This is deep
This is deep
At least it isn't a fat black nigger queen with an afro and a BLM shirt putting her hand over his mouth.
Daily reminder that MLK was a communist agitator and worked with LBJ to desegregate. He even agitated in Chicago, a place with no desegregation.
MLK would be an uncle tom by today's standards. He would have to rap or play basketball to gain the modern day black community's respect.
Did he just give Trump AIDS by touching him?
Message aside, that's an objectively shitty painting
MLK was a communist who died like a bitch and his legacy has been completely reversed. Niggers are worse off now than they were in the 60s.
Whitey wins again.
pretty much the same thing, senpai
poorly drawn but MLKs hand in front his face is really well done.
>"Sit down, be humble"
Reminds me of that boondocks episode where he came back to the present and he was mortified what the black community turned into today.
lmao MLK has little hands
>Covers his mouth
>But he can still tweet
the only thing the KKK did wrong was not killing this commie sooner
Boondocks had some pretty great episodes
>will ya'll niggers please shut the hell up
>sign held up by a "blonde" white skinned lady
The eternal left, always wanting silence other points of view.
I really, really like this image.
[spoiler]not joking[/spoiler]
>doesnt know what objectively means
what's your measure of shitty here?
the kkk didn't kill mlk. he was probably killed by some government agents since he was a full blown communist trying to lead an insurrection
my millenials!
That isn't deep. That looks to me like it's saying niggers can't handle criticism so they want to censor your free speech, reminds me of modern liberals in general desu
i just saved that in my porn folder lol
communist nigger controlled by jews like levinso that fucked prostitutes, had a fake name, was proven plagiarist at boston university with barely any of his thesis or papers written by him and even his speeches plagiarized better men, like archibald carey, who did the majority of the "I have a dream" speech. hes also a "reverend" that doesnt believe in the holy trinity or anything else related to the fundamentals of catholic religion.
As if MLK wouldn't vomit in horror at how the left has turned his movement into a race fetish clusterfuck, rather than developing the principles of nonviolence and truly bringing harmony to the land. Who killed him, anyway? Who didn't let any grassroots leader live in the sixties? Yeah, we know.
And this clown paints a mural doing their bidding, thinking he's "fighting for justice".
Dark, perverted times.
It's a nigger using force to take away someone's 1st amendment right
As somebody who supported Hillary till the end... I feel bad for human race knowing that Trump supporters don't get OPs image.
That poster is POWERFUL.
2020 will be different. Trumps racist America will be transformed soon. Enjoy yourself while you can bigots.
Why do people that don't think it resonates keep posting it?
>his movement
He had no movement. He was a fucking tool for jews that had no control over anything. He got uppity and hard to control, so they killed him and made a martyr out of a nigger that even niggers disagreed with (look up any of the public polls at the time, they have metrics for even the niggers only). communist jews are the ones that controlled michael king. they got him through university, wrote his thesis, wrote his speeches and wiped his ass while he fucked white prostitutes. there was no movement other than jews being jews.
Not only are blacks worse off, blacks have completely turned against his message of treating people in a color blind way
So deep that BLM and the DNC don't practice what MLK preached.
Stop being a larping faggot and put some thought into your posts and your existence. You kids are fucking stupid and will reap what you sow.
So powerful. Guess I need to pay those reparations.
MLK was really a piece of shit.
Irrelevant carping. You've been feminized by race ideology. Think like a man.
True. Wth happened to Trump's head and the thub and hand look completely off.
It has freemasonic undertones
Yes I'm sure MLK would be wearing a MAGA hat and marching with twink loser nazis in Charlottesville.
Martin Luther king wasn't in favor of censorship, this is racist!
>Trump trying to tweet
>MLK blocking his mouth, not his hands
let me guess, the painting was made by a nigger?
that pic
If you think this is deep then you're a simple minded moron.