Mysterious towers pop up in New York
>Towers pop up through out the city
>MTA, which is apparently in charge of these towers "cant" tell what they are for

What did the mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

some bump

faggot they look for radiological and other types of bomb stuffs. this has been retread more than my ex's vagine

they are probably infrastructure for a new spying network around the city.

its also rumored its some antiriot device that somehow disperses masses of people (some kind of sonic weapon like allegedly used in cuba the other day?)

this. hasn't nyc had them for years?
it's like a main plot point in 24

Bump. Schwat the fuck are these?!

A nuke ready to detonate


Yes, they have. This isn't some grand habbenig

the one in cuba was undetectable by the human ear, counter to how you'd want to disperse a crowd/mob

i've been wondering about these
t. new yorker

inaudible noises scare meeee

Isn't 24 on CBS which is itself CIA-BS

it doesnt need to scare you, just make you unable to riot/defend yourself

new sensors and recog cams




I'm working on her right now. You've got good taste, bro.

makes you ill

Tfw they emit psywaves that make everyone passive and submissive.

Then UN moves in and rolls out the nwo

that thing looks like it's about to fall over

this seems likely. they are said to be near bridges and tunnels and thus fitting. and the higher part of the tower looks like multiple ones of some kind of lamp which could be infrared.
so basically another system of survaillance

They already admitted to developing the tech and were talking about trialling it years ago.

>Tfw cyberpunk timeline
>Silent noise anti-riot weaponry
>Checkpoints, extra security, baggage checking
>Facial recognition technology in public
>Overcrowded "diverse" cities
>Big companies being evil (Google/Nestle)
>Erosion of freedoms one by one
>Police presence in public areas
>Mass surveillance
>Sex bot waifus

They're just mega-vapes

stop man i hate taking the blackpill



5g towers?

>Americans are so "free" they don't even know what next-level brain melting tech the Gov is putting up around them

protip: thumb in her bum

New York sounds like a prison. I'm sure it's not though. Can't imagine living in that kind of environment. Creepy.


I worked on these, they are radiation detection and car tracking systems. They will tell you which car is carrying which radioactive substance. They are being tested in New York and plan to be rolled out to all major cities. This is the narrative given to us at least.

High decibel sounds can fuck you up regardless if you can hear it or not.

They're used in the PRISM surveillance program.

See pic for example of function.

I live close to there. Will knock it over in 30 minutes!

big if true

Why are we trying to track radiation in our urban areas?

saw that some days ago. but any proof that is real? i mean i dont doubt the systems work like that already, but still it could be just edited afterwards

This is person of interest tier surveillance system. Damn, they already had a system to track gunshots as well as a system which detects possible criminals based on the way they move and other patterns, now this.

I guess 9/11 was great for the US. Truly gave them carte blanche to spy on everyone and everything.

If you faggots ever needed a gun to protect yourselves against your government, it is now or never/

they detect radiation. stop nk and others walking a bomb in

All worth it for your last line.

We're already in a cyberpunk world.
>constant surveillance by companies such as Google, Facebook who can profile billions of people
>so much shit added to food these days you can't safely tell what's really safe for consumption
>mass control of speech via political correctness, also trying to instill a thought police with what's allowed to be said and what isn't
>people who dare to go against the establishment's stances might get ostracized, persecuted, demonized and fired
>technology is favoring automation of everything, self-driving cars, and many are unaware of the dangers those kind of things
>technology is also making people dumber by the minute, people who get lost if they don't have the GPS on 24/7, constant use of tech as a substitute for people's own's attributes, as the spatial memory vs GPS issue

"muh we need it to proteks us from the dirty bombs."

The fourth amendment is toilet paper at this point

NBC/CBRN detectors

fear not my child, they are there for your protection

They could be giant microphones listening for gunfire.

living in NYC and moving elsewhere gives you the same feeling; there's a prison in the isolation of rural america.

here, though, we can be brothers.

bingo hello friendo

Its an x-ray for cars to detect guns and other shit.

