Fuck. It's literally impossible to argue against this
Fuck. It's literally impossible to argue against this
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Responsible hands means no rural and suburban retards goyim.
fuck off
Holy shitfuck she types like an ape
Plenty of people want to ban guns entirely. Hillary wanted to "look into" australia's gun ban.
You're so worthless you're paid to post on an imageboard. Nobody calls to ask how you are because nobody cares about your insignificant degeneracy filled life.
Its not the NRA you need to worry about its us if you try to fuck with our rights.
t. non NRA member
>300 replies
What counts as "responsible hands"?
i-is this the power of Ashkenazim IQ?
Ours worked until we imported terrorists and 3rd worlders
Sure it is: "You've been arguing to take our guns in far more explicit terms before now, now because you realize you're losing you've changed your position to make it seem more moderate, but I'm not stupid and unlike you I don't have the memory of a goldfish. The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have."
Chosen hands you filthy goy.
they can ban guns but it would just set up a black market that would lead to untraceable weapons.
go after why people are violent and people won't want the fucking guns.
My dad and sister want guns completely banned and they aren't really extreme left too.
Let’s make a bet Sup Forums
10 burger bucks says this faggot will only post once. Any takers
>no one wants to take your guns
>we just want to take your guns
>liberals talk about those controlling us when they don't have the white house
If they were just more consistent in their shit I wouldn't hate them
I like that the GOA is over looked everytime and they are more hardlined than the NRA.
And niggers and sandniggers are perfectly responsible because saying they aren't would be racist.
>we don't want control
>but we want control
No need to change anything because some VERY RARE EVENT occurs.
>Ours worked until we imported terrorists and 3rd worlders
No it didn't work, that why you now have terrorists and 3rd worlders.
State control doesn't plateau, every right you let them take gives them power. If the citizens of Australia, the UK, and many other nations in the West had stood up for themselves then our cities wouldn't be filled with niggers.
if sarah silverman is for it, i'm automatically against it
She's lying through her teeth. Of course she wants to take people's guns.
yeah now notice australia doesn't have hundreds of people getting gunned down every month
My brother is the same way, he's terrified of guns even though we were raised around them. Pisses me off but nothing you can do about it but hope they never get their way. What's weird is my old man is more left than right and he's very pro gun.
what kind of retard would read a tweet by that ignorant whore?
>Give us your guns goyim, ahahahahahahahahhahaha
Wut dew thse ppl knot understand abt govt takeovr?
I never understood this desu, can you just buy guns without background checks?
There are over 21000 gun related laws on the books now. Tell me more about how laws stop this?
>No one wants to take your guns
>Clinton literally did take people's guns
>Obama tried to on several occasions
>Left most states all essentially ban """""Assault weapons""""" and heavily regulate handguns
I fucking hate leftists
>"""Responsible hands"""
The guy had no criminal history and no mental health issues.
Ever notice how Australia doesn't have millions of niggers?
Fucking jew whore. How many times do we have to repeat it to you kike communists...
Did she have a stroke or some other form of brain injury?
Well yeah, we dont have the protection from government tyranny that the US has.
why does anyone care what she thinks about politics? she's a moron
Responsible as defined by them.
What's that, your a centrist? No guns for you.
hillary is already looking way past standard gun control
>also 911, noice
Well most extreme left are buying guns these days. Sounds like your dad and sister are part of the endangered species centrist class.
Because isn't attentionwhores like the NRA, GOA focuses on important shit over triggering gun grabbers. GOA is a much better organisation but the NRA does well distracting the anti gunners.
that goes the same for any other crackhead Hollywood dipshit
Too bad it works.
They also have a fifteenth of our population, so good comparison
The fuck fucked this bitch twisted?
she used to be really funny
fuck you Sup Forums you ruined her by getting blumpf elected
Hold it right there sucka
most mass shootings are whites
per capita it's not even comparable
>not changing everything in an overblown ridiculous display of resource wasting bravado because of an outlier event that isn't even really that big of a deal when compared with the greater scheme of things
It's like you're not even an American.
Based nip. One of the all time best posts.
No. At least not in my state. Private sales maybe, I've never bought a gun outside of a gun store though.
>Well yeah, we dont have the protection from government tyranny that the US has.
Americans don't have it either. However they were lucky enough to not inherit the nanny state, busybody culture of Britain.
Notice how you're getting nigger riots and home invasions.
The shooter was a multi-millionaire real-estate developer. He was also on no "watch-list".
So the jews in hollywood want to control gun ownership. Is that what it said?
Mn I rly ht ppl who abbrvt evrthyng. Dont u 2?
pick one
Hah, female "comedians"
who is this (((them))) she speaks of, i wonder?
These people dont understand the government is retarded as fuck and would only end up taking guns away from innocent people that actually need them. While criminals would continue to break the law.
