Comes out tomorrow

this girl is kawaii

You can't call this vanilla right? What's even higher than vanilla?

Why does she have a butthole for a mouth?

Already came out on monday.

She was talkin' shit.

What an ugly bra

>doesn't like fruit themed bras

Oh good, I can pick this back up in non-potato quality.

source ?
user help me
the only fap material i have are LL, Tattoo , HxH this season

Why do you masturbate to Hunter x Hunter?

Do the panties match the bra? Because if strawberry panties... Hnnnghhh.

>not masturbating to Topgashi's woman

It's absolute pottery because I dropped this last season due to shithouse quality and now it's being TV released.

>you will never fuck a loli with strawberry pantsu

Fucking slut.

What anime is that from?






File name is just AOTS




You're awful at this, user. Please turn on anti-aliasing and test your images over a dark background to get rid of any pixels you've missed

i want the source on this too

i need fap material

It must be hard not being able to read

AOTS? That's the name of the show?

Doesn't AOTS stand for Anime Of The Season? Isn't that a term people use for the anime they thought was the best of that season? Am I retarded?

The name is read the thread you illiterate fuck

user wasn't that bad. The first three looked good.

Pitou is pretty fucking hot

Is it Momokuri?


Anybody knows who's gonna sub this? It's not even on fansubdb


So what's going on with this?

Are they just releasing two episodes a week from the ONA?

Was anything done to them, like touchups or anything?

I'm sorry, but Ai Kakuma's voice does funny things to my pants.

>It's absolute pottery because I dropped this last season due to shithouse quality

did the quality improve? Didn't watch this last season

It was released awhile ago as an ONA I just happened to watch it last season. There was only shitty web quality floating around until now.

Who is this Sakurako rip off?

I bet you'd berry your dick in there