Why would anyone want to kill our blonde, blue-eyed hotties?

Why would anyone want to kill our blonde, blue-eyed hotties?

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Because whites are evil.
t. Antifa

What a goddess

she is - i'm completely enamored. sexy goddamn voice too


i fucking knew it

is this the girl w/ the huge tits from the instrgram story video?

dunno - link plz

>Attached ear-lobes
Not white

tits looked normal in this shot

trying to find it myself.

>2/10, would not bang

Dysgenics, if people are biologically unequal then you kill the superior people for equality. This is the final argument of Marxism and probably why Russia abandoned it, it always comes back to what the fuck are you going to do about the people who's only fault is being decent.





jesus, i wish

>white girls
>not going for based qt3.14 traditional Asian waifus

eh, fuck 'em

Mgtow probably

looks like an olsen sister

Still qt 3.14

>tits looked normal in this shot

maybe not the same girl, other one had < 9000 cup size.


she definitely was a cutie

Pooney Mara

You have to understand the Cosmic Level Insult that is the Khazar Jew's existence.

Born with an IQ that is one standard deviation above the white, he easily takes over any society stupid enough to let him in and run its Central Bank. He is also just about the ugliest creature to ever walk planet earth with the possible exception of Abos down in Australia. And about 50% of Khazars are certifiably psychotic.

This means they have the money and brains to attract women but non of the necessary good looks or warm human qualities that pretty white girls like in a man. This enrages the Jew in a profound way. He begins a campaign of race mixing and destruction of white people so that "if the Jew can't have white girls, then NOBODY can!"

The vegas shooter had an asian waifu

Hottest unknown Olsen sister confirmed

bummer - hope you find that vid tho

now that you mention it...

Where did this stupid idea come from that Asian women are traditional
Unless you're marrying some brown midget from a third-world shithole East Asian women want a big tough samurai who will hand his checkbook to her and makes a minimum of 500K


Modern country girls are just whores who like it more than pop/country. Hell, most of the shit you hear now is just nigger music with country lyrics. The kikes have destroyed everything.


video please, for educational purpose

>can clearly see it's bleached


Citation needed.

mossad kikes


who else would spam through the night and into the morning that it was "(((isis)))"? who else would fire into a crowd of the most white american right wingers possible? who else would try and push the usa into dealing with muslims per usual....

the coordination...the jews...

>fuck jews

the guy couldn't have pulled that off on his own

last night scanner was going off with multiple shooters

the coordination...the jews

>fuck jews

Why is smiling?

Just think some guy was gonna go home/back to hotel with that if it wasn't for the shooting.

GTFO yellow fever cuck.

Wow I wana marry her

Incels here, incels there. 64 year olds those gals wouldn't give a look.

Hot girls are usually completely vapid. Look at her instagram, she knows she is on camera.

>Dyed hair
>Blue contacts

She is a Mexican

I remember fapping to this gif when I was 14 or something. Good times.


What's up, autists.

She was a mudgook. That's like saying Italians are white


how can we use this tragedy
orr any future tragedy that may occur around us
to get gf

plz gib instructions

is this possible scenario
>buy pickup truck for cheep (20-30 year old vehicle)
>wait for happening
>go to site
>say this to anyone carrying injured women/to injured women
>collect harem
>bring to dungeon
would this work?


shut up kike

mossad kikes


who else would spam through the night and into the morning that it was "(((isis)))"? who else would fire into a crowd of the most white american right wingers possible? who else would try and push the usa into dealing with muslims per usual....

the coordination...the jews...

>fuck jews

the guy couldn't have pulled that off on his own

last night scanner was going off with multiple shooters

the coordination...the jews

>fuck jews

fuck you jealous of italians faggot kike

>uses t. in his own post
you have to go back

Yes, grow a beard and smell like cheap beer. She'll instantly hop in the truck like it's second nature.

probably happy she didn't get shot

whats her insta

Looks like every other boring blond hair white chick


Is she a disgusting race mixer, though?

To make room for more latinas.

I prefer "boring" rather than some degenerate that thinks fun is passing out from alcohol and cocaine and getting raped at the end of every night.

she is a Canadian, who is obsessed with Asian men, because Asian masculinity

i guess that can be the
>fall in love with you

she dates asian men, so idk if you would call that mixing

I mean boring as in the look is boring.


very qt mexican, probably has lots of european blood in her if she is that white tho

Yo rite. Just another salty mayo cracker ass havin bitch

Now we’re talking


>so idk if you would call that mixing
What the hell would you call it?

It's just slightly less disgusting than niggers. Asians are far superior, but race-mixing is still race-mixing and absolutely intolerable.

He was a democrap

is that serena from gossip girl???

Give me sauce dummie nigger.


sauce was fox5 news last night

sorry, all the blood was in my boner, couldn't see her roots


Liberal media creating psychopaths. Get confused when psychopaths snap.

question of the day

women especially the type that go to concerts are vile creatures i have no sympathy for them
same with y*nks

hell yes

She's not dead, hombre.

my man. i have a version saved on my comp, but the audio is so shit. her voice was great for being fucking terrified and almost killed.

boomers hate their own children, they are the the scum of the earth

not yet

but really, i meant "was" in the sense of "she was a cutie when i was watching that segment"

boomers hate their own children user

big if true

wish i could figure out who she is

>Oh, no! A fuckable woman was killed! WAAAAH!

post the gd video already

see i've got shit internet right now - can't upload anything

>dyed blonde
>fake tits
>country concert
>Denise Richards in 5 years

wasn't killed, but essentially, yes.

says the swede

Cuz they're at Vegas casinos

Haram bae

yeah, i bet she's going to be happy you stalked her ass

just to jerk off to some of her pics! i'm not looking for anything else

>i'm not looking for anything else

t. John Hinckley