Was Fox Showing Pedo Symbol a Go-Ahead Signal for Vegas?

This weekend, Fox showed the pedo symbol, on air. VERY CONSPICUOUSLY. There was a thread about this. I wonder if it's a coincidence that it was on Fox, just a few days before the Vegas false flag. There have been many rumors that Fox has been infilitrated with Trump insiders and other good guys, and possibly will even be bought out. Hannity has been signalling stuff, they've lightened wayyyy up on Trump, etc.

Could them airing that symbol, been something they were asked to do as a sign to convince individuals who we're reluctant to participate in a false flag, that Fox is indeed still controlled as well and will be playing ball?

It kinda reminds me of the "E-TEAM" spelled out in the lighted windows of the trade center a few months before it went down. It was a sign to the people in the know that they would indeed be cooperating.

Other urls found in this thread:


yes they were Nambla run the media, its apart of ZOG

What? No.


I think you're onto something. It was surreal seeing it live. Does anyone know which road exactly this took place?



The guy was a pedophile muslim democrat

That looks like the back or side of a truck. Is there any other shots of it? One showing that phone number to the left?

Looks like the pedos also control companies Whig make GPUs

How deep does the rabbit hole go? Is NVIDIA producing GPUs to simulate child sacrifice and spirit cooking in 3d with infinite detail?

whats with all the good goys donating blood? serious question

Good feels due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

No. CP renders best on nvidia with VR setup.


Daily Dose:

Ben Swann:



Hello? Operator? I think this timeline is broken.


>Lily Pad

I'd check your digits, but I wouldn't want to reinforce any preexisting mental illness.

couldve triggered his programming

good catch. This type of communication completely bypasses our legal system, our methods of tracking, it will certainly grow in use in the future.


padlix the patsy

Very cute.


sweaty rand paddy

Thread Theme:


oh fug

Sup Forums needs more nigger dick threads.
plz delet

>1 post by this ID
Slide thread confirmed


I watch Fox here and there, and it's pretty clear to me that while Fox is on Trump's side, they also praise Jews and have them in their discussion panels.

The cocksucking of Jews is what lumps them in with the rest of the MSM, otherwise they're relatively palatable.

>lone gunmen who has a family history of mental illness snaps and kills people

You people are your own worst enemy. You want there to be this boogeyman to exist so bad that you are willing to dive head first into a rabbit hole never to return..

Are your lives that meaningless and boring that you would not only entertain but down right believe that there is some pedo conspiracy linked to Stephen Paddock?

How fucking disconnected do you have to be? You people claim sandy hoax was a hoax, you claim that some pizza owner in D.C is the ring leader of a world wide pedo network and now this? Is it so out of the realm of possibility that some wack job with a mental illness snapped and killed a few people?

Anyways this thread is getting reported, cya.

Why are you so upset though?

Well they do send flags and signals to field ops through MSM all the time. Wouldn't surprise me. Where did Paddock make his money? What did he do with those planes? He used to live in Orlando too, that's pretty close to Jeff Epsteins virgin islands. Maybe that's how he made his money, human trafficking or clientele transport. Way to tie up a loose end and loose lips. You won't ever see security cam footage from the hallways, in his suite, or even him in the hotel lobbies I can guarantee you, because of this.
no way to know if he was actually the one behind the trigger. For all we know the assassins could have knocked on his door, shot him in the head with a sidearm, put the sidearm in his hand, carried out the shooting, and repelled down the elevator shafts...

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I'm used to the /x/-tier tinfoil shit you faggots are always clogging the board with but this is is getting out of hand

Pedo symbols? Come on man

rabbit hole is comfy


filtered you fucking cretin


Sometimes it feels that way, doesn't it?


how is that truck allowed to roam around with that symbol on it? what brand are they trying to advertise with it? all I could make out was 'Workplace'..

Is that from a VN?

trash truck

That's almost the only evidence that company exists.

Some psycho's pixiv, I believe.


Pizzagate transportation or what

ok here we go

if digitz this whole vegas thing is a psyop

We haven't seen the guy's medical history. Maybe he had a terminal illness?

That's a pedo symbol the same way the "okay" hand gesture is a white supremacist gesture.

Wrong, there were already several threads about this


This too, seems quite obvious and more 'bold' than the rest of the papers on the wall. Stands out, so to speak..

Is that relevant to the thread?

That pedo symbol memo on wikileaks is fake as hell.

2007 declassified FBI report.


no, that was the international bat signal, for comet pizza

Lotta people fell for jenkem, too.


kill yourself loony

You know I'm right. All that pedo symbol stuff comes from a single unverified document.



I have a lot of first-hand testimony that corroborates it.


There was a Skyking about 5 minutes before the shooting. Take it as you will.

LOL let's hear it.

isn't that the Gracie Jiu Jitsu symbol?

Wew lad.

>Leeroy Jenkems

What the fuck is going on in this thread

I was always partial to Butthash myself.

I don't know what to tell you.

Maybe they're triggering someone.


are you doing the jeff goldblum thing?
>butt sex



OG thread if anyone wants it

>paddock means frog

Who's tried this? Worth?

That heart symbol is the little girl raper pedo symbol


Who feeling /sleepy/ here?

pretty obvious this was the go signal

good looking out OP

That's what I first thought as well. I'm not confident They would release this information if it were true. Wouldn't want to encourage a rising trend.


Why would pedos have a known identification symbol?

Go hang yourself, pedo. Fall asleep and never ever wake up!

the same exact symbols on Law and Order SVU in 2011, years before pgate even existed.

Nice try shill


I honestly have no idea, maybe they thought we were that fucking stupid and then came the internet

shut the fuck up

Prince Michael Jackson (oldest son) has that logo tattood
saw it on vigilantcitizen

There was a shooting in Las Vegas yesterday, fool. 500+ victims and a massive blood drive campaign.
