Ummm guys...
Ummm guys
It was even called "Harvest festival"
surely a coincidence!
That's a penis.
Harvest Festival 91
Zoiks, like dem digits Scoob!
can anyone else load that google map that was made?
oh shit... was this a sacrificial ritual?!
zoinks look at that get scoobs
why the 32nd floor and not the 33rd?
i bet an illegal alien gave him the wrong room key
it's like a little egypt
a blood sacrifice in front of the sphinx
Looks like they fucked up.
benis :DDDDDD
>be American
>think that plywood and plaster replica of sphinx has magical power
keking at you suburban plebs
vegina :DD
What am I supposed to be seeing? It's a fucking parking lot.
holy shit underrated
only 90's kids will get this reference
oh shit!
The buildings have no power, the idea does.
You don't know what those symbolize, do you?
Or who uses those symbols?
What am I supposed to be looking at here?
Anyone see based A5 predict this? Let's try to summon him ITT
Benis and vegene.
no fucking shit?? wow. This is definitely a doing by the archons. They are harvesting our negative energy
>as above, so below
When did scooby go from being a cartoon to shitty CGI?
The only ideas I associate with anything in las vegas are ugly ass trash architecture and fat rednecks eating themselves to death at buffets in between runs to the slot machines
Fly, fly, Little Sebastian...
is everyone larping as conspiracy theory retards today or what?
>summon him ITT
we've had better luck getting kim "rocketman" jung un.
Harvest festival was supposedly powered by Sirius(radio)
"33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike identified the star Sirius as the “blazing star” of the masonic lodges."
I remember when that was the shit. Looking back, it fucking sucked, but I’ll still remember it fondly. NOW WHERES THE RULE34 OF FUTA FEMALE SHAGGY!?!?
>Jews still trying to trick people into believing they built the pyramids.
it's a cute knockoff, but pretty sad DESU
That pyramid is called the Luxor pyramid
>The ominous black pyramid of the Luxor Casino-Hotel is the largest in America: 36 stories tall.
>The Sphinx is 110 feet tall, a full two stories taller than the original. At one time, supposedly, it projected the word "Luxor" onto the obelisk in front of it from light beams in its eyes -- although we've never actually seen that.
Look at that hotty country chick in the back. Anyone got sauce?
32nd floor, because the harvest was needed as a sacrifice to reach 33rd
The 32nd floor IS the 33rd floor when you count that floor 13 is skipped.
BODIES Inside the Luxor.
Clark county emblem has pedo symbol
fuck off dude. You are mentally unstable.
>Frank chooses three points
>Frank claims if you connect them they make a triangle
Spooky. You must be psychic
>the bad guy lures unsuspecting vacationers to a hotel resort to absorb their souls through a pyramid device
what did... they...
The Facebook isn't even the same guy
sounds like a great place to perch multiple snipers wearing black, at night, on multiple surfaces/angles of attack.
nah dog she got thunder thighs
wouldn't that would make it the 31'st?
Bad things happen in October
Fucking Halloween
Reeks of Mason
Atta boy Scoob
why do you shills keep saying this? he picked 3 points and you think it's a coincidence that they happen to be a triangle? your fucking retarded
Route 91 festival on Oct 1.
91 on 10/1.
No 13th floor
Harvest festival presented by Sirius
hoyl shit that is the shape of my penis
(22)000 people
On my way
32nd floor, 2 windows blown out.
replying for visibility
That exhibit moves across the country it's pretty good desu
illegal alien detected!
They can't keep getting away with it
Wtf am I looking at? A tunnel? A slide? What?
Let's be honest here guys these theories are getting autistic
So basically we have
>Route 91 "harvest" festival by "sirius"
>On 10/1 so 91101
> from 33 floor(inc ground floor?)
> on 22000 people
> in front of pyramid
> in triangle formation crowd/pyramid/shooter
Shooter doa. Umm cool. Seems legit. Funny coincidence. Not occult at all
>take 3 random points
>draw lines between them
And a goat
>in front of pyramid
and an obelisk
It is an Animism symbol.
Zoinks! It's just like the first real-life scooby movie!
>And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Sup Forums and that meddling frog too.
Fair call. Touch of embellishment.
>and there definitely wasnt a blood stained eye of horus left on bataclan on fri 13th
>Bush just happen to be reading pet goat
Believe what u will
your missing
> in front of lexor pyramid
>Lexor is the same as Thebes, the city of temples in Egypt
>33 levels high
>capstone is illuminated at night
>las vegas itself is located right on the edge of the 33 latituded
more coming I'm sure, this is just what I've found now
Human transmutation?
the memes are unreal. just unreal.
I believe this
A group that conspires can not simply exist without a string of conspiracies against each member of the group. Therefore uroboros. The day it makes sense is when each member of the group ends up dead from the smaller conspiracies that all enacted upon eachother.
Also god says. Lel and they all lived happily ever after the end.
>Ummm guys...
What am I missing here besides the fact that the sphinx head looks like a pecker
Pyramids all over Edmonton too. Some jihadi went full derka there the day prior. Pictured, clockwise from top left:
- West Edmonton Mall logo
- pyramid at the Imax theatre at mall
- Muttart conservatory
- City Hall
Excellent taste.
I liked the body that was just the circulatory system.
Wait, if we dig deeper into previous attacks and occult shit, couldn't we make an accurate map of potential areas for the next "sacrifice"? Then we'd be proven right when something actually occurs at those locations.