what makes Ergo Proxy such an outstanding show? is it the philosophical depth? is it the art direction? is it the best girl?
What makes Ergo Proxy such an outstanding show? is it the philosophical depth? is it the art direction...
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shave it shave it shave it shave it shave it
Best girl? Pino you mean?
It's its philosophical shit, and Pino.
It's none of the above. It was a good premise, executed by complete buffoonery.
raison d'etre
The art direction was excellent. Re-l was a good character. The story was a really cool sci-fi idea.
The execution was poor.
yeah and that's what makes it outstanding.
It could have been a boring GitS ripoff but it turned out to be a wild fucking ride where even the bullshit was fun.
I'll take Ergo Proxy over SAC, Arise and Oshii's movies any day of the week.
Is Pino supposed to be Pino?
it's been a long ass time since i watched this but wasn't it actually shit?
dumb bunnyposter
>what makes Ergo Proxy such an outstanding show?
Dropped it after episode 6 or so, boring shit that didn't even look that great.
>Asian facetype
>green eyes
>English name
>comes from Moscow
Could this guy be any LESS inconspicuous?
>Ergo Proxy
>outstanding show
>philosophical depth
>the philosophical depth
I guess.
I mean, if you keep stacking BULLSHIT on top of BULLSHIT you'll technically end up with a very deep arrangement of BULLSHIT with multiple layers of BULLSHIT your viewers will have to dig through in order to get to the bottom of all that BULLSHIT.
Mfw I will never spend an evening with a hot goth detective.
This kind of show always has a fantastic premise that seems to shit the bed out of sheer fucking spite. It could have been a fantastic detective show that explores Human/Android interactions and relationships with maybe some philosophy thrown in for good measure.
Instead, it got only more and more retarded as the main plot progressed.
no, it was actually because of best boy
I completely disagree. That premise is boring as hell, has been done multiple times and offers very few opportunities for interesting developments or relevant philosophy (as opposed to pointless speculation that only serves as character development).
Ergo Proxy had the balls to go completely off the fucking rails and show us FUN shit even if it's hilariously obvious that they desperately tried to make it have some sort of coherent and insightful meaning, which became increasingly convoluted and absurd as it went on.
space laser jesus > muh moody cybershit
>watching youtube, never hear the ED because Copy Right
>download last few episodes to watch in good Quality
>hear the ED for the first time on this episode
>All the characters were good, all wrapped up nicely
>Feel of the first few episodes(GiS, Bladerunner vibes)
>Boat Episode
>Game Show Episode
>Not cohesive as a whole
>Tried to tell a cohesive story in self contained episodes(Bebop, Champloo)
>QUALITY as the budget ran out
QUALITY was actually very rare, fortunately.
that boat episode was so good
So what the fuck was the Creators' master plan?
why did they purposefully make everyone kill each other?
Just finished watching this show a couple days ago. The fuck was with the ending? I'm still confused about it.
They just made shit up as they went on.
That much is obvious. It tried to hard to be deep imo.
The proxies were created by humans who went out into space after nuclear war (if I remember right) in order to keep the world going until it recovered from nuclear winter, but they weren't needed once the world recovered. To get rid of them, pulse of awakening happened (signalling that the world was in a "good" state), making all of the proxies die in sunlight. The proxies knew this, so Proxy One and whatshername made Ergo Proxy, a cloned proxy who could withstand the sun. At the end, Ergo Proxy seemingly decides to fight with the returning humans, potentially out of revenge? I haven't watched it in the while so I'm not sure.
>wild fucking ride
This meme has got to stop
> Best Girl
> Doesn't post Pino
Fail thread
> who could withstand the sun
wait, when is it shown that Vincent can withstand UVs?
>tfw Vincent opens his eyes for the first time
No it doesn't. It's perfectly appropriate here, especially since there's literally a theme park episode.
The creators' plan seems kind of dumb.
If they made Proxies build cities full of people, why did they also program robots to go insane?
The world would be in ruins once they come back down.
Or at least humans would be decimated. What's the point of that?
I hate this bitch.
Now that I looked back at the ending scene, I guess it was a bit ambiguous as to whether or not he was going to fight the humans.
I don't remember exactly, but doesn't he beat Proxy One using sunlight? I'm not too sure.
I think they were a backup plan, in case the Proxies didn't do their jobs. The AutoReivs would be able to survive outside and help rebuild the world (or at least keep it on track towards recovering) instead.
She does get her comeuppance, so it's not like the writers intended you to like her.
Its never appropriate. You're just justifying sitting through shit like everyone else here does.
>I don't remember exactly, but doesn't he beat Proxy One using sunlight? I'm not too sure.
No, they just fucking stab each other and Proxy One dies whereas Ergo survives.
So, again, what was the fucking point of creating Ergo Proxy?
Damn right I'm justifying it. I had fun watching that shit and it did feel like an amusement park ride. It had a high entertainment value and that's all the justification anyone should need to sit through shit.
Well, it was either shown or in an exposition dump where it explained that he was able to survive in sunlight by the end, I don't remember exactly when.
The entire point of creating Ergo Proxy was so that Proxy One, by proxy, could get his revenge on the space-faring humans who created him and the other Proxies, only for them suffer, go insane, and be thrown away when the time came.
eh that would make sense
Now do you think Re-l can take Vincent's monster dick?
Squandered potential: the anime
Seriously, it could have been great I feel if they took it in a different direction after they left the main dome.
That being said, Re-l is made for rape.
I'd say that its potential was better squandered than it would have been fulfilled in more capable hands.
I'm not too sure about that one.
I think by the end he was able to control when he transformed into Ergo Proxy, but maybe he'd involuntarily transform after cumming and obliterate her on accident.
>the princess dumps her prince and goes for the black-skinned ogre instead
>the beta nice guy was actually the ogre all along and the prince is just some douche
A wonderful fairytale
The only good episodes were the first 3, Ophelia, and the boat episode. Still, great designs, characters and sound.
I liked most of the episodes, but there were definitely a few that stood out as great. Gotta agree on the sound, the OST was amazing.
But then we're just discussing personal taste man. Had the show not taken itself so seriously and somberly in its descent into madness I would have just cracked open a few beers and enjoyed the ride like you did.
I'd say that its seriousness only contributes to making it funnier at times, it's cute. Also I had beer at hand.
But I gotta admit that there were times where I ended up being frustrated by the writers' attempts to bullshit me into thinking that every line of dialog was meaningful; even then, it's still significantly more light-hearted than most "intellectual" anime so I didn't feel offended by its pretentiousness.
Series wasn't deep. Played Radiohead at the end. Basically, poorly directed series that tarnished a good idea like joker game. Lousy series was lousy. Good thing i put if off for 10 years. Wasn't that great.
it was very well-directed. Badly written but well-directed.