How would it stop anything? It takes about 5 minutes to get through the tunnel

i dont know. getting xrayed everytime you pass that tower doesnt seem too healthy.

the weirdest thing is that they arent telling what they are for

We are so fucked

this is very real, you can see it in action here
also check this

t. American freedom

the fuk?!

...but they all look the same

Underated kek

sounds like a job for the snake

>not posting best snake

Jesus fuck.

They are radiation detectors. Mobile nuclear device(s) are presently someplace on the North American continent. They're only detectable during transport, otherwise they are secured and shielded.

Shame we don't have these towers instead, but with an American flag decal and set to kill mudslimes instead.

Build ten thousands twin tower replica fortresses with death rays all throughout the middle east to kill billions of muzzies and permanently claim all the derka land as american clay.

Welcome to 2017....this is real. Tech is impressive right?

For inquiries:

Remember kids just because you can doesn't mean you should.



How fast would the police response be if someone tried to take it apart/break it

probably instantaneous

Can't see where the sound is supposed to come from though, it has to let out the air some place. Frankly they could have accomplished this a lot easier

try it out. report back

Unnecessary, it's probably capable of electrifying, either that or vast amounts of details will be taken while trying to crack it.

mysterious pylon here, please give me affection and i will be good to humans

I bet it is a fart detector. That has to be it, they are going to fine you for farting and polluting

Fuck your surveillance system, it's an unconstitutional new piece of technology and doesn't fulfill the contract of the common law between the trust of the people and their representatives. Since they won't tell the citizens of America what it is and keep shutting their mouths who are paying for this shit with their taxes then it's illegal and we the people have the right to not obey it and serve the tyranny of the system.

If you're part of this you're my enemy and the enemy of the constitution.

Its not me saying it I'm just living up to the words of the Founders and this amazing country. You and anyone else serving this cyberpunk system using the unconstitutional PRISM program that Snowden exposed will be prosecuted and jailed if you don't stop...or hunted down when the time is right.

If you don't protest against this project and quit your job over this unconstitutional program you are worse than Benedict Arnold.

I care about truth over loyalty. And Constitution over safety or working for the system.

So, if you and your fellow fucks who work for any unconstitutional agencies agree and serve this prison system against the wishes of the citizens of America, you are automatically my enemy.

If this country falls into civil war as the Washington Prophecy foresaw in the 1700s, and Soros succeeds with this Color Revolution/American Spring/CIA subversion of the nation, and you don't turn against it or the corrupt leaders you will serve during the war, I will end you. With righteous anger. Not hate. Justice.

So, carefully decide whose side you will be on. Because America isn't only going into Civil War, it will be invaded by Russia and China as well as George Washington foresaw in his vision.

If you side with this system and you nuke New York as it is planned and written on the new 100 dollar bill, you will die a traitors death.

And I will ensure it.

But today - you still have a chance to repent and become a true Patriot.

Choose wisely.

Surveillance, idiot.

Explosive, chemical, and radiation detectors.

Get em boy!

You will finally have to get fart filters for your underpants now. I ... I knew this day would come eventually

I wonder what the tax stamp on those will cost

this I'm concerned because I can promise you they are getting them here too, if they know they can drag shekels out of you and blame it on global warming, they will do it

>If you're part of this you're my enemy and the enemy of the constitution.

I'm not related to the company / surveillance industry at all...just concerned and want to spread awareness.

The fact that people are still unaware that this tech / PRISM exists is very worrying to me. People act like surveillance on this level is a far fetched idea out of a scifi novel..but nah it's here and it's unconstitutional. Didn't anyone listen to Snowden?

Bless you user, we will triumph in the end.

It doesn’t feel dystopian at all. Yeah it’s a ton of people and the poverty is off the charts in some areas but it’s actually really fun living here