story so it will change from time to time.
No, it's called r/a/pe for a reason.
>weak as shit
I dunno, user. I think if Doma was on the train he could've dealt with MS.
It is pretty fucking edgy though, retard.
New girl is based and hilarious. Shes better than fire man
>how do we stop this train?
>doesn't bother me - I have regen
I bet she's gonna tell her that camera could break if train isn't stopped.
Yup, just read the whole thing, it was nice.
Show potential, and hopefully won't be too long.
My interest was flagging, but the new girl is perfect, better than the main character, and the jumpcut was the best moment so far. If things keep changing up and staying fresh like this I'm sold!
Is it selling well? Saw comment on batoto from translator but can't find any info.
waah waah its edgy waah
is she going to save fire punch? I mean the manga ,literally.
Probably. This chapter was great. I legitimately had a fantastic time reading it.
Isn't it a free webcomic?
Agni is relatively young and inexperienced (considering that he spent the last 8 years burning and learning how to live again) compared to the other regen blessed ones who are old as fuck and trained soldiers.
It's published in jump+ and they gradually delete older chapter on their site.
Vol.1 was released not long ago.
I'm pretty much a monkey on the computer, say I bought a kindle and I dont live in japan, could i buy manga off in their currency and download it to my western kindle?
I think so. You should change your regional setting on your kingdle and access it from there.
Revert back after buying.
The direction the story has been taking has been absolutely retarded but the latest chapter was 10/10. Just the way everything was portrayed.
Character and storyline is still getting worse though, so dropped.
ok lol
>getting worse
I shamelessly like this work. I think the evolution of his existence is supercool. Supercool.
>any man being Sup Forums's wet dream
I think you underestimate just how gay Sup Forums can be, user.
Its kind of discombobulated with the video camera women suddenly appearing and everything. I like it, but it has gotten a bit too random.
I honestly like this woman, but if she was introduced earlier it wouldn't feel so weird for her to be here, you know? She's plenty fun as a secondary protagonist, but she seems to have come out of nowhere.
My thoughts exactly.
I like the meta-ness thats been added.
Hopefully our burning man stops being such a stale brick.
I'm also kinda hoping the trap dies but I know there's no way that's happening. Just as boring as the MC.
It's shit.
They want to be trap, not some old dude
It's forced except for the dog rape that was prrtty hardcore. I'm tuned though.
Don't remember ice queen killing more peoole, new chapter? Here's hoping it gains depth.
I'm not a gay, I only like feminine cocks.
>that pic
>everything i don't like is Sup Forums!
>even when it makes no sense!
Learn your buzzwords first, retard.
>dog rape
Is it actually depicted or only implied (I read chapter 7 and skimmed through the rest)?
he wanted them too but is interrupted before he gets to force them
It makes sense that agni lost, though. He's going up against a whole army, he's untrained, I mean, the only thing he has going for him is immortality and his fire, which could only get him so far.
Plus they are all used to fight against super powered individuals.
>being in denial
Go fuck a dog
Being on Sup Forums turned wasn't complete waste of time after all. Fun manga.
>suddenly surprise incest
>last two chapters
Well that was a big change. Where's it going to go from now?
Do you think judah and togata similar levels of regen to agni?
I gave it a shot by flipping to a random page to get a feel for the tone and content and it was a guy forcing 2 girls (one turned out to be a boy mistaken for a girl) to have sex with 2 dogs while he watched, one of them used some superpower or something and they fled and as they were fleeing the boy got both his legs cut off and they implied that a big russian simpleton guy was gonna have his way with the girl as punishment.
Literally %100 edge for a good size sample chunk so i didn't pick it up and now have a negative opinion of it.
>picking random pages
Who does this?
I want to go to japan and just home-invade murder as many kikkikomori like this author as i can
not solely based on this one page, i've read more of it
Didn't want to waste my time. There are plenty of better manga to be reading anyways. I don't think i could have picked another chapter to read that'd have given me a more decisive conclusion than that one.
I like that wherever Fire Punch is going, it's getting there SUPER FAST.
It would take only a few minutes to read a couple chapters.
If you're that pressed for time you probably shouldn't be posting about Fire Punch.
So i guess if you picked Berserk/Vagabond and fell on one of the few rape/torture page you'd throw them in the bin too?
It's not like i don't read long manga, its just if there's ever going to be a point in which i see no merit of any kind as much as that part, i dont consider it worth my time.
>le edgey shit for the sake of edge
Dropped,I could just browse gore threads
Kek no i read like two or three chapters, it's not like i just read one random page.
While i dont think i'd get the impression from their rape scenes of how good berserk/vagabond are, i also know(because i've read them) that they wouldnt prevent me from reading them and i might just find another chapter to skim. But i'd have heard heard enough about something like Berserk/Vagabond to have an impression of what they'd be like, so i wouldn't bother skimming(like before i read JJBA). I was scrolling around on a manga site's new releases and just checked out a bunch when i skimmed fire punch