This Las Vegas "Execution" has all the hallmarks of a Mossad hit. Why now? With the refusal of Iran and North Korea to accept Rothschilds Central Banks, the Zionists have decided to crack down on domestic policies in the USA so that they can genocide more Gazans and Palestinians to make way for the Israeli superstate - Greater Israel.
Lets look at some data. First, the site of the supposed shooter - the Mandalay Hotel. As anyone aquainted with Freemasons knows that the Thirty Third Degree Freemason rank is also known as the Order of the Mandalay. And the target of the supposed attack - Trump supporters.
Why them? This is in the hopes that Right Wing Milita rise up, throwing the USA into turmoill.
Jason Aldean, a country music singer, began his performance at the Route 91 Harvest. Lets do the Numerology or Geomatria as the talmudic Zionists call it -
9:40 + J.A.S.O.N.A.L.D.E.A.N + H.A.R.V.E.S.T + 91 = 666. 666 is of course the Mark of the Beast. Lets look at the Jewish "Star of David" which is nothing but the star of lucifer himself
6 points
6 Triangles
6 intercies
= 666
Also, notice, none of the people killed exist on facebook, all of them are Jewish crisis actors. Check it for yourself - all of the accounts contain EXACTLY the same friends, and all accounts have no information on them past June 2017. How did they get these complicit actors? Who controls Hollywood? the Jews. Jewish actors will swear secrecy to the Zionist cause for fear of the Zionists creating another rothschilds funded Hitler, which is how they keep the lower levels of Jews in line - regular pogroms
I will post more data as it comes in