Remind me again why people hated Buu saga?
Remind me again why people hated Buu saga?
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I thought that joke that Trunten is a useless piece of shit got old really fast and dragged on unnecessarily for far too long.
My memory is hazy. Did gohan interfere?
Nope. Nobody did. Was not against the rules.
MInd you, it was not worse than most beatings in DBZ, but lots of people found it tasteless nonetheless.
Buu as an enemy sucked. He was just a mindless murder machine.
Is it bad that i got a boner during that scene?
Because it made Goku the main character again.
Literally asspulls:the saga even by toriyama standards that shit was terrible, it didn't help that they ruined a perfectly good ending to the cell saga by bringing goku back.Atleast it introduced best girl videl.
Because Buu saga was fun and Zbabies wanted crap like the Cell saga
Because they spent so much time hyping up various characters only to have them fail. Especially in Gohan's case. And then to just have it end with Goku fighting a weaker Buu in SSJ3 form was such a letdown. That and pulling SSJ3 out of his ass was just boring story telling. I want to see him attain that form not just go, oh yeah I just SSJ2 and figured out this new awesome form while I was gone.
How did he attain SSJ2? I don't remember
Same way he reached SSJ3: Not specified. Presumably through training in the afterlife during those 7 years.
And if he thought he could reach it himself, he should have tried training in the time chamber a second time while training for the Cell games.
That was good
I hated it because they hyped Gohan for 1/2 of the saga then he jobbed, leaving the job to Goku and Vegeta.
>ssj levels
>vegeta vs goku round 2
>mr. satan, buu and dog SOL
>fat buu
>vegeta's sacrifice
there were some very good parts, but Toryama ends up fucking all up in the end, like gohan being useless, vegitto being useless, the Z sword breaking, Goku returning, piccolo being a babysitter, vegeta turning evil because plot and more.
Buu Saga is what fully hammered down the fact that only saiyans can be useful. At least Piccolo held on until Semi-Perfect Cell, with Tien actually managing to stall him.
That's one of the best parts of the buu saga. Teen Videl is easily one of the most annoying dragon ball characters. You can say older videl is worst because of how much she doesn't have a personality.
>That's why I like her better
It dragged on too much
Gay fusion BS and out of place loony tunes antics. Gotenks. Bad pacing. So much jobbing.
A lot of filler and filler like moments in an arc that after Gohan and Goku's character development.
I liked it though because it had lots of good fan service.
Is it just me or was Buu Saga SoL filler episodes a whole lot better than what we're getting in Super?
Nothing would have really changed if SSJ3 didn't exist, is the funny part.
he couldn't have delayed Buu multiple occasions without the power of SSJ3.
He could have given even Vegeta managed to land some hits while being exhausted against Fat Buu. It would have actually meant something for Goku to take some damage, which would have lowered his time in the real world instead of just using all his time transforming. Then he would have gotten wrecked by Kid Buu, like he did when he was SSJ3. At that point, you could skip the entire recharging ki phase and go straight to the spirit bomb.
you coming to quick conclusions are all based on head canon, the fact they barely hung in there with the help of Satan disproves your argument.
Maybe you should re-read the final battle. It won't take long. It's like 3-4 chapters.
maybe you should, because SSJ2 Vegeta was getting his asss rekt and handed to him for fun by Buu.
Essentially you're saying anything could have been done thanks to the power of the Spirit Bomb from the Dragon Balls (plot device/hole) etc. It's a weak argument.
Gohan was supposed to be the successor that would beat the big bad of the saga. Then he got jobbed and Goku back to his role.
>innocent man child
>dumb brute thats really a clever schemer
>guy who who mind fucks his enemys
Yeah no.
But is objectivley better then cell hes always changing i to some thing diffrent
out of place in dragon ball? lol
>gives saiyans too much spotlight.
>gohan get shit on through the whole arc
>too much death even for a dragon ball series.
>piccolo completely useless.