Posting in a slide thread and not writing "sage" in Options field is a bannable offense
>most mass shootings are whites
Do you understand that a couple of white mass shootings doesn't hold up as an argument against the crimes of niggers in the US?
The white crime rates in the US are equivalent to that of Europe. Go see crime rates in Canada as another example of this, (canada also being a country with countless guns).
Die cuntess
>responsible hands
If she actually felt that way, she'd demand stop-and-frisk in every major city to remove the illegal guns from hands of feral niggers who use them against innocents the most of all groups.
Instead, she wants you to think that her "control" is anything other than a grab where 99% of us would be considered ineligible because, well, we're Trump voters, so we're "CRAZY" by her libkike definition.
This liberal retard posturing is tired, I wish these kikes would just fuck off.
(((responsible hands))) indeed.
Replace gun control with voter ID, abortion or welfare.
You were probably just young when you thought she was funny. I thought the same thing but with age I've realised most of her jokes are just edgy potty jokes. I like her voice though, people say it's screechy but I like it.
>making sure guns go in2 responsible hands
So, you mean universal background checks. As in, the government has a record of everybody that buys a gun.
Why don't you ask the DACAfags if you can trust a government registration list and get back to me.
no guns for goy
You make it sound all reasonable while using vague words like "responsible people" and "reasonable measures" so that later when you outright ban them you say you meant the government and its agents all along.
Plz don't, ever since our gun ban violent crime has only gotten much worse.
Every country without guns is far more cucked than the US. They're pushing the line with everything in those countries even in the US. A pack of smokes is over $20 in Australia, Germany gets a big fuck you when it comes to refugees as does Britain. They won't go that far here yet because as a population we have an option to revolt.
>the NRA is now an experimental weapons manufacturer
Were Democrats always this fucking stupid?
Sounds like shes high as fuck
I know people who want all guns banned. They do exist. Silvercunt probably does too. She’s just a lying midget.
No, we just get carjacked and robbed by violent Somalis the government imported recently. Look at our crime statistics since the gun ban, apparently it has made us less safe.
I think most people would be for sensible gun control, but nobody has put forth a policy that makes any sense and doesn't infringe upon the second amendment right.
Hell, Obummer and his cronies tried pushing the no fly list and suspected terrorist list, sounds good and well right? Well if American citizens are put on that list, they lost their second amendment right without due process. That's a huge problem.
It's like the feminism is about equality argument
nice try
that's jewjitsu
You can if you get them from niggers in the hood or sketchy red necks in the middle of buttfuck nowhere.
No licensed gun store is allowed to sell firearms without background checks and shit.
The big argument against gun control is there's 300,000,000 guns in the united states and as soon as you have to turn them in or something there will be 250,000,000 guns lost in tragic boating accidents only to end up on the black market.
As a Jew, maybe she should think
>I should shut the fuck up about these issues. I have problems with this place and perhaps go to Israel, where I really belong
If anyone needs to be shot, it's this fat fucking shekike.
Of course no one wants bad people to get guns, but it's impossible to determine that.
The laws she is calling for already exists.
Let someone try to take guns from the American population. Let's see how that would go.
Do you guys know that Brazil used to be safe?
Then the government made lots of anti-gun propaganda and, despite losing a referendum on the matter, created laws suppressing most of the right to have guns for good citizens.
look how peaceful Brazil is now. Take note, america.
I'll also add that the cops just had a gum amnesty for guns people aren't supposed to have because our gun laws are working just great! Turns out criminals don't care about the law, who would've thought?
Explain More
>extreme left
>wanting to ban guns
This is a meme, leftists support the right to bear arms. How else are the workers meant to seize the means of production?
That's our argument too, liberals should not have guns.
The trouble is that anything that even IS reasonable (and I honestly can't think of anything that is) is just a stepping stone to further restrictions. You can't give an inch, it's been proven that complete confiscation is what they're after. Some of them have even admitted it.
Now, that said - one thing I thought of was to open up NICS to non-FFL holders. Two regular joes who are already on paper for various gun- or security-related things but that don't know each other could agree to call NICS, voluntarily, and seller can vet buyer. Lots of people simply won't (I would be one of these people), but some people would. The net result would be more background checks for p2p transactions. Trouble is, the second that gets passed, a bill would be proposed to make it mandatory, as I mentioned before. So fuck them. They can have reasonable shit when they start acting reasonably. And reasonability goes both ways - NFA needs to go away in its entirety.
Republicans tried at least twice to put in an amendment to the no-fly-no-buy bill to account for due process and the DEMS voted it down. That was entirely their fault. It's because they don't want compromise.
>Notice how you're getting nigger riots and home invasions.
Don't forget the lootings and store holdups.
I feel for you guys because I think you have finally had your version of Port Arthur.
This is how they get the legal firearms off the streets. Meanwhile, the criminals, who have them illegally anyway, will continue to have them and the shootings won't stop. The only people disarmed are the law abiding citizens.