This is certainly a magical index

>this is certainly a magical index

Other urls found in this thread:

>fukou da

>this is certainly a scientific railgun

>Kayo... We really were Boku dake ga Inai Machi
I've got nothing.

>and now I know. The meaning of. This chars counter attack

>Matoi Ryuuko, you've finally become a Kill La Kill

>Amazing! So this is the true power of Heavy Objects!

>We're just some kids on the slope I guess!

>>this is certainly a magical index
Does the Magical Index herself ever became relevant after the beginning? I haven't been following, but it just seems she stopped mattering very quickly.


I think there was one time she did something but for the most part it's just hinted that she's potentially relevant

>Finally I have become Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo

>Index herself

"And so I pray, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works."

Who is this Index you speak of?

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>"well you're probably wondering how i got here"

>So You are Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress?

>...and that was how I became Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit.

>Welcome to the N.H.K.!
stopped watching after that.

Biba might been a shit villain but at least he made memes real

"It's your fate, stay the night"

I hate this meme.

haaaa b/c it's the last line geddit

>and with this I am finally the Tokyo Ghoul

not bad

Haruue in the thread!


Haruue is cute. Do you agree?

Yea, yea I do. I want to see more of her in the series at some point whenever they have time to write her in but I'm not going to get my hopes up as everyone seemed to be obsessed with Touma and Mikoto and Accel etc. She eats a lot like Index.

Kamisato >>> Touma

Fuck off, Ellen.

Kill yourself Claire

Tfw no Haruue figure. How are you supposed to have a collection?

Mii's boyfriend>>>>Kamisato>>>Touma.

>take a million screencaps
>print them
>get into 3D modeling

>I'm Space Patrol Luluco
Really Trigger?

He really should have had Toumas ability. He could accomplish a lot more and make better use of it.

>Learn 3D modelling
>Buy the best 3D printer you can find
>Print hundreds of figurines

You don't love your waifu.

>It really was a Ghost Slide

You can't just print figurenes user, they would look horrific.

>Morning star desu ne


>I sure do like seeing girls in a One Piece.

Some user finally cracked this shit.

>Theory time! I pretty sure I've figured this shit out. My guess is Kuroko was givin some sort of power boost from that shit fuck she was doing to experiments with and he did something to Mii which is why she went missing. During that exp I'm guessing she was able to develop her time ability and it wore off after he hurt Mii and in order to get that ability back to save her he's having Kuroko steal all this shit and hurt these people such as the people in the building and Saten (RIP). That would explain why she's so determined to do all this shit even if it means killing her friends because in the end she can save everybody if she just completes whatever he's making her do. When you think of it this way it makes Mikoto seem like the bad person always getting in her way. That's why she was crying when fighting her as well. Not because she was hurt but because she couldn't explain to her what the truth actually was before Kongou came and fucked shit up.

>Wasting your time with this shit anime for more than two episodes
>Actually watching two whole seasons instead of doing literally anything else

That's a pretty good theory.

This right here proves Kuroko is a good girl!

lmao'd when he actually said that

>Don't become a puella magi Madoka magica.

Kuroko x Homura Time travel art when?

Kuroko was always a good girl.

>No, this is not the police station in front of Kameari Park in Edogawa Ward. This is the police station in front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward.

You guys are forgetting that it's just a theory. None of its proven true so far. As of now Kuroko is still a cold blooded killer.

Sadly enough I would love for this to happen. You have disturbingly good taste.

>autistic Haruueposter shitting up a thread that isn't even supposed to be strictly raildex


I would want Mikoto to walk in and see it and have hurt feelings. She wouldn't be able to hide her emotions right away so we'd get a brief glimpse of her sad face before she composted herself and said she didn't care and stormed out. Kurok would chase her outside and eventually teleport onto her and apologize and they'd have a good cry together and agree their friendship is more important than a boy.

>and they'd have a good cry together and agree their friendship is more important than a boy.
More like it would end up with Touma going fukou da as they take turns in fuckin him for the whole night without rest even though he hadnt eaten in days and hanst slept for the last 43 hours after punching a random madman in the other side of the planet.

I've only watched the show. Can someone tell me what did you mean by this

They didn't mean anything.

>I have attained code geass

In short Kuroko is a heartless individual and teleported Saten off of a building.

>did she survive?
No she's confirmed kill.

Nonexistant fanfiction by shitposting anons trying to remind people that the irrelevant teleporting homo side character still exists.

>not papercraft
>not spending time and care crafting the perfect figure of your waifu
Step it up.

accelerator was cool but after that it just became worse than SAO

>unironically watching four seasons of this unfiltered garbage

>Accel is cool

Yea if you think being the toughest esper in the series only to look like a pathetic joke in the eyes of not even the best magic users is "cool" than ya I guess he is.

Have you ever been shot in the face

You think I'm joking you idiot bitch? The magic in this series is fucking rediculus. I shit you not when I say a woman who isn't even considered strong in this series literally owns a sword that can cut through space and time. Theoretically that bitch could stab Accel from the comfort of her toilet seat.

I'm going to enjoy this ReLIFE to the fullest!

And where's that magic sword now? It and its wielder were nerfed to uselessness thanks to Touma and Double Jesus.

The thing here is that magic users in this series generally start out on a high pedestal and then get nerfed into the ground once their weaknesses are brought to light.

Double Jesus himself? Brought down to Single Jesus and then subsequently brought down to normal magic user (in the non-meme sense).

The guy with the I WIN button in his right hand? Punched by Touma and since then has been brought out only to job.

The other guy with the I WIN right hand? Depowered and delimbed by a non-esper science side chick in a lab coat.

The reality warping goddess? Now a 6-inch-tall parody of herself living in Touma's apartment and occupying the same useless niche Index does, except that she now has to contend with the monster that is the pet housecat.

Accel and Misaka actually get lucky in that they get to continue finding new applications for their powersets.

So just chill already.

I want to lick Othinus

Okay I get what you're trying to do and frankly I'm bored of all these formalities let's just cut the bullshit and get down to brass tacts. Who is going to end up as Satens boyfriend? Please don't hold back as this is only the first stages of this ladder and nothing's going to be made final. I do however ask we keep in within the series.

Those things only happens because Touma is the most OP person in the series.

But Mii could have her boyfriend beat him up anytime she wanted and he's just a side character. How powerful could he be?

I doubt anybody besides Touma has the mental fortitude to deal with the bullshit that comes with his power.

No man that milk guy do do it no sweat and have time to take his girl on dates and shit on top of it all.

That sad thing is he probably thinks you're joking.

>this is certainly a best anison singer

Why is Tōma's ability such fucking bullshit? I only watched 1 season of this and then dropped it because muh dragon hand that kills all other powers and magic is fucking stupid. How much worse does it get in S2 and coilgun?

>After all these years , finally , I have become Bleach

Can somebody explain to me how this isn't just a Index thread?

>this is certainly an index thread

You sure Cowboy'd that Bebop

It's not.

It isn't, some autistic samefagging secondary shitposter that's been fucking with index threads lately couldn't tell the difference.

nice try.

>it's a shitty Sup Forums maymay thread



Poor form. Saten is going to get with sniper-chan.

You print then hold the thing over boiling acetone to smooth out the gradiation.

>but boiling acetone is hella dangerous user
You don't really love your waifu do you.

>You can't beat me, cause we're the Slayers


Her dead career says otherwise.