What is Zeke to Grisha? Son? Brother? Is Grisha the responsable for BRA needing to attack the Walls? Grisha being in contact with the Reiss seem more likely now.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Ymir is live
Annie is love
Annie is life
Annie is everything to me
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Feral titans always prioritise shifters.
I want Bert to get out of this alive.
Bert is dead.
Uncle Zeke clearly likes Reiner better
Yeah looks like it.
Me too user, me too
I hope Erwin, Bert and Armin die.
I'm absolutely done with their infinite plot armor.
So do we have a synopsis of what happened yet?
I hope Bert and Armin die but Erwin lives.
Synopsis can easily be found in the new thread, go ahead and let this one sage.
>plot armor
>flashback of Eren’s first time meeting Armin
>Zeke approaches them and informs Eren that Grisha had wronged Zeke in the past via wiping his memory
>Levi eliminated all the Titans and ascended the wall. He’s about to confront Zeke again
>Erwin and co. had told everyone about the serum prior to the mission
>Reiner is alive and was eventually taken by Zeke during escape
>The lone surviving soldier brings back Erwin’s body
>Both Armin and Erwin are still breathing
>Levi/Mikasa/Eren are faced with a choice
>Armin still breathing
Yeah that's how we know he will get the serum.
I liked Armin before but after this I just want him to die as soon as possible.
How is Bumblr reacting to this so far?
So in the end, Reiner is safe and Bert is gonna be eaten. I loved this chapter. Thanks god I know gook.
I imagine a complete meltdown and wars between fujos.
guys please stop bumping this thread when we already had one before, mods are likely to delete it, go ahead and head over to the other thread.
I actually think the serum won't be able to heal his wounds and he'll just be a blind cripple for the rest of his life.
Wow thanks, will do! Didn't even notice there was another made already.
If he becomes a shifter then he would be healed
More repetitive Armin flashbacks
Reiner confirmed immortal
Zeke is related to Grisha
ELM a shit
Either Armin or Erwin are going to get asspulled back to life
Zeke has a scar though, and that don't make sense for a shifter. Unless he had it before getting serum'ed.
Why is Levi such a faggot?
Brother or cousin. Grisha might have been the one assigned BRA's mission at first but he defected.
Yeah it's fucking ridiculous.
If Serumb owl is happening Bert is getting eaten.
Fucking Reiner will outlive Bert goddamn
The Manlet/Wong/Arminfujos will rip eachother apart
ErwLfags and Arminfats are getting it on worse than /snk/ and Bertfags are having group hugs.
Is actually funny, I enjoy seeing fujos bitching and crying. But I feel bad for the characters. Isayama is a hack.
Pignerfags are toasting his plot armor to yet another complete victory.
I hope Zeke makes good on his promise and Reiner is eaten offscreen.
Too good to happen.
>this is all we get this month.
>there's another month before Serumbowl is resolved
>Mutinybowl is dead in the water again
>Mikasa kills manlet
>Eren gives Armin the serum
>EMA complete their plot armor
>End is them seeing the ocean
>The rest of the cast are dead
I am afraind a lot of people would celebrate this
So, is SNK still good? I fell off with following this series a couple of years back and might consider getting into it again.
>the rest of the cast lives a comfortable life as Historia's personal guard
It looked like it was taking a step in the right direction last month but it all went to shit.
we did it
>tfw no koreanfag
Really? How so, exactly?
Eren and mikasa are going to fight Levi for the serum and it breaks. That or Eren and mikasa kills Levi and revives Armin. Either one is fine. But I have a feeling Erwin is going tell Levi to save armin and fuck it all up
Characters that had a good death are being revived
Characters with no proper screentime are being offed
Characters die giving backstories through letters
>serum breaks
>Bert escapes too
No. One of them has to die
Just because the serum breaks doesn't mean they have to let Bert go.
Serum dies, Bert escapes.
Stop the ride
>Reiner STILL alive for about the 60th time
Feels good to have him as a husbando.
It's much better than Armin surviving and I don't even like Bert.
Editor-kun is blackmailing Isayama.
>liking a used-goods cheek-spreading uglyass cockroach
Erwin can survive if Manlet holds out
As bitter as it would taste
Nope, she's dead and you're delusional. Your mind is like muddied water, you need to make it clear.