>Fat lady literally made everything worse
>main villains entire character is loving sweets
>juniors division
Dragon Ball is the story of Toriyama constantly getting fucked by his bosses (and fans, by proxy.)
He wanted to end it with Goku taking one for the team against Frieza, but hid bosses wouldn't let him.
He wanted the Cell saga to be about Goku passing the torch to Gohan, but his bosses wouldn't let him.
His bosses finally let him end it with Buu... only to go on and make GT on their own.
It clarified that Goku is better off dead.
mind blowing, no wonder it ended the way it did. You gave me clarity user
It was great up until Kid Buu. That was just an unsatisfying fight to end the series with. But otherwise, a really fun arc with one of the best villains in the series.
Vegeta ate a senzu before he fought Buu so he was at full along with the additional Majin boost.
Let's be honest though if Tori felt like it he could've have Goku stall Buu at Ssj1 and no one would give a shit.
Toriyama never planned to end DB at Frieza saga, go look up the interviews.
Why do people hate this scene? She's getting the ever living shit kicked out of her and still struggling. I liked that. Is it because she's a girl? Isn't that ironically sexist? Is tumblr that stupid?
It's a pretty brutal scene user, even if you're desensitized to violance you can at least acknowledge that much.
It is objectively contrarian to hate on DBZ. Every person that watched it in the '90s and '00s loved it and every person that watched amounts to more than 1 billion humans.
If you don't like DBZ, you're either retarded or just in denial because deep down you know you love it.
>N-no one is allowed to dislike my favorite Japanese kids show! They're all just retarded!
Because it was shit.
But at least we got a fun meme out of it.
>Nisekoifags shitposting
What a surprise
It's a fucking fighting manga. Vegeta and Goku got stabbed, limbs blown off, blown up, eaten, and killed more than once. I think seeing some girl just get roughed around in the ring isn't that big of a deal.
Fuck, the same thing happened to a six year gohan in the namek saga, and no one blinked an eye.
A lot of the shit only happened because the main characters acted like selfish idiots. Also the butthurt from Toriyama stressing Goku is the hero of the story, even though everyone contributed to the main villain losing.
Yes, even by dragonball standards. It was even more out of place because dbz had established itself to have a more serious tone.
Gohan getting his neck broken was pretty bad, both him and Videl are pummeled mercilessly. Though, I'm not saying it's taboo or even offensive just that it was pretty fucking heavy considering the lightheartedness at the beginning of the Buu arc.
>why people hated Buu saga?
Wait what, I been hearing nothing but praises for Buu saga for the last 20 years.
I did too. I still fap to it sometimes.
>resorted to profiling because he can't accept people not liking Dragon Ball
Gohan and vegeta sacrifice being useless
It was boring and they kept introducing new transformations and not a single one of them worked and Goku ended up using a move from the Saiyan Saga. The only good things about it were Mr Satan and Buu.
I'd be angry too if I greeted someone three times and didn't get a response.
It was fine till Kaioshin appears.
Mostly because there was such a good ending to the Cell saga with Gohan finally fufilling his potential to fight and become the lead hero, taking the reins from his father. However, in the Buu saga all the great maturity and charcter development we'd seen Gohan experience for years was wiped away because:
>idiot teenage antics involving Videl (although I thought she was cute)
>literally becoming the biggest saiyan jobber
>gaining new powers and not being able to do shit with them
>forgetting his years of training and experience just to study
He was the favorite character of many after the Cell games, and to see him fall from grace so quickly was painful and downright cringe-worthy
But saga started by introducing weaker enemies than MC; while interesting, they ended up forgettable.
Buu was also a total idiot most of the times, making him less scary than he should have been.
The transformations also got out of hand by then.
Anyway, the Genkidama scene is one of the most memorable in the manga/show.
Shitaste. Same reason why Sup Forums likes android saga and waifushit.
Buu saga was glorious.
Everything from Gohan going to school till Buu getting released is my favourite part of DBZ.
They were setting the Gohan shit up since fucking Radditz and just pissed it away because whiny fanboys couldn't stand Goku getting a good send off and seeing his son grow to be something worth being proud of
>its a gotenks episode
>implying he isn't strongest villain in Z and Super.
