>look at pictures of the aftermath of Bataclan
>blood everywhere smeared on the floor
>look at pictures of the aftermath of Vegas
>no blood
What gives?
>look at pictures of the aftermath of Bataclan
>blood everywhere smeared on the floor
>look at pictures of the aftermath of Vegas
>no blood
What gives?
It's like the people in Vegas were outside on grassy ground or something on a much larger space
show me some pics of blood on the grass then
It was also fucking night time, OP really is a retard
Why don't you go there yourself and look?
Blood stops flowing at the time of death, retard.
Vegas peeps were just shot dead.
Bataclan victims were tortured.
Fuck off shills
Wrong in all accounts.
Ask that Bilzerian faggot, he made some instagram video while running and clapping
dirt absorbs blood jack hole
Wow Nancy Drew, you solved it.
Go fuck yourself and stop play armchair detective.
>JDF shills
Bataclan guys spent hours mutilating the bodies of the individuals attending.
Dude in America was shooting from hundreds of meters away.
Maybe because the bullets were going slower by the time they reached people and wouldnt have blown people apart and would just look like people with holes in them
bullets don't leave much blood. especially tiny .223s. also its dark and there is grass to obscure blood and soil to soak it up
> people will claim this was staged
it was dark and vegas is hot
You can see the blood in the dirt
they were also tortured and dragged around at bataclan.
>take picture of drunk passed out people after a hella awesome concert
>hurr durr dey wuz shot
There was no one there to stab and dismember stragglers.
Durrr dez is all crysus acturz. They were paid $50 to lie completely motionless for 4 hours until they were loaded in an """""""ambulance""""""". /pool/ is always right.
Pretty sure most of the blood was from all the nuts and other appendages they cut off.
Guy in blue in dirt clearly has a blood trail
Stupid fuck, they don't bother with that shit they just shoot the people, they dont give a single fuck about human life
I think most of the deaths in Vegas happened from trampling, not from the gunshots themselves. Americans are obese- especially country music fans, and trample each other to death all the time. If they were skinnier, then the death toll would be far less.
Where did you get that. That's literally the first I hear of it, and believe me it would be known if this was true.
There is shit that happened at Bataclan that wasn't reported by the media. Rapes, disembowelment and beheading to name a few.
they cut peoples genitals off, Muslims are animals
Have you been living under a rock? First responders were traumatized by what they witnessed in there.
It was literally hidden from the public for about a year.
Weren't the Bataclan people tortured for hours?
Burgers have fat in their veins.
wtf? what happend??
So 50 people died from trampling? top kek
my ausbro, newfags and shills are out in force.
Just try and expose them + post facts, move on.
Us burgers don't bleed.
Fuck off CIA. Shills working overtime to push discrediting narrative this was a hoax.
Pregnant women cut open with knives n whatnot.
Real muzzie shit.
babbies first redpill
I'm fucking pissed
Arabs are animals mate.
I already knew that, but this affirms that in my eyes and hardens my resolve.
The fact that the government covered this shit up is honestly fucking horrifying.
Dude would not have any muscle control if he was dead. His legs are crossed and his arms are up and looks like he has a cell ph in his ear waiting for instructions! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
If it was real, total disregard of emergency med staff of L vegas nowhere to be seen! Just leaving lumps of counturds on the ground!?
People..... Think?!!! Does this look remotely real? If you were there, wouldnt you be helping the injured if they were? Wake Up Faggots
Then how do you know about it you literal retarded faggot
There were 22,000 people at the Route 91 harvest Festival. Its a very likely scenario that many of the dead were killed by trampling.
Mulan Szechuan dipping sauce.
>implying americans bleed as much as pansy ass foreigners.
The agenda is more important than the truth.
>post reasons why it might not be so bloody at a night concert on the grass and dirt instead of a brightly lit auditorium
the absolute state of retards rn
Was pretty easy to find tbqh desu. You should try harder.
American emergency personnel are the greatest in the world. They captured all of the blood before it spoiled and transferred it to the closest children's hospitals because the children are our future.
literally period blood
I doubt that. But you're entitled to your opinion.
>Read article.
>sources pretty flimsy
Still believable given Muslims.
OP, I legitimate suspect that you have paranoid schizophrenia if you really believe what you say. Or you're just trolling.
are you retarded?
Too much fat in the way.
These people were tortured for 2 hours before the pussy Paris police stormed the building.
>59 dead
It's fucking nothing
We hate you.
You missed the blood stained eye of horus
does he still get paid?
Get the fuck out