Let's hope his faggotry can keep shitmin dead
This. Feel bad for Bertfags though.
Erwin and Bert are both going to die for Armin's sake, what a load of crap
I would prefer Bert surviving over Armin and Erwin because they are both complete characters who got proper closure, but if I had to choose I'd take Erwin. I hope Isayama doesn't pull a "but let the younger generation live!" shit.
There will probably be a loophole in which only Erwin dies. The dead-end shifter living proved that well enough. No way he'll kill fucking Bertolt after sparing Reiner.
Isayama threw a coin over BR. It chose Reiner. He was lucky.
>EM kill Levi.
>They gut Erwin.
>Turns out they broke the serum in the struggle.
>They kill Bert in a blind rage.
>Erwin, Armin, Manlet, and Bert all die in a single chapter.
>Fujoshits all over the world commit suicide.
They still have Jean
Serum breaks, Bert becomes a POW and is conveniently in a better position to save Annie.
>implying fujos actually like the characters they use like bicycles
That's like saying ELfujos like Eren
Hanji was ready to execute Reiner. If a miracle happens and Bert gets through this bullshit, she's just going to murder him anyway.
I don't get it. Why does zeke want to rescue Eren? And from what?
>All these headcanons were Manlet and Erwin take care of little EMA.
I am enjoying this theory of EMA against ErwL a lot.
Oh stop being so melodramatic
I want to know more about this than anything. He said he and Eren were both victims, that may have something to do with it. Or there not being a future within the walls.
Just stating facts tho
>Jean stopped her
Well, I wont rule out the possibility of him lying, but he seemed pretty serious.
How is that person being melodramatic? It's all true
The only character with limited screentime dying was marlo and his merry gang of redshirts. And it isnt even confirmed that Ymir is dead. Not that I mind, she was taken to a village that is absolutely hostile to her after all
Eren got his arm and leg cut. He is going to be fine.
Marlo's screentime was a lot for a fodder character, that user meant Bert, who was hyped as the main antagonists and strongest titan for how long, just to become serum fodder.
Uhm. That's a good point. Maybe it is like a tattoo or something?
>Erwin and Armin both had good, meaningful deaths.
>Lmao just kidding they're still alive.
>Le magic plot device serum here to save the day.
Yea, and he hardly had 'limited' screentime, dude. He lost because Eren outsmarted him and Armin sacrificed himself. Just because he didn't get to see Annie again, does not mean that that his death has less weight.
>And it isnt even confirmed that Ymir is dead.
This, a thousand times this!
Bert had limited screentime and is now a completely wasted character who only exists to be eaten. He had a bare minimum amount of development that went nowhere and didn't matter a single bit in the end.
That doesn't make any sense.
He did not have limited screentime, for fuck sake. He got more time and panels than most characters this arc, especially the last chapters.
That "sacrifice" has been made totally meaningless since he magically survived and is obviously getting the serum now
Best boy will convince Zeke to save him. Don't lose faith yet.
Anons are right, he didn't have like 0 screentime, but for the fucking colossal titan it might as well count as 0.
Not gonna argue against that since what you say is true. But you must have been outta your mind If you didn't think that the serum subplot would come around to bite some shifters ass. This point doesnt even matter in the current argument about Bert having enough screentime or not.
He did have limited screentime. What manga are you reading where Bert is a fleshed out character? He's been the most significant enemy since the start of the manga and he might as well be the dog titan with the development he was given
>living without your husbando
Being Reiner is suffering.
Is this a joke
Of course he is a fleshed out character. Go on, compare him to the likes of Sasha or Connie, I dare you. I get that you guys are anally devastated about the likes of your fav character, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Most antagonistic characters don't meet a satisfactory end.
fucking saved
Are you telling me to compare the goddamn colossal titan to Sasha and Connie? I'm not even a Bertfag but this is stupid.
I asked you to compare him to actually unfleshed characters. Not that it matters because he did have more screentime than others during this arc.
People die when they are killed.
He has more screentime than secondary characters and redshirts, how is this supposed to prove a point? Is this all? He has a chapter where he has development and then dies with his development leading nowhere?