It was good for as long as it focused on Gohan, which wasn't very long.
Didn't one guy type out a ginormous post addressing the myths surrounding Dragon Ball's end and whatnot? Iirc, one of the points is that Toriyama chose Goku continuing being the hero, not because of a backlash.
Piccolo sacrificing all of humanity to buy time for Goten and Trunks. Once he did that, he stopped being a hero.
eh, death lost all meaning in dragon ball ages ago. Really we saw the afterlife and it's chill as fuck. All that happened after getting killed was Chichi, Bulma, Videl and Debby sat around drinking tea talking about love.
You can just read the interviews with AT.
>Don't buy time time for Goten and Trunks
>everyone dies anyway and stays dead
How the hell did goten and trunks become super saiyan?
The question is this: if they've became super saiyan at a young age so easily, then why aren't they a lot stronger than their dads or Gohan? It would be only logical.
Only logical explanation is that half saiyans blow their loads early
Pan is doomed the same fate.
so much better.
pilaf and gang are just annoying characters and are essentailly ed, edd, and eddy.
Super also LOVES throwing in at least 1 full minute of shitty food product placement in each individual episode
it's just jarring watching Super at times.
>Stuff is built up only to be tossed aside. Most infamously Gohan being built up as the new hero only for Majin Boo to turn the tables and gets absorbed
>power scaling is all over the place
>It drags on too long
>The main villain is too OP with nonsensical powers and is completely irrelevant to previously established story material
>The ending sucks and confirms Goku as a selfish asshole who cares only for training and fighting.
I don't hate it but there's plenty of reasons to do so.
the writing is crappy but the animation's good. also the character interactions are more mature since everyone's old as fuck
well vegeto knew about boo keeping the gang inside of him so he tricked boo into using his last trump card : absorption
>>forgetting his years of training and experience just to study
You clearly didn't get Gohan if you thnk that's negative
Beats me, I enjoyed it way more than the beyond overrated Frieza saga. At least this one brought back the humor and made Hercule Satan into a likable character. Also Videl is best grill.
So did the rest of DBZ,
Trunks's father was close to becoming Super Saiyan before he was conceived, Goten's father was already a Super Saiyan so he was able to do it one year earlier than Trunks, makes the most sense to me.
finally someone gets it, everyone is a cocky asshole for no real reason all of a sudden and jobs incredibly hard, Buu is also really unsatisfying as an enemy since every time people do damage to him he just regenerates from cells or fucking absorbs them its so dull
I think Buu's transformation should stop at Gotenks to show he's THAT powerful of a boost at a very young age and Gohan should be fighting him toe-to-toe and finishes the series by defeating Buutenks. They should just do an epilogue where they show Goku being proud and shit, the end.
The only good thing Buu Saga gave me was a fine boner when Buu absorbed Gotenks. The thought of the goo covering him slowly makea my dick hard. Might be a hidden vore fetish I didn't know about back then.
Van Zant. That guy was so fucking retarded.
He just loved to kill things with no rhyme or reason. That much was obvious when he shot the puppy and that elderly couple.
Too silly, not enough Zfaggotry. I'm gonna read Dragon Ball, any good scans lying around?
Frieza saga was considered great because it was the original.
Androids and Cell were the best.
You could just buy it, it's super cheap now.
I think the 3-in-1 releases are totally uncensored too so you can see all the underaged boobs and penises you want.
You can find them everywhere now without having worry about the atrocious 90s scans.
The original what?
Cell is my favorite villain but androids themselves sucked. 18 was hot though.
I actually really liked the SOL and tournament part.
Maybe because they never trained? The only characters in the Dragon Ball verse that have keep training despite everything are Goku, Vegeta and Tenshinhan(after super I don't know anymore about him)
I don't think Super matters, according to Toriyama both Tenshinhan and Chaozu became farmers. Though there might have been a nod to that in a new movie, or maybe Super.